Biden Economy roaring along fine.

If the low unemployment numbers were faked than this story would never have come out.

In Kentucky they had underage children working at McDonalds Restaurants. Hundreds of underage children working at several locations and multiple franchises. The reason? They couldn’t get anyone else to work.

The Franchises were fined for having underage workers. But think about it as if you were a manager or the Franchise owner. You need the people. You need them to work. You have to turn to the only resource you can. Kids. Some are your own children or kids of other employees. You can’t let them go on payroll so you pay them under the table.

This is how good the economy is. The restaurants decided to break the many laws about what they were doing to stay in business by getting the only workers they could.

Anyone else ever see the John Wayne movie The Cowboys? I imagine the managers were feeling much the same. No choice if they wanted to stay in business.
My 10 yr old son and 13 yr old daughter worked in my restaurant in MS back in the 80's a few hours every day but I did pay them something. Today they both have one hell of a work ethic and very successful. I started working at 12 and still today at 75, even though semi retired.
Young children generally live with their parents
I am saying employment with adults. There is more than Fast Food of today's lexicon. Small business stores with employees who performed many of the same services.
Did anyone consider that those 10-year-olds might amount to something later in life being taught a strong work ethic in their formative years?

I was working full time at a KFC when I was 12....When school started back up I just worked the weekends.

Maybe that was one of the reasons I managed my affairs to where I retired early, I was not skeered of work.
What makes your situation different is you were older and you got paid. According to the write up, the kids are not only two years younger, but they're also not getting any of their services and it sounds like they may work way too many hours as well. In other words, whoever put them to work in such a way needs to be arrested.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

If the low unemployment numbers were faked than this story would never have come out.

In Kentucky they had underage children working at McDonalds Restaurants. Hundreds of underage children working at several locations and multiple franchises. The reason? They couldn’t get anyone else to work.

The Franchises were fined for having underage workers. But think about it as if you were a manager or the Franchise owner. You need the people. You need them to work. You have to turn to the only resource you can. Kids. Some are your own children or kids of other employees. You can’t let them go on payroll so you pay them under the table.

This is how good the economy is. The restaurants decided to break the many laws about what they were doing to stay in business by getting the only workers they could.

Anyone else ever see the John Wayne movie The Cowboys? I imagine the managers were feeling much the same. No choice if they wanted to stay in business.
…and all he had to do was to double the price of everything!!
If the low unemployment numbers were faked than this story would never have come out.

In Kentucky they had underage children working at McDonalds Restaurants. Hundreds of underage children working at several locations and multiple franchises. The reason? They couldn’t get anyone else to work.

The Franchises were fined for having underage workers. But think about it as if you were a manager or the Franchise owner. You need the people. You need them to work. You have to turn to the only resource you can. Kids. Some are your own children or kids of other employees. You can’t let them go on payroll so you pay them under the table.

This is how good the economy is. The restaurants decided to break the many laws about what they were doing to stay in business by getting the only workers they could.

Anyone else ever see the John Wayne movie The Cowboys? I imagine the managers were feeling much the same. No choice if they wanted to stay in business.
Meanwhile, people can't afford gas, groceries, rents, and other necessities and we are on the brink of recession. Other than that, everything's fine.
Are you saying wages need to be increased?
LOL. That's funny. That's one of the things that has gotten us to where we are at where people can't afford anything anymore. Used to be a poor family could eat cheap at McDonalds. Not any more. And homelessness is out of control because they can't afford what they used to be able to afford, including housing.
LOL. That's funny. That's one of the things that has gotten us to where we are at where people can't afford anything anymore. Used to be a poor family could eat cheap at McDonalds. Not any more. And homelessness is out of control because they can't afford what they used to be able to afford, including housing.

This is why full employment was pegged at 5% unemployment. When unemployment gets lower then that employers have to compete for employees. That means higher wages for the workers. To pay the higher wages employers raise the costs to the consumers. It is a vicious circle wouldn’t you agree?
LOL. That's funny. That's one of the things that has gotten us to where we are at where people can't afford anything anymore. Used to be a poor family could eat cheap at McDonalds. Not any more. And homelessness is out of control because they can't afford what they used to be able to afford, including housing.
Used to be a McDonalds employee could afford to eat fast food.
There is no reason that an employee who works full time cannot afford basic necessities without Government assistance

That is an issue of wages not keeping up with inflation not an issue with rising prices
If the low unemployment numbers were faked than this story would never have come out.

In Kentucky they had underage children working at McDonalds Restaurants. Hundreds of underage children working at several locations and multiple franchises. The reason? They couldn’t get anyone else to work.

The Franchises were fined for having underage workers. But think about it as if you were a manager or the Franchise owner. You need the people. You need them to work. You have to turn to the only resource you can. Kids. Some are your own children or kids of other employees. You can’t let them go on payroll so you pay them under the table.

This is how good the economy is. The restaurants decided to break the many laws about what they were doing to stay in business by getting the only workers they could.

Anyone else ever see the John Wayne movie The Cowboys? I imagine the managers were feeling much the same. No choice if they wanted to stay in business.
Yes 1970s inflation
2/3 living pay check to pay check
saving accounts wiped out
Did anyone consider that those 10-year-olds might amount to something later in life being taught a strong work ethic in their formative years?

I was working full time at a KFC when I was 12....When school started back up I just worked the weekends.

Maybe that was one of the reasons I managed my affairs to where I retired early, I was not skeered of work.
It's only been in the last 100 years or so that we've developed the concept that children should have carefree lives with no responsibility until they are legally considered adults. Now we cocoon them.
Are you saying wages need to be increased?
If they existed in a vacuum, we could. If businesses were compensated for being welfare outlets, we could, but the reality is, employees are paid what they are worth to the company. Smart companies pay valuable employees what they are worth to keep them around, but don't pay more just because random internet keyboard jockeys think they should.
Meanwhile.................... republicans love it.

Several Republican-controlled states are currently considering weakening child labor laws, including a bill in Arkansas that would allow children as young as 14 to work without first obtaining permission.

Last week, state legislators in Arkansas passed a bill that would eliminate a requirement for kids under the age of 16 to obtain a permit in order to work.
Currently, companies in Arkansas that want to employ 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds are required to obtain a permit showing proof of age, have written permission from a parent or guardian, and provide a description of the work and the work schedule.
The bill, “The Youth Hiring Act of 2023,” would weaken the state’s oversight of child labor laws by eliminating the need for a permit altogether.

Other Republican-led states are currently considering legislation to change child labor laws too, including Iowa and Ohio. Iowa’s bill would allow minors as young as 15 to serve alcohol and allow 14-year-olds to work in industrial freezers and meat coolers. Ohio’s bill would allow minors to work year-round until 9 p.m.

Arkansas, Ohio, and Iowa’s attempts to cut regulations is happening alongside a massive uptick in child labor over the past several years, as well as increased scrutiny after several high-profile cases. The federal government fined a sanitation company privately owned by Blackstone last month for employing more than a hundred minors to clean slaughterhouses; 10 of those children were working at Tyson Foods and George’s Inc. plants in Arkansas, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
So what I got a job as a bag boy when I turned 15. Before that I went around the neighborhood and cut lawns for money.

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