Biden & Dems Work On Vote Suppression, Taking Democracy Away

This from a god damned insurrectionist? From the party that going to the supreme court to keep black folks from voting? From the people who want to do away with everything that makes it possible for poor, disabled, or working class folks to vote?

Have you no self awareness at all?

Rhetorical question BTW.

Trump lost fair and square in 2020. I mean who in their right mind would want to re elect a person who mishandled a pandemic and it cost 500,000 people their lived white over 20 million people infected when he left office? Trump couldn't handle a pandemic, we'd really be fucked right now.

Cool story. Tell us how many people lost their lives under Covid Killing *Joe.
Cool story. Tell us how many people lost their lives under Covid Killing *Joe.
Trump started with zero infections and left Biden with 20 million infected and millions more who refused to get vaccinated. So just stop trying to put things on Biden that he inherited.
I also support those opinions with facts. Something you failed to do. Trump was a bad president who limited how people can exercise their rights
I agree with you on this one.
No. I mean the ones More Deaths Than Trump *Joe told they wouldn’t get covid if they took the “vaccine” and boosters.
You right wing nutcases really need to quit with this dishonest bs. People were dying when Biden was being inaugurated because of trumps incompetence. Millions were already infected and too far gone for the vaccine. But trump worshippers who don't want to admit they made the biggest mistake in American hiatory must lie.

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