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The Propaganda Arm Of The Hard Left

The leftwing has come to the conclusion that they can't win in fair elections so they have gone full unconstitutional mode and stole their way into office...they could not have done it without a willing media...
Stupid fuckers, why didn't they steal enough to legislate with.
They did their best....but they were so far behind they ran out of phony ballots.....the AZ audit will show us a lot...and it will spread to other states....Trump lovers and haters of the world will see just what happened in November....they will see that ballot stuffing took place like never before....it will blow even your little mind....

I found this telling.....

3. Here comes the circumstantial/mathematical evidence, specifically from the Georgia election: how do you explain 95,000 votes with only Biden marked…..the rest of the Democrat candidates for office ignored?

Only one way: the Democrat agent was sent in to win the election for Biden, and spent no time on any other aspirant.

4. “In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/11/05/why-does-biden-have-so-many-more-votes-than-democrat-senators-in-swing-states/

In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.


Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

Via ZeroHedge In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candi…

The claim was put forward in a Nov. 10 video by Steve Cortes, a Trump campaign adviser, in which he outlined what he deemed a “statistical case” demanding further “investigation.”

“Biden, though, a 95,000 vote differential — there were almost 96,000 people in Georgia, allegedly, who voted Biden-only and then did not vote for Senate,” he said in the video. “That seems far too wide to be believable.”

We don’t know how many voters only voted for Biden, but Cortes’ number doesn’t represent that.
Instead, the figure refers to the fact that Biden won almost 100,000 more votes in Georgia than Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff. But it’s faulty to assume that all of those votes must have been on ballots for Biden only, ignoring that some voters in the state selected Biden for president but didn’t adhere to a strictly party-line vote for the Senate.
As of early Nov. 12, there were 4,992,420 votes counted in the presidential race in Georgia. While the total number of votes fluctuates across other races — since, indeed, some people don’t cast a vote for every race — there were 4,945,792 votes counted in the Senate race between Republican Sen. David Perdue and Ossoff.
That’s a difference of 46,628 total votes — or almost half of what’s being alleged in the viral posts.

Democrats lie about everything.

Fact-Check is a Democrat organ.

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group
theswash.com ^ | 8/27/2012 11 | matchdoctor

Posted on 8/28/2012, 1:47:46 PM by bronxville

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

That is exactly what Web sites like factcheck.org are. They are biased, politically motivated propaganda Web sites, manned and funded by biased political organizations who set up the sites for the sole purpose of deviously "backing up" the political arguments of those who hold the same views that they do. It's kind of like you have a friend who is in on your lie, and you use him to back up your story and don't tell anyone else he is your friend.

Just because they use a name that implies unbiased assessments, doesn't mean that they provide them. You can call your Web site anything you want. I can set up a web site called thetruth.org or realfacts.com or stopthelies.org and post any kind of biased political propaganda I want on it. The name means nothing. And in the case of sites like factcheck.org, the name is intentionally misleading and deceptive. But it isn't the only so called "fact check" site that is a fraud. There are others.

Think about it. Would you rely on any particular Web site to get the "truth?" Anyone honest would tell you that you should NOT rely solely on them to get your facts. You should get them by considering many different and sources, with different points of view and opinions and arrive at what you believe to be the truth by using your own God given senses. Only con artists purport to be the de facto source of truth.

If you look behind the scenes at these phony "fact check" sites, you find that they are funded by organizations with political biases. You must always ask yourself. Who is writing about this so-called "truth." Who funds the site and pays their expenses. What are the origins and history of the funders and who are they associated with. In the case of factcheck.org they receive their funding from the liberal Annenberg Foundation.

The Annenberg Foundation was originally founded by Walter J. Annenberg, a conservative who supported Ronald Reagan. However, when Walter Annenberg died, his family took over the management of the foundation and it took a turn to the far left and has ties to radical left individuals such as Bill Ayers and his friend and fellow left wing radical collegue Barack Obama. How is factcheck.org associated with these people:

To start, Ayers was the key founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a Chicago public school reform project from 1995 to 2001. Upon its start in 1995, Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Geesh, that alone connects all three. Well, it branches out even more from there.

