Biden endorses suing gun manufacturers .

With a national program to go after makers of AR type guns with information and lawyers on staff, we can take care of these gun bubbas and their kill machines our self. If they miss one loophole, bury their ass in suits.
What we have here, put another way:

Man gets drunk. Man steals Mustang. Man runs school bus of kids over cliff.
Liberal believe the owner of the Mustang, the dealer who sold it to the owner, and FoMoCo itself, are all legally liable for the death of those kids.
Everyone if people don't contribute, dump their asses, that is the only real way to keep a forum alive. Making a thread and then having to read a half dozen times that someone doesn't like you, think you are dumb or attack your spelling is a total waste of bandwidth. Who in the hell cares what someone thinks personally about someone else. Then there are the hijackers who respond to a post about Trump and answer with Hunter Biden or that Obama wasn't born here or that Clinton lied. If They do that, dump their stupid ass.

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