Biden: Drive across America in an electric vehicle on a single tank of gas.

He has lost his last marble.

“So when you buy an electric vehicle — and you get credit for buying it —when you buy an electric vehicle, you can go all the way across America on a single tank of gas, figuratively speaking.”

“It’s not gas, you plug it in,” he added. “500,000 of them, these stations along the way.”

Yes, FuckBoi, that's how it works. Instead of gas stations on every highway, there will be electric charging stations. They have them in shopping malls these days. My daughter's hybrid runs on almost no gas at all.

It's called 21st Century infrastructure. If you got out of the basement now and again and travelled to other countries, you'd be shocked at how far behind the rest of the world, your infrastructure has fallen. Our highway gas and restaurant rest stops, now including charging stations in the parking lots. Our government mandates that charging stations be built into infrastructure to enable the transition to cleaner energy.

It's amazing how uninformed you truly are FuckBoi.
Yes, FuckBoi, that's how it works. Instead of gas stations on every highway, there will be electric charging stations. They have them in shopping malls these days. My daughter's hybrid runs on almost no gas at all.

It's called 21st Century infrastructure. If you got out of the basement now and again and travelled to other countries, you'd be shocked at how far behind the rest of the world, your infrastructure has fallen. Our highway gas and restaurant rest stops, now including charging stations in the parking lots. Our government mandates that charging stations be built into infrastructure to enable the transition to cleaner energy.

It's amazing how uninformed you truly are FuckBoi.
that will win him over to your side....

the problem is the current tech doesnt really support people moving over to EV's wholesale. Im not sure the pull up and plug in model is really feasible unless they get it down to something similar to how long it takes to fuel up with gas (5 minutes?) . People are more and more impatient they arent going to want to wait 20 minutes (assuming there are free charging stations) every 2-300 miles on a long trip. If they could come up with a battery exchange station, so that you pull up and your batteries drop out and new fully charged ones are inserted....
What else could be better than an electric car with a reserve gas tank for just in case.

I prefer the time that Trump told us about how the Continental army assaulted the airports.

You hold a grudge against Trump over something you know he knows, yet you are indifferent to the endless stream of Biden Blunders and lies. Just how you roll, broken English Boy
alien biden chinese.jpg
I already knew that. I've been saying that hybrids are the future of cars for years.

How many decades have we been using diesel locomotive trains to haul freight? Those are all hybrids.
Shhh, don't tell all them people who think that electric motors are weak and unuseful..It confuses them when they ponder why they don't us internal combustion motors to rum manufacturing machinery instead of electric motors.
Shhh, don't tell all them people who think that electric motors are weak and unuseful..It confuses them when they ponder why they don't us internal combustion motors to rum manufacturing machinery instead of electric motors.
It's all about efficiency and performance.
How many hours, assuming one could drive in and charge up without delay, would that add to a cross country
It wouldnt be much more than a normal car. When you stop for gas on a long trip you stretch your legs, buy snacks, go to the bathroom, etc. Its probably a 20 minute stop with a gas powered vehicle too.
Yes, FuckBoi, that's how it works. Instead of gas stations on every highway, there will be electric charging stations. They have them in shopping malls these days. My daughter's hybrid runs on almost no gas at all.

It's called 21st Century infrastructure. If you got out of the basement now and again and travelled to other countries, you'd be shocked at how far behind the rest of the world, your infrastructure has fallen. Our highway gas and restaurant rest stops, now including charging stations in the parking lots. Our government mandates that charging stations be built into infrastructure to enable the transition to cleaner energy.

It's amazing how uninformed you truly are FuckBoi.
Your demonstrate on a daily basis what a colossal dumbass you are. Veggie Joe claimed you could drive across country on one charge.

For you to claim anyone else is uninformed is fucking hilarious.
the problem is the current tech doesnt really support people moving over to EV's wholesale. Im not sure the pull up and plug in model is really feasible unless they get it down to something similar to how long it takes to fuel up with gas (5 minutes?) . People are more and more impatient they arent going to want to wait 20 minutes (assuming there are free charging stations) every 2-300 miles on a long trip. If they could come up with a battery exchange station, so that you pull up and your batteries drop out and new fully charged ones are inserted....

That would never work. Do you realize how big those batteries are? More importantly is if you buy a new car, are you willing to trade your new batteries in for batteries that may be four or five years old? Just like your cell phone (or anything battery operated) the older the battery, the less power you get per charge.
The 20 minute time frame also assumes there’s no one else using the charger when you pull up. How many charger would we need to install if everyone is using an EV?

I pulled this site up. According to them, it takes on average 8 hours to charge an electric car from empty to full. This all depends on the model. The cars that charge faster have much smaller batteries but can be done in a half-hour. And of course the smaller the battery, the less miles you can go on a full charge and you need to recharge much more frequently.

Yes, literally it would be one charge. That makes him a vegetable, Dumbass.
Oh look! Anal retentive MAGA retards throwing a hissy fit over the millions & millions of people who jump in their electric cars every day & decide to drive accross the country. "How will they charge them!?" WAAAAAAAAH!

Can't make this shit up.
And how long does it take to recharge? From what I've read, anywhere from 20 minutes to 7 hours, depending on the charger and vehicle.

Look, I'm not fundamentally opposed to EVs, but speaking as one who would rather drive than fly, an EV is inconvenient when compared to internal combustion. Fill up and away in 5 minutes, or charge for 20 minutes (minimum, if you're lucky) and roll. Kind of slows the road trip...

Up north when we get it with snow storms, you can find yourself stuck in traffic for hours, especially if there is a wreck ahead of you. Unless your electric car has gasoline backup, you can find yourself in real trouble. You need to keep the heat on and the defroster going. That takes little power in a gasoline car because you are only running the fan as it uses the engine heat for you to keep warm. I'm assuming that the electric vehicle would have to have a warming element of some kind which would suck all that electricity out of that battery in no time.
Oh look! Anal retentive MAGA retards throwing a hissy fit over the millions & millions of people who jump in their electric cars every day & decide to drive accross the country. "How will they charge them!?" WAAAAAAAAH!

I think most of us could care less what you decide to drive. What bothers me is taxpayers subsidizing these cars. If they are so great, pay the full price like we do with real cars.

Part of the Pork bill includes hundreds of thousands of charging stations that of course is going to put us deeper into debt. If charging stations were the future, private industry would invest in them just like they do gasoline stations. But no. That's a bad investment which is why taxpayers have to pay for them.

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