Biden Deliberately Going to Trash the Debt Ceiling

It had spending cuts in it and Biden didn't like that. We as a nation are going have to cut spending now. We have 5 other countries trying to start a new currency on the world market to replace the dollar. They have gold and other rare minerals backing theirs. We have nothing but debt and if that dies happen our economy will collapse.
So the answer is, the GQP is choosing to do this. It does not have to.

And it's so nice for you folks to suddenly start "caring" about spending.
What spending cuts has the gop identified? Biden agreed to hold spending lower then in 23, and pull back stimulus funds.

I'm not a huge Biden fan, but I really don't see the specifics of yours, or the gop's, complaints. The gop won't identify the cuts they demand. Good luck with that. I think Biden will take that up for a vote, and let it fall where it will.

But, I'm sure he'd prefer just a deal to get him through Nov 24.
Half the GOP wants the country to burn down. The other half are just stupid.
I'm glad you can admit that the GQP is doing this BY CHOICE, causing this possible disaster. Thanks.

Both parties have put us here (including the times the GQP bent over on the debt ceiling for Trump). It's time for them to work together to get us out.

Its time for both parties to do without, cut their budget, and start paying off the debt.
I really don't care if the government shuts down. Less time these idiots have to make stupid policies and other crap that affects our lives negatively. Also I don't rely on goverment for anything.
Yes I did in my first statement, I don't care. I always think the less government is going. The worst we are, the only thing the federal goverment should do. Is protect the homeland and not much else, but now they are in almost every aspect of our lives.
I saw that. A bit "light" on specific cuts from the gop.

Look, biden's agreed to hold spending under 23 and claw back stimulus. Like I said, I'm not a huge fan, but what has the gop given up in specifics?
of for fucks sake. The gop has no more interest in less deficits than the dems. You cannot be this blind.
Actually the only hope to save our economy is through fiscal conservatives, almost all of which are republicans

There are enough to worry the GOP leadership, but not yet enough to run congress
And it's so nice for you folks to suddenly start "caring" about spending.

Don't be spewing that shit, you folks have NEVER cared about spending more money than they take in. Every frickin' time there is a spending bill it is ALWAYS the democrats that want to spend more than the GOP, ALWAYS. It ain't like the GOP are all that fiscally responsible themselves, but at least they ain't nearly as bad as the democrats.
So the answer is, the GQP is choosing to do this. It does not have to.

And it's so nice for you folks to suddenly start "caring" about spending.
The GOP did their job and sent Biden a budget. Why doesn't Biden want to negotiate with them. Seems like his is taking the ball and running home. That makes it his problem.
Actually the only hope to save our economy is through fiscal conservatives, almost all of which are republicans

There are enough to worry the GOP leadership, but not yet enough to run congress
They added 25% of the debt the last 4 years. GOP is only interested in politics.
Take it to the budget negotiation process. That's where it belongs. Where you negotiate things like tax hikes/cuts and spending cuts/increases. Not in raising the debt ceiling. That money has already been spent.
I don't give a shit if Trump's President of your local fan club. You didn't say boo when Republicans automatically raised the debt ceiling. Now that a Democrat is in office you've got an issue with it. :) Please.

Take it to the budget negotiation process. That's where it belongs. Where you negotiate things like tax hikes/cuts and spending cuts/increases. Not in raising the debt ceiling. That money has already been spent.

Until the money goes out the door, it can be unspent.
They added 25% of the debt the last 4 years. GOP is only interested in politics.
Thats like a sick man with heart disease who doesent like the taste of the medicine that keeps him alive

The big spending GOP swamp rats may not like it bit even they are beginning to see the necessity

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