Biden Deliberately Going to Trash the Debt Ceiling

Hey, dumb~fuck, THE HOUSE PASSED A BILL!
Your GASLIGHTING is an abject FAIL!!!
Spending cut proposals belong in budget negotiations. Not in a debt ceiling raise. You don't make demands for cuts after the money's already been spent.
Spending cut proposals belong in budget negotiations. Not in a debt ceiling raise. You don't make demands for cuts after the money's already been spent.
They have to know this. I refuse to believe they're that ignorant.

They just won't be honest. Period. No matter what.
Spending cut proposals belong in budget negotiations. Not in a debt ceiling raise. You don't make demands for cuts after the money's already been spent.
They passed a budget bill with spending cuts and raised the debt ceiling you lying pos!!!!!
You fucking demented assholes are twisting into pretzels to deny REALITY!!!!!
Just more GASLIGHT THEATRE from you demented zombies!!!
I don't think these poor souls understand that the GQP is holding this up when it doesn't have to. This is their choice.

Who knows what they're told in their universe.
How can you say that when it is the GOP who are the only ones who actually passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling?
I don't think these poor souls understand that the GQP is holding this up when it doesn't have to. This is their choice.

Who knows what they're told in their universe.
/----/ And yet, democRATs crawl out of the woodwork to blame Republican presidents for signing pork laden spending bills. If Dementia Joe vetoes the budget, and the Gubmint shuts down, will the MSM start screeching about the poor government workers living from paycheck to paycheck and missing social security checks?
My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power

Im sure that's part of the plan. Crashing the economy serves them 2 purposes really.

1 they can go on tv and have their news outlets talk endlessly about how conservatives and republicans caused this. Social media and search engines like Google will put their stories front and center. They can easily put their message of "republicans, trump, conservatives and ultra mega maga ruined the economy" in everyone's face. It gives them something to run with going into the next elections because they will play on Americans being scared, desperate and angry over the economy. Scared and angry people are easily to manipulate and control.

2 it allows them to step up and say "today we're going to introduce the digital dollar so we can secure our economy and make sure this never happens again. We will provide financial safety and security for all Americans". And a digital dollar will give them unprecedented control and information on every single American everywhere. If the current administration can introduce a digital dollar they won't ever leave the white house because they will have too much control.

They have been testing it since last year when they started testing with many major national banks starting on the day before Thanksgiving when no one would notice.

Absolutely. Because, as you know, day is night, up is down, left is right, good is evil........
They passed a budget bill with spending cuts and raised the debt ceiling you lying pos!!!!!
You fucking demented assholes are twisting into pretzels to deny REALITY!!!!!
Just more GASLIGHT THEATRE from you demented zombies!!!
I don't care if they passed gas. What "bill" they passed is irrelevant. Spending cut negotiations belong in the budget talks.
Not when the money has already been spent and it's time to pay the bill or default.

If a default occurs, it will be the fault of Republicans...period.
Now, back to your alt-right dungeon. :)
Nope. This is about the debt ceiling, not the budget. Two different things. True story.

Suddenly now the GQP cares about spending. Hypocrites.

They're going to hypocritically attempt to cut spending, while
"budget hawk" Biden fights to increase spending.
I don't care if they passed gas. What "bill" they passed is irrelevant. Spending cut negotiations belong in the budget talks.
Not when the money has already been spent and it's time to pay the bill or default.

If a default occurs, it will be the fault of Republicans...period.
Now, back to your alt-right dungeon. :)
New talking point from the demented LEFT.
The Republican held House PASSED A BUDGET BILL.
New talking point from the demented LEFT.
The Republican held House PASSED A BUDGET BILL.
No they didn't. They are attempting hostage negotiations.
It won't work. They either pass a clean bill and raise the debt ceiling and conduct budget negotiations separately...or we default and it becomes the fault of Republicans.
No they didn't. They are attempting hostage negotiations.
It won't work. They either pass a clean bill and raise the debt ceiling and conduct budget negotiations separately...or we default and it becomes the fault of Republicans.
Your GASLIGHTING is not working, moron.
Your GASLIGHTING is not working, moron.
You are so wrapped up in your alt-right fantasies, you have no idea which way is up.
You are so sure that your beliefs are just and righteous, you won't even consider the fact you might be wrong.
Republicans are at fault here. And they will be blamed. Just another example of your belief system on its way out.

See?...that's gaslighting, junior. :)
My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power

Have any of you noticed how America is always on the edge of the implosion precipice with every new presidential election, every new raise of the debt ceiling, every new tie breaker senator that will save America? You can't run a county like that.

diary homotrans dems 841.jpg
You are so wrapped up in your alt-right fantasies, you have no idea which way is up.
You are so sure that your beliefs are just and righteous, you won't even consider the fact you might be wrong.
Republicans are at fault here. And they will be blamed. Just another example of your belief system on its way out.

See?...that's gaslighting, junior. :)
You just keep repeating the same lie, "It's the Republican's fault."
The Republican held House PASSED A BUDGET BILL!!!!!
The Senate and the demented president ARE STONEWALLING!!!!!

"It's the Republican's fault" = GASLIGHT THEATRE

My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power
Conspiracy Theory. WOW.
I cannot argue with your angle on this topic.
You should be able to.
But you can't, since you hate biden.
Your dementia ridden president does not want to negotiate seriously.
You will be proven wrong once again.
GOP has passed a spending Bill in the House with
spending cuts, What is Joe's plan?
GOP passed a partisan plan.
There will soon be the passing of a bi-partisan plan.

Did you want/expect the (D) to just accept the GOP's partisan plan?
The Republican held House PASSED A BUDGET BILL!!!!!
They passed a partisan plan. Big Whoop.
Passing this bill will take negotiations, which they are doing.

Did you expect the (D) to just accept the partisan bill?
They passed a partisan plan. Big Whoop.
Passing this bill will take negotiations, which they are doing.

Did you expect the (D) to just accept the partisan bill?
Passing WHAT bill? They ALREADY PASSED ONE!!!!!!!!
Sure, there can be consesions, but otherwise you are full of shit!

Just like your big switch fairytale, all you offer is more GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT like the rest of you demented zombies.
Conspiracy Theory. WOW.

You should be able to.
But you can't, since you hate biden.

You will be proven wrong once again.

GOP passed a partisan plan.
There will soon be the passing of a bi-partisan plan.

Did you want/expect the (D) to just accept the GOP's partisan plan?
I do not expect that. I expect the Senate (D)'s to have already debated and passed their own bill so they can get the two houses together to hash out the final compromise bill. The fact that they've waited this long and are claiming the Republicans are the holdup tells me that they're just lying. I'm not surprised, though, they do this every time there's a showdown. Do nothing, then blame the other guys for holding things up.

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