Biden & Dems Work On Vote Suppression, Taking Democracy Away

I get to define what it is to be black in this forum because I am black. One thing is for certain, whites like you damn sure don't get to define what's black. So like what me and over 90 percent of the blacks say in America, is that if you support MAGA, you ain't black. And whether or not your white ass likes me saying that is irrelevant.
I’m black my brother so I get to define it just as much as you do. And you are a textbook definition of a racist, you despise anyone not like you and think you are superior to them. As long as people like y are spew hate into the world things will never change.
I get to define what it is to be black in this forum because I am black.
I’m black my brother so I get to define it just as much as you do.
I get to define what it is to be black my brothers because I have seen every episode of "Amos 'n Andy" and "All in the Family" and I'm telling you both this evening that Trump is the good guy and Biden is a geriatric zombie and a Satanist. :mad:
I get to define what it is to be black my brothers because I have seen every episode of "Amos 'n Andy" and "All in the Family" and I'm telling you both this evening that Trump is the good guy and Biden is a geriatric zombie and a Satanist. :mad:
Biden being terrible doesn’t make Trump good. They are both terrible people who have sold our country out for a little extra cash
Anything they can do to steal the election and rig it in their favor, even if it means squashing their own. This is war against Trump and they aren't going to let even their own kind get in their way and will do anything to squash them if they do. The end justifies the means, just as it did in 2020. Squash Cornell West. Squash RFK Jr. Squash No Labels.

I favor both independent candidates & 3rd party candidates to be able to stand for elected office whenever we can land them as the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) has been caught snuggling up together in the same bed way too often(politik'n/corruption). I believe that ALL legally vetted American citizens should have the opportunity to vote for candidates that best represent their views, as long as those views are within the bounds of America's Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. If we as legally vetted American citizens are to maintain our Democratic Republic as a bastion of freedom & individual Liberties as our Constitution & Bill of Rights guarantees to all of us then America needs to field enough candidates to be able to represent ALL legally vetted American citizens viewpoints.

I do not agree 100% with any of the political parties listed below but in the best interest towards my fellow Americans I believe the below political parties, along with true Independent candidates would better cover our American constituency's diverse desires.

Independent candidates(various).

I get to define what it is to be black my brothers because I have seen every episode of "Amos 'n Andy" and "All in the Family" and I'm telling you both this evening that Trump is the good guy and Biden is a geriatric zombie and a Satanist. :mad:
And since I have watched every episode of the Beverly Hillbillies, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer Pyle USMC, and all the Ma and Pa Kettle movies, I can tell you to shut your simple white country ass up. Trump is a geritatric racist POS and that's why you think he's good.
And since I have watched every episode of the Beverly Hillbillies, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer Pyle USMC, and all the Ma and Pa Kettle movies, I can tell you to shut your simple white country ass up. Trump is a geritatric racist POS and that's why you think he's good.
Looky here, Jefferson ... I'm from da city!
Looky here, Jefferson ... I'm from da city!
Like I said, I can tell you to shut your simple white country ass up. Trump is a geritatric racist POS and that's why you think he's good.
Biden tried to take credit for the Economic Impact Payment I got but it was Trump's signature on the letter and on the check. That's right! :eusa_clap:
You can debate all you want about who took what but Trump gave, Biden hasn't given one damn thing.
What do you consider gave to mean. I don’t consider someone who restricted rights to have gave much of anything but you do so I’m interested in what you consider that to mean.

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