Biden Disaster of the day: Explosion at Ohio chemical factory

Thank you for admitting you are no different than the folks trying to pin all these disasters on Trump-era policies.

It is refreshing for you to admit you are no different than the other side you hate so very much.

At least we both have sides to defend. We're the reason you'll never see some obscure LOLbertarian nutcase in the White House.

Gee, I never realized I had something in common with the left. :laughing0301:
At least we both have sides to defend. We're the reason you'll never see some obscure LOLbertarian nutcase in the White House.

Gee, I never realized I had something in common with the left. :laughing0301:

Yes you do. You both have your sides to defend with all your energy and effort. If only you gave it to the country instead of your side.

You have a ton in common with the left, you are their mirror image.
First. Nearly every Republican voted against the infrastructure bill which adds over a hundred billion dollars of improvements to rail. This accident was in a chemical factory though which is why i said wrong thread. Trump ran on rolling back regulations. What a great idea it seems.
what are you talking about? There was a bipartisan bill passed for Xiden...his failure to do the job is on him

Adam Schiff is running for Dianne Feinstein's senate seat.

That would be more disastrous than any train wreck.
It is hard to believe they could replace one inept charlatan with an even more disastrous hack.

But yep. It is a distinct possibility in California.
But nothing to see here, it was a mostly peaceful explosion, so carry on.

"Multiple emergency crews and fire departments are on the scene at Emery Oleochemicals chemical plant after an explosion and a small fire broke out with dozens of people reporting a loud bang. Officials say the explosion was isolated, and there is no hazard to the public or surrounding businesses.."

Good thread.

I have leaned Republican on regulations but obviously this isn't working. I hope Repubs in the house start passing bills requiring these companies to implement regulations to help stymie this shit...after the anti inflation bill of course.
You mock others because you have no ability to parody them?

Yeah. You’re a hack loser.
If I had made a post as a right-winger blaming Biden for a chemical explosion at a private company...

Bitches like you would clutch your pearls about me trying to make right-wingers look stupid....

Now look at your dumb ass, making yourself look ......stupid...I don't need to parody that...
what are you talking about? There was a bipartisan bill passed for Xiden...his failure to do the job is on him

Nearly every republican voted against that bill. 220 out of 263 said NO we do not want infrastructure. Thats nearly 85% NOs. It was bipartisan in that a few sane Republicans voted for it. A few.
Nearly every republican voted against that bill. 220 out of 263 said NO we do not want infrastructure. Thats nearly 85% NOs. It was bipartisan in that a few sane Republicans voted for it. A few.
xiden was given a bipartisan bill and failed to act on rails. The bill didn’t matter
If I had made a post as a right-winger blaming Biden for a chemical explosion at a private company...

Bitches like you would clutch your pearls about me trying to make right-wingers look stupid....

Now look at your dumb ass, making yourself look ......stupid...I don't need to parody that...
See what I mean. You have no ability to parody or to mock.

I know why. It would require some spark of intelligence. So, naturally, you’re shit out of luck. Sucks to be you. Obviously.
xiden was given a bipartisan bill and failed to act on rails. The bill didn’t matter
That's ridiculous. If republicans shit down your throat you'd blame a democrat for designing his pants.
See what I mean. You have no ability to parody or to mock.

I know why. It would require some spark of intelligence. So, naturally, you’re shit out of luck. Sucks to be you. Obviously.
You are more than welcome to double down on is a conservative prerequisite
You are more than welcome to double down on is a conservative prerequisite
Unlike you, I can’t double down on that. I don’t have your disgraceful embrace of stupidity on my record. That’s you, boo boo.
That's ridiculous. If republicans shit down your throat you'd blame a democrat for designing his pants.
um all I've heard you all day is that it happened cause the GOP didn't vote for infrustructure....well the reality is there is a bipartisan bill that was Congress, it's the President's job to enforce the laws passed....Xiden failed clearly.
um all I've heard you all day is that it happened cause the GOP didn't vote for infrustructure....well the reality is there is a bipartisan bill that was Congress, it's the President's job to enforce the laws passed....Xiden failed clearly.
Don’t be a dipshit. Opposing the infrastructure bill didn’t help railroads and whatever the problem was with the railroads that were built decades ago the republicans aren’t making it safer. If you want to take a point cuz they derailed recently feel free. But the fact is not one thing was done by republicans to improve infrastructure and in fact they opposed it after claiming it was “infrastructure week” dozens of time. If they got it done under Trump maybe that line would have been fine.

Here are all the derailments under Trump that were never addressed with a multi billion dollar bill.

Don’t be a dipshit. Opposing the infrastructure bill didn’t help railroads and whatever the problem was with the railroads that were built decades ago the republicans aren’t making it safer. If you want to take a point cuz they derailed recently feel free. But the fact is not one thing was done by republicans to improve infrastructure and in fact they opposed it after claiming it was “infrastructure week” dozens of time. If they got it done under Trump maybe that line would have been fine.

Here are all the derailments under Trump that were never addressed with a multi billion dollar bill.

Xiden didn't help the railroads....he was given the bill....he made it law, and failed to do anything with it.

Your excuses is BS...the bill became law. Obviously it was pointless since Xiden failed to use the tools given to him with the bipartisan bill
Xiden didn't help the railroads....he was given the bill....he made it law, and failed to do anything with it.

Your excuses is BS...the bill became law. Obviously it was pointless since Xiden failed to use the tools given to him with the bipartisan bill
Your logic is dizzying. Biden passed a law that will invest billions over time to improve infrastructure. Trump fucking tweeted and made nothing safer. Railroads don’t improve immediately and there will always be accidents but you know that shit. You are purposefully ignorant cuz: “go team”. The rest of us will just be glad an adult is investing in better infrastructure.
That fucking Biden.
First Joe crashes a train.
Then, in the same week, Joe crashes another train.
NOW, he blows up a chemical plant?

You can't make this shit up...............teabaggers try, though.
Railroad Joe. He railroads the peasants with massive inflation destroying tens of millions of people and he steals the money on the infrastructure legislation meant for railroads that we paid for. We were railroaded.

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