Ayers co-chaired the organization’s Collaborative, which set the education policies of the Challenge. Oddly enough, Obama was the one who was authorized to delegate to the Collaborative in regards to its programs and projects. In addition to that, Obama often times had to seek advice and assistance from the Ayer’s led Collaborative in regards to the programmatic aspects of grant proposals. Ayers even sat on the same board as Obama as an “ex officio member”. They both also sat together on the board of the CAC’s Governance Committee. Obama and Ayers were two parts of a group of four who were instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern the CAC. Keep in mind that the “A” in CAC is for Annenberg, the owners of FactCheck.org. The funding for Ayer’s projects and those of his cronies was approved by Board Chair, Barack Obama.

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

All anyone needs to know is that FactCheck is sponsored by far-left liberals-mainly Barrack Obama. The connection with Obama and FactCheck is through
the Chicago Annenberg Challenge that received money via the Annenburg
Foundation. Then Senator Obama requested an earmark of 3.5 million dollars for the Annenburg Foundation, which funded the Chicago Annenburg Challenge and also funds FactCheck.org. Obama is tied to both groups one via earmark, the other via direct participation. If you are going to set up an official sounding fact-checking website you wouldn’t want it directly related with a political party so of course FactCheck will say they aren’t influenced by politicians that fund them through third parties. Is Factcheck.org unbiased? - Quora
Democrats lie about everything.

Fact-Check is a Democrat organ.
The 95,000 number was never proven in a court challenge was it? That is, the allegation was made but there was never any physical evidence presented in any court after the election to back it up.
Democrats lie about everything.

Fact-Check is a Democrat organ.
The 95,000 number was never proven in a court challenge was it? That is, the allegation was made but there was never any physical evidence presented in any court after the election to back it up.

It seems that your defense against the charges that you are a lying low-life, is that you are simply stooooooopid.

I have your new avi pic for you.....

Anyone who believes The Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump because they're mainlining the lying, grifting right-wing media and believing the Narcissist-in-Chief has zero credibility commenting about the media bias of the left.
Anyone who believes The Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump because they're mainlining the lying, grifting right-wing media and believing the Narcissist-in-Chief has zero credibility commenting about the media bias of the left.

I'm surprised you're not embarrassed to offer your posts, after this infantile post of yours, claiming that when choosing a leader, policies don't matter....

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

You: “This isn't about policies.

Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21


These are the policies some moron voted for after saying policies don’t matter.

  • 1. Reversed Trump move of disengaging with the World Health Org, based on their covering up China’s culpability in spreading the Wuhan Red Death, the numerous mistaken orders about the virus, the fact that their leadership is by a Communist who is paid by Red China

2. Rejoin Paris climate agreement- even as the United State is far more efficient in reducing
Greenhouse gases than the nations who are major pollutants, and the accord is nothing more
than a re-distribution of our wealth plan.
"ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate"

ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate
The Paris Climate accord's premise is wealth distribution and it would not even have much of an impact on Earth's climate, ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano said.During an interview with Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg, Morano discussed the climate change agreement that...
  • 3. Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.


4.Biden EO: Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end "1776 Commission" The 1776 Commission was an advisory committee established in September 2020 by then–U.S. President Donald Trump to support what he called "patriotic education". Wikipedia

  • 5.Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps "Dreamers" Part of the plan to get millions of illegal alien votes for the Democrat Party

  • “Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

    … a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

    Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

    “The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

  • 6. Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries
  • What a swell idea!!!
  • It must be aimed at keeping Americans safe!

  • When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. During the Obama regime there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.
Wanna see where Muslim Americans stand?

And these:

.Biden EO: Stop construction of border wall that was designed to support American sovereignty.

The Declaration of Independence refers to sovereignty in its first sentence: “…necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station…” thus assuming that nations, like individuals, have rights. Having an inviolate border, and determining who may cross it, is the reason for said wall.

8.Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity………make sure fake girls completely destroy women’s sports.

"Whether to allow biological men into women's sports may be the silliest debate of our time. Fairness falls so completely to one side; outcomes are obvious and predetermined.
Allyson Felix, a contender for the title of fastest female sprinter in the world, who holds more Olympic medals than even Usain Bolt. Her lifetime best for the 400-meter is 49.26 seconds. Based on 2018 data, nearly 300 high school boys in the U.S. alone could beat it. "

The transgender threat to women's sports | Opinion

The only other option comes with too steep a price. To force young women to compete with male-bodied athletes will bring about the collapse of women's sports.

9.Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulation

This is the target, Trump’s removing of regulatory ‘red tape.’ "Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal"
Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....
....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.
Trump is a threat to the sort of bribery that make Biden rich.

