Biden Deliberately Going to Trash the Debt Ceiling

They passed a partisan plan. Big Whoop.
Passing this bill will take negotiations, which they are doing.
Did you expect the (D) to just accept the partisan bill?
They're just playing partisan games.

These are the same types who told me that Dubya had NO CHOICE but to invade Iraq after the Congress approved it. He HAD to.

They are lying, ignorant or both. Trying to communicate with them is now completely pointless.
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They're just playing partisans games.

These are the same types who told me that Dubya had NO CHOICE but to invade Iraq after the Congress approved it. He HAD to.

They are lying, ignorant or both. Trying to communicate with them is now completely pointless.
Agreed that the democrats certainly are playing partisan games. They've had all this time to pass their own bill and have not. It's on them now.
You are so wrapped up in your alt-right fantasies, you have no idea which way is up.
You are so sure that your beliefs are just and righteous, you won't even consider the fact you might be wrong.
Republicans are at fault here. And they will be blamed. Just another example of your belief system on its way out.
See?...that's gaslighting, junior. :)
Do you think they believe this stuff or are they just playing games?

Maybe MAGA media is telling them that a debt ceiling can't be passed without a new budget.

They'll fall for anything.
My take on this is that Biden is so far behind in the polls his only hope is to crash the system and blame it on the GOP. The dems will do anything to retain their power

You mean all Republicans have to do to save the country is to give Biden a clean bill with nothing in it but an increase in tbe debt ceiling?

Then why don't they do that? They could literally save the country from economic collapse. If they don't do that, then they are to blame.
Did you want/expect the (D) to just accept the GOP's partisan plan?
No, I expect a serious negotiation, you fool. That's the way politics is supposed to work.
That's the way Clinton and Obama did it. Not what your messiah is doing. :smoke:
You just keep repeating the same lie, "It's the Republican's fault."
The Republican held House PASSED A BUDGET BILL!!!!!
The Senate and the demented president ARE STONEWALLING!!!!!

"It's the Republican's fault" = GASLIGHT THEATRE

It will be Republican's fault. That's just fact. No gas needed.

Sill believes a dude in a dress with a banana split can get pregnant.
Still believes he is not an uneducated rube without an argument who can only throw mindless insults based on his on insecurities.
This is about the debt ceiling, not the budget, Q. Money that has already been spent.

I know you guys aren't told this stuff, so I can't help you. I'm done dumbing things down for you people.

Money that has already been spent.

Maybe promised, not spent.
You obviously don't know my politics.

Trump's party bent over for him just fine on the ceiling. Hypocrites.

Oh, I know your politics, you don't like anybody but you really hate DJT and the MAGA crowd. I don't like DJT myself, but I see him as a better president than Biden or any other democrat. You disagree, as many other do, and that's fine.

In 2017, 2018, and 2019, the debt limit was reset at $20.5 trillion, $22 trillion and $28.4 trillion, respectively. None of these bills, when signed into law, contained a precondition to cut spending, despite the wishes of some Republicans.

There is a sizable contingent in the republican party to reduce spending and even balance the budget. One wonders if they would ever really do that if they had a super-majority in the Senate and controlled the House and had a republican president. Members from red and purple states might not be on-board with certain budget cuts that affect their constituents, which is the nature of the political beast. But was Trump that much of an influence? Personally, I doubt it; in some areas he was pretty strong but not so much elsewhere. My guess is that the debt ceiling deals that the GOP agreed to were the best they could do, and Trump's wishes were not uppermost in the minds of many in congress.

So, I do not believe the GOP bent over for him on the debt ceiling, but they did have to compromise with the democrats to get it done. I seem to recall a lot of discord between Trump and 'his' party during his presidency and he did not get everything he wanted. But let's not confuse the issue here, it is ALWAYS the democrats who want to spend more than the republicans do, EVERY SINGLE TIME. The GOP IS more fiscally conservative than the democrats, but that ain't saying much. People bitch about the rising debt under Trump, and that's fine. But when the Congress sends him a bi-partisan deal to raise the debt ceiling, should he veto it? True, he signed the legislation but the primary responsibility for revenue and spending rests exclusively with Congress.
Me despising that pos trump doesn't mean I like biden in any way.
I have no messiah, whereas you have a cult leader.
Yeah, that's why I'm voting for DeSantis in the primaries because I'm in the Trump Cult? :rolleyes-41:

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