Biden endorses suing gun manufacturers .

it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

I cut myself shaving...suing Bic.
Do you really believe that most conservatives are armed? Wow.
It's a proven fact.

"In the United States in 2021, 50 percent of Republicans reported that they owned at least one gun, and 61 percent said that they lived in a household with a gun. In comparison, only 21 percent of Democrats owned at least one gun, and 31 percent lived a gun household."

And those are the ones that felt comfortable telling a stranger on the phone that they owned a gun.

How the fuck can you be so ignorant on every topic.

Reasons why facts aren't facts in 3...2...1...
Here is the best way to handle everything that is said by the right, You are better off from the start to just take it for granted it is a lie or distortion , because if you go through the exercise of trying to look it up you are just wasting your life, all they do is lie .
Translation..."I can't refute anything the right says...but my inferiority complex can't allow me to admit I'm wrong... Therefore I choose to continue wallowing in my ignorance".

Trust doesn't help that you are a complete idiot. What hope can you possibly have of enlightenment when your I.Q. is lower than room temperature?
You just don't know how much I love your remark , it says everything that needs to be said about you.
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!

You just don‘t want the people to understand the direction the Democratic Party is headed because they would reject Democrats in the future. Americans love freedom and the Bill of Rights. Marist socialists love sheeple.

It's a proven fact.

"In the United States in 2021, 50 percent of Republicans reported that they owned at least one gun, and 61 percent said that they lived in a household with a gun. In comparison, only 21 percent of Democrats owned at least one gun, and 31 percent lived a gun household."

And those are the ones that felt comfortable telling a stranger on the phone that they owned a gun.

How the fuck can you be so ignorant on every topic.

Reasons why facts aren't facts in 3...2...1...
Not all conservatives are republicans and not all republicans are conservatives.

But the percentage is much higher than I thought it would be.
You just don‘t want the people to understand the direction the Democratic Party is headed because they would reject Democrats in the future. Americans love freedom and the Bill of Rights. Marist socialists love sheeple.

Let's give this small fry a little education. The commie thing is the same as the Marxist and socialist program , it is the anti response to capitalism as a total rejection of capitalism and all three are implemented only one way. That way is simple and everyone knows it , The means of production is owned and operated by the government and the sale of that production is dedicated to the government. And without that there is no Marxism socialism or Communism. Well I must add there has never been a communist country ever.
Got a question funny child, when was the last time someone came up to you in this country and said You know I think it would be a good idea if the government took over and run all business and took charge of the sales of all the production of all the companies taken over and controlled by the government. Never happened and child it never will , we are a capitalistic country and capitalism is the only way. The only people that will or could bring down capitalism is the right and their attitude that they deserve it all. They have taken away the driving force that makes capitalism the answer and the only way, and that is the potential of the possibility to get ahead. That was lost when Reagan implemented the trickle down lie.
my young child, you have no clue, and you are with the right group where you belong ,with the idiots of this world.
Let's give this small fry a little education. The commie thing is the same as the Marxist and socialist program , it is the anti response to capitalism as a total rejection of capitalism and all three are implemented only one way. That way is simple and everyone knows it , The means of production is owned and operated by the government and the sale of that production is dedicated to the government. And without that there is no Marxism socialism or Communism. Well I must add there has never been a communist country ever.
Got a question funny child, when was the last time someone came up to you in this country and said You know I think it would be a good idea if the government took over and run all business and took charge of the sales of all the production of all the companies taken over and controlled by the government. Never happened and child it never will , we are a capitalistic country and capitalism is the only way. The only people that will or could bring down capitalism is the right and their attitude that they deserve it all. They have taken away the driving force that makes capitalism the answer and the only way, and that is the potential of the possibility to get ahead. That was lost when Reagan implemented the trickle down lie.
my young child, you have no clue, and you are with the right group where you belong ,with the idiots of this world.
Where did you learn all this fascinating bullshit?

You say, “Well I must add there has never been a communist country ever.” if you paid for this “education” you were brainwashed.

Updated February 11, 2017 | Infoplease Staff

Current Communist Countries: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Formerly Communist countries (by current name):

After overthrowing the centuries-old Romanov monarchy, Russia emerged from a civil war in 1921 as the newly formed Soviet Union. The world’s first Marxist-Communist state would become one of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world, occupying nearly one-sixth of Earth’s land surface, before its fall and ultimate dissolution in 1991. The United Socialist Soviet Republic, or U.S.S.R., was made up of 15 republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.…emphasis added

The CIA Fact Book liststhe type of government in a nation. Let’s look at China.