It is the major reason Trump’s economy was so successful but restricted the opportunity for politicians to demand bribes for writing ‘helpful’ regulations. So Biden, the textbook example for bribery, must eliminate the Trump policy.

And these:

. Another Biden Executive Order: Repeal ban on transgender people serving openly in U.S. military

This makes America responsible for life-long treatment of these individuals….and all they have to do is sign up for the armed forces.
Do you know you don’t have to be an American citizen to sign up?

11. Reopen Obamacare marketplaces, lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid

Wanna defend this failure?

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

12. Lift certain restrictions on abortion funding

“Biden will be fulfilling a campaign promise in the memorandum, rescinding the so-called Mexico City Policy, a ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform or promote abortions.” Biden to sign memorandum reversing Trump abortion access restrictions | NewsChannel 3-12

“…Biden’s payback to abortion providers for campaign donations. “It is also a slap in the face to the majority of Americans who do not want their tax dollars sent to abortion businesses, and especially not to abortion promoters overseas,” she added.” Biden to Lift Some Curbs on Abortion Funding, Reopen ACA Enrollment

And that's just a dozen of the dumbest more indefensible polices.

This is what you are responsible for.
If you are not educated enough to be of the Right, you are of the Left and are manipulated by the Hard Left through the state media.

1. "Four students shot at Kent State
On this day in 1970, an anti-Vietnam War demonstration at Kent State University turned deadly when the Ohio National Guard shot four unarmed students and wounded nine others, further turning public opinion against the war.

View attachment 486949

2. What really happened:
Let's puncture that Leftist 'peaceful protests' balloon.
  1. Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970.
  2. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings
a. "KENT, Ohio -- A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.
The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research."
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio) | cleveland.com
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio)

3. No, the January 6th farrago at the Capitol was nothing more than pushing and shoving crowds, similar to holiday sales at the big box stores. It wasn't what the media wished you to believe:
"Biden calls Capitol riots ‘worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War’

But that is the drumbeat from the state media....just as Kent State was.

4.This is far closer to a great attack on our democracy, our nation, by Biden voters:

. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”
At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed.”

Kent State. As I recall none of the dead had weapons so they were not doing any shooting.

The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020 There was no "siege", the protestors were in a park in front of the White House. There are plenty of other access gates that were clear.
If you are not educated enough to be of the Right, you are of the Left and are manipulated by the Hard Left through the state media.

1. "Four students shot at Kent State
On this day in 1970, an anti-Vietnam War demonstration at Kent State University turned deadly when the Ohio National Guard shot four unarmed students and wounded nine others, further turning public opinion against the war.

View attachment 486949

2. What really happened:
Let's puncture that Leftist 'peaceful protests' balloon.
  1. Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970.
  2. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings
a. "KENT, Ohio -- A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.
The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research."
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio) | cleveland.com
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio)

3. No, the January 6th farrago at the Capitol was nothing more than pushing and shoving crowds, similar to holiday sales at the big box stores. It wasn't what the media wished you to believe:
"Biden calls Capitol riots ‘worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War’

But that is the drumbeat from the state media....just as Kent State was.

4.This is far closer to a great attack on our democracy, our nation, by Biden voters:

. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”
At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed.”

Kent State. As I recall none of the dead had weapons so they were not doing any shooting.

The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020 There was no "siege", the protestors were in a park in front of the White House. There are plenty of other access gates that were clear.

2. What really happened:
Let's puncture that Leftist 'peaceful protests' balloon.
  1. Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970.
  2. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings
a. "KENT, Ohio -- A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.
The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research."
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio) | cleveland.com
Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings (audio)

I'll put your post down as one more "is not, issssssssssssssssss noooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!" post.
I'll put your post down as one more "is not, issssssssssssssssss noooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!" post.
No it is a "did not, diiiiiiiddddddd noooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post. As in the protesters that were shot were in no way involved in any shooting so they did not deserve to be shot.
you are a lying low-life, ......you are simply stooooooopid

That sums up the standard Banana Republican argument when confronted with reality.

And you didn't deny the description.

I guess you hear it a lot.
Petty insult designed to deflect from your discredited 95,000 ballot story?

Why bother?

Except that it wasn't 'discredited.'

Neither were these:


“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden
A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Š press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE


I'll put your post down as one more "is not, issssssssssssssssss noooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!" post.
No it is a "did not, diiiiiiiddddddd noooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post. As in the protesters that were shot were in no way involved in any shooting so they did not deserve to be shot.

