Biden Deliberately Going to Trash the Debt Ceiling

Don't be spewing that shit, you folks have NEVER cared about spending more money than they take in. Every frickin' time there is a spending bill it is ALWAYS the democrats that want to spend more than the GOP, ALWAYS. It ain't like the GOP are all that fiscally responsible themselves, but at least they ain't nearly as bad as the democrats.
President Clinton balanced the budget the last time that it was done. Look it up.
My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power

Has Biden vetoed something about the debt ceiling that the news forgot to report?
I don't think these poor souls understand that the GQP is holding this up when it doesn't have to. This is their choice.

Who knows what they're told in their universe.

GOP send Biden a budget, why does PedoPete refuse to cut funds to his special interests and keep inflation sky high?
Don't be spewing that shit, you folks have NEVER cared about spending more money than they take in. Every frickin' time there is a spending bill it is ALWAYS the democrats that want to spend more than the GOP, ALWAYS. It ain't like the GOP are all that fiscally responsible themselves, but at least they ain't nearly as bad as the democrats.
You obviously don't know my politics.

Trump's party bent over for him just fine on the ceiling. Hypocrites.
The GOP did their job and sent Biden a budget. Why doesn't Biden want to negotiate with them. Seems like his is taking the ball and running home. That makes it his problem.
Nope. This is about the debt ceiling, not the budget. Two different things. True story.

Suddenly now the GQP cares about spending. Hypocrites.
GOP send Biden a budget, why does PedoPete refuse to cut funds to his special interests and keep inflation sky high?
This is about the debt ceiling, not the budget, Q. Money that has already been spent.

I know you guys aren't told this stuff, so I can't help you. I'm done dumbing things down for you people.
I'm glad you can admit that the GQP is doing this BY CHOICE, causing this possible disaster. Thanks.

Both parties have put us here (including the times the GQP bent over on the debt ceiling for Trump). It's time for them to work together to get us out.

They added 25% of the debt the last 4 years. GOP is only interested in politics.
They don't appear to understand that there is a difference between a budget -- future spending -- and the debt ceiling -- paying for past spending decisions and commitments.


They are abject liars, willing to bring down the economy for perceived partisan political gain, and to keep their ignorant, Dunning-Kruger base happy.

Which one is it?

My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power
i wish i could disagree with you, but this is a tactic i would not at all be surprised by the demafasict
So the GQP had to do that? They had to attach the spending bill? That's a requirement of this process?

Yes or no?
of course the didn’t have to do that…but they unlike the xiden admin, obviously don’t want to go into default and economic chaos
of course the didn’t have to do that…but they unlike the xiden admin, obviously don’t want to go into default and economic chaos
Okay, good. So pass the debt ceiling and then discuss future spending. Two different things.


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