Country name:
conventional long form: People's Republic of China
conventional short form: China
local long form: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
local short form: Zhongguo
abbreviation: PRC
etymology: English name derives from the Qin (Chin) rulers of the 3rd century B.C., who comprised the first imperial dynasty of ancient China; the Chinese name Zhongguo translates as "Central Nation" or "Middle Kingdom"

Government type:
communist party-led state

If you look up Cuba in the CIA Fact Book you will find the government listed as a “communist state.”

I rate the reliably of the CIA Fact Book above some random poster who believes he is very well educated by a lot.[/I]
Last edited:
Where did you learn all this fascinating bullshit?

You say, “Well I must add there has never been a communist country ever.” if you paid for this “education” you were brainwashed.

Updated February 11, 2017 | Infoplease Staff

Current Communist Countries: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Formerly Communist countries (by current name):

After overthrowing the centuries-old Romanov monarchy, Russia emerged from a civil war in 1921 as the newly formed Soviet Union. The world’s first Marxist-Communist state would become one of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world, occupying nearly one-sixth of Earth’s land surface, before its fall and ultimate dissolution in 1991. The United Socialist Soviet Republic, or U.S.S.R., was made up of 15 republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.…emphasis added

The CIA Fact Book liststhe type of government in a nation. Let’s look at China.

Country name:
conventional long form: People's Republic of China
conventional short form: China
local long form: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
local short form: Zhongguo
abbreviation: PRC
etymology: English name derives from the Qin (Chin) rulers of the 3rd century B.C., who comprised the first imperial dynasty of ancient China; the Chinese name Zhongguo translates as "Central Nation" or "Middle Kingdom"

Government type:
communist party-led state

If you look up Cuba in the CIA Fact Book you will find the government listed as a “communist state.”

I rate the reliably of the CIA Fact Book above some random poster who believes he is very well educated by a lot.[/I]
You are a idiot, and you don't even know it, there never has been a communist country and there never will be one. This message is for people that have the ability to think and ace that leaves you out.
Like I said , the only way stupid can work is if stupid is the ones who define what something is themselves. With communism, it is what Karl Marx says it is, and his definition says you are one dumb Q Anoners.
it seems that already the left is going further than just an assault weapons band ... suing gun manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun would put the manufacturers out of business .

Suing gun manufacturers is a good strategy. Let's start with all the mass shootings in recent years. Each victim's family will get a settlement. This is one of the best ideas President Biden has ever had.
Suing gun manufacturers is a good strategy. Let's start with all the mass shootings in recent years. Each victim's family will get a settlement. This is one of the best ideas President Biden has ever had.
Absolutely, you can force the worst of the AR type gun builders out of business, the American way. Capitalism at its best.
The way to do that is put together a non profit organization that exist just for filing suites against these companies' With volunteers to approach every single person ever hurt by this type of gun . Lawyer stockpiles for non-stop suites and a advertising profile that lets every person out there knowing who to call.
Suing gun manufacturers is a good strategy. Let's start with all the mass shootings in recent years. Each victim's family will get a settlement. This is one of the best ideas President Biden has ever had.
Sorry. You don't get to violate people's civil liberties.

People who make frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers need to have their homes and retirement accounts seized to pay the gun manufacturers' legal bills.
Sorry. You don't get to violate people's civil liberties.

People who make frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers need to have their homes and retirement accounts seized to pay the gun manufacturers' legal bills.
Suing a big corporation is not a violation of their civil liberties.
It's called keeping them accountable.
Suing a big corporation is not a violation of their civil liberties.
Illegitimately suing a corporation is a violation of their civil liberties.

Illegitimately suing corporations with the goal of violating the Second Amendment is an attempt to violate the civil liberties of the American people.

It's called keeping them accountable.
Not when the lawsuits are illegitimate and are only an attempt to violate the Second Amendment.
Sorry. You don't get to violate people's civil liberties.

People who make frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers need to have their homes and retirement accounts seized to pay the gun manufacturers' legal bills.
Won't wash ace , a well organized attack on these AK type producers will be very effective and no they won't get sued back , that's just stupid. Should be able to put many of these companies out of business. Half this country would contribute to a non-profit to go after these killers.
Illegitimately suing a corporation is a violation of their civil liberties.

Illegitimately suing corporations with the goal of violating the Second Amendment is an attempt to violate the civil liberties of the American people.

Not when the lawsuits are illegitimate and are only an attempt to violate the Second Amendment.
You have no point ace , they would be sued, and they would lose. And your hope is hopeless.

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