Biden endorses suing gun manufacturers .

Beef up security at schools. That's the first step. Everyone with a brain knows banning guns isn't going to work.
Why would people be stupid enough to believe that garbage, every gun pulled off the rolls is one less that can be used to kill a child.and to stop the redneck from shooting themselves in their foot. They shoot 460 people in the first half of 2022 defending themselves , while killing, 18000 in the same period of time to get to just shooting 460.
Beef up security at schools. That's the first step. Everyone with a brain knows banning guns isn't going to work.
Your solution is, the alternator is broke (gun problem) so fix the battery (school, office, cinema etc..). And when the problem reoccurs, fix the battery again (school, office, cinema etc..) again. And when the problem reoccurs, fix the battery (school, office, cinema etc..) again .......

So, why not fix the alternator (gun problem)
Your solution is, the alternator is broke (gun problem) so fix the battery (school, office, cinema etc..). And when the problem reoccurs, fix the battery again (school, office, cinema etc..) again. And when the problem reoccurs, fix the battery (school, office, cinema etc..) again .......
So, why not fix the alternator (gun problem)
There is no gun problem. Therefore there is nothing that needs to be fixed.
First step is overcoming denial.
It is proper that untrue claims are denied.

If there's no problem, you don't need armed teachers and schools that resemble prisons.
There is a problem. It just isn't a gun problem. Massacres would be just as objectionable if they were carried out without guns.

The problem is the massacres, not the guns.

The way you prevent massacres is by allowing teachers to keep a rifle in a gun safe in their classroom.

So fix the alternator, the gun problem.
There is no gun problem.

I should add, even if there had been a gun problem, our freedom would still be worth it. We would not fix a gun problem even if it actually existed.

But there is no gun problem. Freedom does not cost any lives. The UK and Australia gave up their freedom for nothing.
I've posted this several times.
Stats don't lie, but propaganda shields data, truth, and directs the narrative.

First, we all agree that a death, self inflected (not necessarily suicide) or not, is terrible. What bothers me is the social and political divide that guns has become, and IMO, that is because of the political propaganda that is continually in front of us.
For example, weekly you can easily find an article talking about the "Mass shootings" that have occurred over the week.

For example:

The title of the article contains "Mass Shootings" in the headline. If the reader does not take the time to venture further into the supporting news links then the reader will just think that we are seeing more and more mass shootings. However, if the reader does review the supporting links in these articles, the reader will soon find out that these "Mass shootings" are done by thugs and criminals. Very few of these articles align with similar scenarios of school shootings or mass shootings carried out by mentally disturbed or ill people.

Another concern is that the term "Mass Shooting" is now jello. I believe there used to be a definition of what defined a mass shooting. Now journalists and the media are using the term loosely and irresponsibly. If a mass shooting means 4 shot and killed, then 4 people shot and lived during a drive by shooting doesn't count. But the media will still use the term in their propaganda.

And now some stats:
I believe in 2020 there were approximately 46,000 deaths due to guns, regardless of "TYPE" of shooting.
52% of those are suicides
That leaves about 24,000 actual gun deaths regardless of the type of shooting or shooter.

In this country over 600,000 people will die from Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and or heart disease.
Look I get it that a smoker who contracts lung cancer or has some other type of aliment where smoking contributed to their death doesn't affect me. But doesn't that death matter? Why aren't we clamoring to outlaw and ban tobacco?

The same can be said for the alcoholic. Keep in mind that drunk drivers in 2020 or 2021 killed 11,000 people in the U.S. Those deaths should matter just as much as the other 24,000 killed by guns, right? Where is the outrage to ban alcohol, or sue the distillery?

Let's talk about distracted driving for a second. 3124 killed in 2020 according to NHTSA. What does that number have to be before we start protesting and lobbying to stop drivers from using their phone or use technology to prevent phone use. I see more people driving with their damn phone in their face and their eyes looking down as they roll around driving a 2 ton bullet. But no one seems to care about that shit. And if you're someone who wants to ban guns or make owning even harder and harder, yet you can't put your phone down, you're a fucking hypocrite IMO.

My point is present some data and perspective. The politicians don't want you to see numbers. The MSM don't present numbers. They give to us words because they realize that most of us are dumb and stupid and will chew on whatever they spew out.

There are bigger problems killing Americans by far greater numbers, but continue to believe that Guns is our first country problem if you want.
My guns are extremely safe.
Your guns are safe because you keep them safe. Guns cannot be manufactured not to shoot unless they are paperweights. A firearm when used as a firearm discharges a projectile under high velocity. It cannot be made to discharge that projectile safely. That is in the hands of the person handling the weapon. This is the very reason why no firearm has ever run around shooting people on it's own.
It is proper that untrue claims are denied.

