Biden endorses suing gun manufacturers .


Homicide death rate
There is nothing to gain from being involved with any party of your hate group. INCOME BY STATE
Good God are you joking, HOMICIDE DEATH BY GUNView attachment 658310 there is nothing that your party offers that is good for anyone except the golden few.
Couple of things:
1. You should never assume you know anything about anyone just because a person has an opinion on one subject. Despite popular opinion in this country and in this forum, someone may actually have pro or moderate gun control beliefs and not align themselves with a "party". It might be hard to believe, but I don't align fully with the republicans and democrats. Actually more libertarian than anything even though I'm not 100% on board with them. Ever think that someone might actually by fiscally and gov't conservative while also being socially moderate and slightly liberal? So stop painting people into your assumed corner.

2. Thanks for all the stats, which, you supplied no actual links. In a school of higher learning, one would need to site resources. Rather you just posted a bunch of screen grabs which could have been pulled from any site, with any type of bias. Or you could have made them up. Not saying you did, cause I doubt that. But without proper links, you screen shots hold no weight.

Good day.
And the same can be said the opposite. Ever think that the 2 party system that our country has embraced is actually the biggest problem?

In real life, if you or I were to meet, I would imagine we could have proper conversations without conjecture, hyperbole, and ad hominem attacks. If this were to happen, I bet you, I and other politically different souls could actually find common ground. Perhaps we don't agree on everything, but come to terms with a middle ground agreement and walk away with respect for each other.
Unfortunately, this forum, is a reflection on how poorly civilized we are becoming. Most people would rather post some biased news article and blame biden or orange man for everything rather than actually have proper conversation, discuss facts, have logical debate, and formulate opinions on facts.
Your guns are safe because you keep them safe. Guns cannot be manufactured not to shoot unless they are paperweights. A firearm when used as a firearm discharges a projectile under high velocity. It cannot be made to discharge that projectile safely. That is in the hands of the person handling the weapon. This is the very reason why no firearm has ever run around shooting people on it's own.

So what?

A gun that does not have the capability of firing is absolutely useless as a self defense tool.

And it's the person not the gun that determines its safe use.
Couple of things:
1. You should never assume you know anything about anyone just because a person has an opinion on one subject. Despite popular opinion in this country and in this forum, someone may actually have pro or moderate gun control beliefs and not align themselves with a "party". It might be hard to believe, but I don't align fully with the republicans and democrats. Actually more libertarian than anything even though I'm not 100% on board with them. Ever think that someone might actually by fiscally and gov't conservative while also being socially moderate and slightly liberal? So stop painting people into your assumed corner.

2. Thanks for all the stats, which, you supplied no actual links. In a school of higher learning, one would need to site resources. Rather you just posted a bunch of screen grabs which could have been pulled from any site, with any type of bias. Or you could have made them up. Not saying you did, cause I doubt that. But without proper links, you screen shots hold no weight.

Good day.
Loser! Didn't like it did you?
And the same can be said the opposite. Ever think that the 2 party system that our country has embraced is actually the biggest problem?

In real life, if you or I were to meet, I would imagine we could have proper conversations without conjecture, hyperbole, and ad hominem attacks. If this were to happen, I bet you, I and other politically different souls could actually find common ground. Perhaps we don't agree on everything, but come to terms with a middle ground agreement and walk away with respect for each other.
Unfortunately, this forum, is a reflection on how poorly civilized we are becoming. Most people would rather post some biased news article and blame biden or orange man for everything rather than actually have proper conversation, discuss facts, have logical debate, and formulate opinions on facts.
You are a cartoon character, nothing else/

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