Biden falls on his ass at Air Force graduation

Who doesn't watch where they're walking. Got any more excuses?
We need to chip in and buy him a pair of these
yup sure. Nice attempt at a comeback.

Like i said:
Get back to me when a republican can have any success, like Bill Clinton and his world beating economy, or Joe Biden and his world beating jobs market.

I have destroyed you on the issues and reduced you to memes.
I'll try to remember you were a former Democrat who turned Trumpster. That means you were right up until you got duped by Trump. I get it. I heard all the things he said on the campaign trail that made him different than the other Republicans.

He said he would deal with illegals and they were hurting the middle class. That is true
He said he would raise taxes on people like him.
He even said Bush lied us into Iraq. Dude, I loved it when he said that.
He was pro choice before he became a Republican
Said he'd be a law and order president
He said he would drain the swamp
Said he would tarriff and deal with China's unfair trade.

But he hires illegals, doesn't pay his fair share of taxes, walked back his comment on Iraq, appointed justices who are political hacks, started a trade war with China he did not win and he was the most corrupt swamp creature who's dangerous to our democracy.

But you probably believe the election was stolen from him. You are a loyal follower of Trump. Not a Republican just a independent guy who leaned left who got duped by Trump.

I wonder who you will vote for when he's gone. Do the Republicans have you now? I bet they do. But they have to be nuts like Majorie Taylor Green.

Blah blah blah.

In other words: I betrayed your brainwashed cult that's been lying to you for years with the acquiescence of the MSM.

And you fall for it, over and over and over - as the Democrats continue to be the Party of War, open borders, high crime, and racial division.

But Orange Man didn't give us everything we wanted after just one term. Only no new wars, low inflation, low crime, a secure border, the reformation of NAFTA, a peace deal with Israel and the Arabs that China Joe has already put in tatters.

Your personal hatred for him, fueled by your non-stop intake of MSM poison, has ruined your ability to think critically.

You're the one who's "duped".

I'm not fond of Biden but... people trip, deal with it.

Luckily it does not appear as though he injured anything. I know someone, much younger, who tripped and broke her wrist. One titanium plate, six screws, and two months later and she's still not quite back...
Yes its a shame that he fell, Not a good look.
But Why try and insult some one for something that happens to ALL of us,
and much more often as we age? Hate old people?
Yes its a shame that he fell, Not a good look.
But Why try and insult some one for something that happens to ALL of us,
and much more often as we age? Hate old people?

Where did I "try and insult some one for something that happens to ALL of us?" This not a rhetorical question. Show me where I tried to insult Biden.
Blah blah blah.

In other words: I betrayed your brainwashed cult that's been lying to you for years with the acquiescence of the MSM.

And you fall for it, over and over and over - as the Democrats continue to be the Party of War, open borders, high crime, and racial division.

But Orange Man didn't give us everything we wanted after just one term. Only no new wars, low inflation, low crime, a secure border, the reformation of NAFTA, a peace deal with Israel and the Arabs that China Joe has already put in tatters.

Your personal hatred for him, fueled by your non-stop intake of MSM poison, has ruined your ability to think critically.

You're the one who's "duped".

You're not alone. I was a democrat until 2015. Been on the MAGA train since riding with no brakes

The democrats betrayed every principle liberals are suppose to defend
He tripped over a sandbag.Who puts sandbags up on a stage platform ? That was an accident waiting to happen. Luckily it only hurt his pride.

There was a sandbag on the stage.

Also true is the fact that President Biden had already been on the stage for two hours.
Wow standing there shaking hands such exhausting work 🙄
Where did I say it was exhausting? After two hours, President Biden did not see the sandbag? Really?

As I said, I don't care a tinker's dam that President Biden needs assistance walking. Please give him a cane or walker for heaven's sake. Make it easy for the old man.

I am far more concerned that his mental faculties are drastically lower than what is needed to run the most powerful nation in the World.

Where did I say it was exhausting? After two hours, President Biden did not see the sandbag? Really?

As I said, I don't care a tinker's dam that President Biden needs assistance walking. Please give him a cane or walker for heaven's sake. Make it easy for the old man.

I am far more concerned that his mental faculties are drastically lower than what is needed to run the most powerful nation in the World.

My sarcasm was in addition to yours not making fun of
My sarcasm was in addition to yours not making fun of
Sorry about that.

Sarcasm is difficult to transfer to the written word. Some decades ago a fellow tried to get a keyboard character to be used to designate sarcasm. Like an exclamation point or question mark. Obviously, it never caught on.
Old people fall down, a lot.
Of course, that's not going to happen to any of y'all.

At 71, I had to have a major surgery because I was falling down. I had 2 collapsed disc that was causing it. I got better now but am well below where I was before the falling down happened.

Is it funny? Not even close. You MAGAts need to be forced to get serious mental health.

For those who want the more entertaining version of it than that.

There he is folks. The one that got the most votes in the history of the 247 year history of the country.

He can't even get himself up off the ground. He hasn't got much more time when he isn't able to get himself up.
He can't even get himself up off the ground. He hasn't got much more time when he isn't able to get himself up.
Meanwhile he’s the most powerful person in the world and you are westwall, internet poster. ;)
Blah blah blah.

In other words: I betrayed your brainwashed cult that's been lying to you for years with the acquiescence of the MSM.

And you fall for it, over and over and over - as the Democrats continue to be the Party of War, open borders, high crime, and racial division.

But Orange Man didn't give us everything we wanted after just one term. Only no new wars, low inflation, low crime, a secure border, the reformation of NAFTA, a peace deal with Israel and the Arabs that China Joe has already put in tatters.

Your personal hatred for him, fueled by your non-stop intake of MSM poison, has ruined your ability to think critically.

You're the one who's "duped".

Yup, you’re the typical former democrat who fell for trump.
Blah blah blah.

In other words: I betrayed your brainwashed cult that's been lying to you for years with the acquiescence of the MSM.

And you fall for it, over and over and over - as the Democrats continue to be the Party of War, open borders, high crime, and racial division.

But Orange Man didn't give us everything we wanted after just one term. Only no new wars, low inflation, low crime, a secure border, the reformation of NAFTA, a peace deal with Israel and the Arabs that China Joe has already put in tatters.

Your personal hatred for him, fueled by your non-stop intake of MSM poison, has ruined your ability to think critically.

You're the one who's "duped".

No doubt if we were Russians you’d be a putin supporter

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