There is a problem. It just isn't a gun problem. Massacres would be just as objectionable if they were carried out without guns.

The problem is the massacres, not the guns.

The way you prevent massacres is by allowing teachers to keep a rifle in a gun safe in their classroom.

There is no gun problem.

I should add, even if there had been a gun problem, our freedom would still be worth it. We would not fix a gun problem even if it actually existed.

But there is no gun problem. Freedom does not cost any lives. The UK and Australia gave up their freedom for nothing.
Q anon stupid. Logic isn't his finer point.
I've posted this several times.
Stats don't lie, but propaganda shields data, truth, and directs the narrative.

First, we all agree that a death, self inflected (not necessarily suicide) or not, is terrible. What bothers me is the social and political divide that guns has become, and IMO, that is because of the political propaganda that is continually in front of us.
For example, weekly you can easily find an article talking about the "Mass shootings" that have occurred over the week.

For example:

The title of the article contains "Mass Shootings" in the headline. If the reader does not take the time to venture further into the supporting news links then the reader will just think that we are seeing more and more mass shootings. However, if the reader does review the supporting links in these articles, the reader will soon find out that these "Mass shootings" are done by thugs and criminals. Very few of these articles align with similar scenarios of school shootings or mass shootings carried out by mentally disturbed or ill people.

Another concern is that the term "Mass Shooting" is now jello. I believe there used to be a definition of what defined a mass shooting. Now journalists and the media are using the term loosely and irresponsibly. If a mass shooting means 4 shot and killed, then 4 people shot and lived during a drive by shooting doesn't count. But the media will still use the term in their propaganda.

And now some stats:
I believe in 2020 there were approximately 46,000 deaths due to guns, regardless of "TYPE" of shooting.
52% of those are suicides
That leaves about 24,000 actual gun deaths regardless of the type of shooting or shooter.

In this country over 600,000 people will die from Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and or heart disease.
Look I get it that a smoker who contracts lung cancer or has some other type of aliment where smoking contributed to their death doesn't affect me. But doesn't that death matter? Why aren't we clamoring to outlaw and ban tobacco?

The same can be said for the alcoholic. Keep in mind that drunk drivers in 2020 or 2021 killed 11,000 people in the U.S. Those deaths should matter just as much as the other 24,000 killed by guns, right? Where is the outrage to ban alcohol, or sue the distillery?

Let's talk about distracted driving for a second. 3124 killed in 2020 according to NHTSA. What does that number have to be before we start protesting and lobbying to stop drivers from using their phone or use technology to prevent phone use. I see more people driving with their damn phone in their face and their eyes looking down as they roll around driving a 2 ton bullet. But no one seems to care about that shit. And if you're someone who wants to ban guns or make owning even harder and harder, yet you can't put your phone down, you're a fucking hypocrite IMO.

My point is present some data and perspective. The politicians don't want you to see numbers. The MSM don't present numbers. They give to us words because they realize that most of us are dumb and stupid and will chew on whatever they spew out.

There are bigger problems killing Americans by far greater numbers, but continue to believe that Guns is our first country problem if you want.
A nothing totally illogical self-serving piece of tripe from a q anon gun bubbas, totally completely stupid.
Your guns are safe because you keep them safe. Guns cannot be manufactured not to shoot unless they are paperweights. A firearm when used as a firearm discharges a projectile under high velocity. It cannot be made to discharge that projectile safely. That is in the hands of the person handling the weapon. This is the very reason why no firearm has ever run around shooting people on it's own.
My favorite with these nutso's is they have 22 guns but only one trigger finger, then they wall explain the need for alternative and different ways to kill someone. The world of these wackos. These nutso's are by far the biggest threat to the Second Amendment.
All you have to do to see where these gun bubbas will lead you is look at the record of right wing controlled states over just about everything. They are a disaster and homicide is at the top. There are more homicides in 19 states then there is in New York City per 100,000 people, all of them are hate party states. Think about it more in a whole state than in New York City.
A nothing totally illogical self-serving piece of tripe from a q anon gun bubbas, totally completely stupid.
I know you are but what am I... That is basically the response you gave. So your actual response isn't to give anything logical. Rather you resort to illogical tactics and non-sense. Good on you to provide no value to conversation.
All you have to do to see where these gun bubbas will lead you is look at the record of right wing controlled states over just about everything. They are a disaster and homicide is at the top. There are more homicides in 19 states then there is in New York City per 100,000 people, all of them are hate party states. Think about it more in a whole state than in New York City.
Care to site any resource for those numbers. By the way, the numbers I stated are all found in the CDC or other .gov sites.
Care to site any resource for those numbers. By the way, the numbers I stated are all found in the CDC or other .gov sites.
Good God are you joking, HOMICIDE DEATH BY GUN
there is nothing that your party offers that is good for anyone except the golden few.

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