Biden Economy Does Better Than Expected (Again)


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
"This morning, stock markets are up after better-than-expected inflation numbers were released by the federal government. According to latest inflation data, consumer prices in America rose at a 3.3% rate, which is slower than the 3.4% rate that was recorded in April. Economists, however, predicted that the Consumer Price Index would increase by .1% and have an annual gain of 3.4%. That turned out to be untrue.

In addition, prices were flat across America, making this the first time that the Consumer Price Index did not rise on a monthly basis. It is becoming clearer with each passing report out of the Department of Labor that the Biden Administration's policies to combat inflation are working, defying expectations in the process.

This is nothing new for this Administration. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists predicted that President Biden would oversee a recession in America given how high inflation was. President Biden inherited an economy that was bleeding jobs due to the failures during the Trump Administration.

Instead of succumbing to the expectations from economists, the Biden Administration has repeatedly defied all expectations, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month, and seeing inflation slow across the board for American families."

Another Democratic president cleans up yet another Republican economic mess.
"This morning, stock markets are up after better-than-expected inflation numbers were released by the federal government. According to latest inflation data, consumer prices in America rose at a 3.3% rate, which is slower than the 3.4% rate that was recorded in April. Economists, however, predicted that the Consumer Price Index would increase by .1% and have an annual gain of 3.4%. That turned out to be untrue.

In addition, prices were flat across America, making this the first time that the Consumer Price Index did not rise on a monthly basis. It is becoming clearer with each passing report out of the Department of Labor that the Biden Administration's policies to combat inflation are working, defying expectations in the process.

This is nothing new for this Administration. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists predicted that President Biden would oversee a recession in America given how high inflation was. President Biden inherited an economy that was bleeding jobs due to the failures during the Trump Administration.

Instead of succumbing to the expectations from economists, the Biden Administration has repeatedly defied all expectations, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month, and seeing inflation slow across the board for American families."

Another Democratic president cleans up yet another Republican economic mess.
Taking credit for low expectations?
"This morning, stock markets are up after better-than-expected inflation numbers were released by the federal government. According to latest inflation data, consumer prices in America rose at a 3.3% rate, which is slower than the 3.4% rate that was recorded in April. Economists, however, predicted that the Consumer Price Index would increase by .1% and have an annual gain of 3.4%. That turned out to be untrue.

In addition, prices were flat across America, making this the first time that the Consumer Price Index did not rise on a monthly basis. It is becoming clearer with each passing report out of the Department of Labor that the Biden Administration's policies to combat inflation are working, defying expectations in the process.

This is nothing new for this Administration. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists predicted that President Biden would oversee a recession in America given how high inflation was. President Biden inherited an economy that was bleeding jobs due to the failures during the Trump Administration.

Instead of succumbing to the expectations from economists, the Biden Administration has repeatedly defied all expectations, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month, and seeing inflation slow across the board for American families."

Another Democratic president cleans up yet another Republican economic mess.
You guys are too funny. First off, many Americans can't afford to live anymore. Second, you guys are bragging about the economy and yet in order to get inflation and interest rates down, the Biden administration is trying to trash the economy. When they finally succeed at trashing the economy, will you be talking about the economy then?
You guys are too funny. First off, many Americans can't afford to live anymore. Second, you guys are bragging about the economy and yet in order to get inflation and interest rates down, the Biden administration is trying to trash the economy. When they finally succeed at trashing the economy, will you be talking about the economy then?
You say the silliest things without evidence without numbers. Just emigrate to Texas.
"This morning, stock markets are up after better-than-expected inflation numbers were released by the federal government. According to latest inflation data, consumer prices in America rose at a 3.3% rate, which is slower than the 3.4% rate that was recorded in April. Economists, however, predicted that the Consumer Price Index would increase by .1% and have an annual gain of 3.4%. That turned out to be untrue.

In addition, prices were flat across America, making this the first time that the Consumer Price Index did not rise on a monthly basis. It is becoming clearer with each passing report out of the Department of Labor that the Biden Administration's policies to combat inflation are working, defying expectations in the process.

This is nothing new for this Administration. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists predicted that President Biden would oversee a recession in America given how high inflation was. President Biden inherited an economy that was bleeding jobs due to the failures during the Trump Administration.

Instead of succumbing to the expectations from economists, the Biden Administration has repeatedly defied all expectations, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month, and seeing inflation slow across the board for American families."

Another Democratic president cleans up yet another Republican economic mess.
Grocery prices coming down 4 months in a row. It'll never be good enough for Republicans. There just jealous. Did you see all of Trump's predictions if Biden won that didn't come true?

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
What does "better than expected mean"? The economy isn't good but it isn't as bad as we thought?
The economy is not good? Says who?

Corporate profits, stock market, everything is great. In fact, if Republicans were being honest, poorly paid uneducated blue collar workers maxes out profits. They don't really want to pay them more. They don't really want the government to go after illegal employers.

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

So you want to help uneducated blue collar workers after you sent their jobs overseas in the 2000's because they made too much? I call bullshit. How much is a uneducated blue collar deplorable worth to you hourly? $15? $18? That's less than $38K a year
Economy is good, much better than in 2020. Trump believed the Clinton economy was good.

However, I did not know that Clinton, Epstein, and Trump were not partying together, either.

Stop buying guys! I'm a cheap ass. If everyone stopped buying as much, the prices go down. Now I ONLY buy breast meat when it's buy one get one free. I can't imagine paying full price. But people do.
"This morning, stock markets are up after better-than-expected inflation numbers were released by the federal government. According to latest inflation data, consumer prices in America rose at a 3.3% rate, which is slower than the 3.4% rate that was recorded in April. Economists, however, predicted that the Consumer Price Index would increase by .1% and have an annual gain of 3.4%. That turned out to be untrue.

In addition, prices were flat across America, making this the first time that the Consumer Price Index did not rise on a monthly basis. It is becoming clearer with each passing report out of the Department of Labor that the Biden Administration's policies to combat inflation are working, defying expectations in the process.

This is nothing new for this Administration. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many economists predicted that President Biden would oversee a recession in America given how high inflation was. President Biden inherited an economy that was bleeding jobs due to the failures during the Trump Administration.

Instead of succumbing to the expectations from economists, the Biden Administration has repeatedly defied all expectations, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month, and seeing inflation slow across the board for American families."

Another Democratic president cleans up yet another Republican economic mess.
Once again, stay of the leftist kook sites.
For the umpteenth time you folks, the economy has nothing to do with working class people and the poor!

The CPI does but the evidence has to be presented honestly by government!

The authorities who post these sort of topics just need to go out and buy a loaf of bread, for dog's sake!
I gave you legitimate links. One was from the Clinton News Network.

Although congressional Republicans haven’t specified how they’ll finance this round of tax cuts, every major Republican tax cut for the wealthy or corporations in recent decades has put the burden on middle- and low-income Americans, and this time will be no different

There are four likely ways the GOP would try to offset at least some of the costs. They could use revenues from the 10% across-the-board tariff Trump has proposed on imported goods; they could cut entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare; they could cut annual spending by federal agencies and programs excluding defense; or they could simply borrow, adding the costs of the tax cuts to the public debt.

The tariffswould cost a typ ical household about $1,500 annually in higher prices as importers passed on the costs of the tariffs to consumers. Cutting annual agency budgets would mean spending reductions of at least 50%, she said.

“One way or another, the American people will pay the price for the congressional Republican approach,”

President Joe Biden has said he would keep tax cuts for households earning less than $400,000 annually and that he would raise taxes on corporations and beef up IRS enforcement, which would also raise revenues.


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