How about these?


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]​

you are a lying low-life, ......you are simply stooooooopid

That sums up the standard Banana Republican argument when confronted with reality.

And you didn't deny the description.

I guess you hear it a lot.
Petty insult designed to deflect from your discredited 95,000 ballot story?

Why bother?

Except that it wasn't 'discredited.'

Neither were these:

View attachment 487019

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden
A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Š press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE


Allegations without evidence to present in court, are just allegations. Any of those get into court?
you are a lying low-life, ......you are simply stooooooopid

That sums up the standard Banana Republican argument when confronted with reality.

And you didn't deny the description.

I guess you hear it a lot.
Petty insult designed to deflect from your discredited 95,000 ballot story?

Why bother?

Except that it wasn't 'discredited.'

Neither were these:

View attachment 487019

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden
A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Š press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE


So strange that the GOP's GA AG investigated the election 3 times and, even though he had every incentive to find fraud, declared the election free and fair.
you are a lying low-life, ......you are simply stooooooopid

That sums up the standard Banana Republican argument when confronted with reality.

And you didn't deny the description.

I guess you hear it a lot.
Petty insult designed to deflect from your discredited 95,000 ballot story?

Why bother?

Except that it wasn't 'discredited.'

Neither were these:

View attachment 487019

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden
A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Š press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE


Allegations without evidence to present in court, are just allegations. Any of those get into court?

As you must know, liar, the courts would not allow the cases to be presented.

Your sort stole the election......and you got away with it.

Now live with what you have done.

Of the 22 cases that have been heard by the courts and decided on their merits, Trump and Republicans have prevailed in 15.

I'll put your post down as one more "is not, issssssssssssssssss noooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!" post.
No it is a "did not, diiiiiiiddddddd noooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post. As in the protesters that were shot were in no way involved in any shooting so they did not deserve to be shot.

How about these?


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]​

Have you finally lost complete touch with reality? Time for a reboot?

What is the connection between people protesting a war and the number of abortions in the US?
you are a lying low-life, ......you are simply stooooooopid

That sums up the standard Banana Republican argument when confronted with reality.

And you didn't deny the description.

I guess you hear it a lot.
Petty insult designed to deflect from your discredited 95,000 ballot story?

Why bother?

Except that it wasn't 'discredited.'

Neither were these:

View attachment 487019

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden
A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

Š press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE


So strange that the GOP's GA AG investigated the election 3 times and, even though he had every incentive to find fraud, declared the election free and fair.


The single most fundamental concept in all of Political Science is that people vote their wallet, their pocketbook.

If there is any truth to that dictum, then there is no more demonstrable proof that Biden did not win that election.

Working Americans didn't vote to be taxes into Soviet style poverty.

"...Sanders and Warren have unveiled proposals to partially, or completely, wipe out Americans’ student debt liabilities.
Eliminating all student debt could cost around $1.6 trillion – though the exact price tag is unknown at this point.

... a tax levied on trades of stocks, bonds and derivatives. According to his office, that proposal would raise $2.4 trillion.

An estimate from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University has pegged the cost of Sanders’ bill, which Warren supports, at around $32 trillion.

...the Green New Deal – which calls for massive investments in climate-friendly infrastructure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 – could carry costs as high as $93 trillion over the course of 10 years."

Democrats’ freebie wish list: Proposals and price tags

Cost estimates for policies including Medicare for All and free public college.

4. "Democrats' New $2.4 Trillion Stimulus Plan"

Democrats' New $2.4 Trillion Stimulus Plan May Reach Vote Next Week

House Democrats are currently preparing a new stimulus package to provide pandemic aid and relief Here's a breakdown of the $2.4 trillion plan.

5. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (German: Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedßrfnissen) is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program. The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.
‎Origin of the phrase · ‎Debates on the idea · ‎In popular culture · ‎
I'll put your post down as one more "is not, issssssssssssssssss noooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!" post.
No it is a "did not, diiiiiiiddddddd noooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post. As in the protesters that were shot were in no way involved in any shooting so they did not deserve to be shot.

How about these?


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]​

Have you finally lost complete touch with reality? Time for a reboot?

What is the connection between people protesting a war and the number of abortions in the US?

That was your claim.... "they did not deserve to be shot."

Those millions of innocents did not deserve to be slaughtered, and their parts sold, by your sort.

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