Biden endorses suing gun manufacturers .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

If people can sue those who make guns for crimes then conservatives need to start suing the DNC for defunding the police and causing crimes.

Then sue Joe Biden for being an idiot
it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business.

Look what happened to Remington after getting sued. And that shitfaced schmuck said today that he has no truck with gun owners. Sure, keep your guns, we'll just make the price of bullets prohibitively expensive, then unavailable, then put all the gun makers out of business.
Sounds like a plan. I doubt any jury in the nation would award damages. And even if they did, the gun company would just appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal all the way to the supreme court who has shown that it cuts the constitution to fit its agenda. But it is at least something.
Look what happened to Remington after getting sued. And that shitfaced schmuck said today that he has no truck with gun owners. Sure, keep your guns, we'll just make the price of bullets prohibitively expensive, then unavailable, then put all the gun makers out of business.
It's rather easy to make bullets at home. That's what California found out with a per bullet tax.
it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

If they do it will be the end of all manufacturing in the US.

The manufacturer cannot be responsible for how you use their products. We we hold them liable the American Car Industry will be the first to go.

Sounds like a plan. I doubt any jury in the nation would award damages. And even if they did, the gun company would just appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal all the way to the supreme court who has shown that it cuts the constitution to fit its agenda. But it is at least something.
sounds like a plan ? at least its something ? wow ! it doesnt matter what the radical left does you will defend them ! you know full well the left is trampling on the 2 nd amendment !
Can we Americans sue Joe Potatohead for stealing an election, taking away our Constitutional rights and screwing up the economy?

That would be fair, wouldn't it?
Sounds like a plan. I doubt any jury in the nation would award damages. And even if they did, the gun company would just appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal and appeal all the way to the supreme court who has shown that it cuts the constitution to fit its agenda. But it is at least something.
The objective is to bankrupt gun manufacturers through frivolous lawsuits, not actually win the cases. This is all in the anti-gunners' plan to outlaw all gun ownership.
Or, sue those companies for murders committed with their products.
The FBI stats show murders are committed with cars, knives, hammers, baseball bats, etc... Hell, Let's sue 'em all.

Manufacturers are not responsible for how twisted, sick, evil fucks misuse their products.

Johnny Depp was accused of raping Amber Heard with a bottle. She should sue the shit out of the manufacturer of whatever drink / bottle that was.

Every time there is a car accident where someone is hurt or killed, like in a DUI, we should be able to sue the shit out of the car manufacturers.

Hooray! It's the age of non-accountability. You aren't responsible for any of your actions at all.

You aren't to blame for driving with a .95 alcohol blood content level, running the red light, and killing that mother and daughter- it's the F*ing car manufacturer's fault or the alcohol maker's fault.

You aren't to blame for picking up that weapon, going down to the school, and killing those 19 kids - YOU ARE A VICTIM of the evil weapon and the company that made that legal, Constitutionally protected weapon.

Good frickin" grief....
it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

He can endorse all he wants but it would violate a few laws to achieve that goal.

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