Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

More Biden corruption? Check out what the law says about the estate tax

6 Jul 2023 ~~ By Joe Fried

Recently we learned that the Biden syndicate created a network of 20 or more limited liability corporations (LLCs) for the purpose of obscuring the transfer of money "earned" by the sale of Joe Biden's influence as vice president of the United States. Although our "Justice Department" hasn't figured it out yet, the rest of the country is starting to realize that massive criminality has taken place. At the very least, several felonious violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) have probably been committed by Hunter — and by his father. Let's not forget that it was Joe, not Hunter, who had influence to sell.
We have also learned that Hunter did not pay taxes on all of his income. I don't completely blame him for that because there is no line on the tax return for "influence-peddling."
In summary, we have already seen two likely crimes: FARA violations and income tax evasion. However, there may be a third crime that has been overlooked: estate tax evasion.
Here is how this could affect Joe Biden. Since the Supreme Court's 1935 Gregory v. Helvering case, the IRS has held that taxpayers should be taxed on the substance of transactions, even if that substance is inconsistent with the legal form of the transactions. This doctrine is known as "substance over form." A derivative of it is the "step transaction doctrine."
Using the step transaction doctrine, the IRS could ignore the 20 LLCs, and even ignore Hunter's role as the person who supposedly earned the foreign income. Instead, it might presume that the foreign money was actually earned by Joe, who used Hunter and the LLCs as a means for collecting and distributing the funds. If the IRS did that, this might be the result:
The $40 million would be put back into Joe's estate, and it would be added to his current net worth (around $8 million, according to Forbes). From the total ($48 million), the IRS would subtract Joe's estate tax exemption of $13 million. In addition, Joe would probably leave at least $13 million in assets to Jill, so that her estate could also utilize an estate tax exemption (upon her death). Joe would get a spousal exclusion for the $13 million left to Jill. In this scenario, the federal estate tax would be about $9 million:​
$48 Million total estate value
-13 Less Joe's exemption
-13 Less the spousal exclusion
$22 Estate value subject to tax
$9 million
It is not unusual for the IRS to apply the step transaction doctrine in normal times. But these are not normal times. If they were, Hunter might be in jail right now — and Joe might be living in a Delaware nursing home.
There are legal ways to get the same effect but they require legal entities that are not as easily put out of sight as are LLC's. The purpose of the LLC's for Biden was not simply to avoid the taxes, it was to avoid detection.
There are legal (criminal) issues much bigger than estate or income tax issues. Perhaps we will get some justice once the Biden regime is out of power
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  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.

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The American Thinker is an awesome source for credible fact based news and analysis.
Discerning fact from fiction doesn't take a nuclear scientist, only deductive reasoning and logic is needed.... try it!!!
Oh I do….Which is why currently I can say I think liberals have totally lost it.
Oh I do….Which is why currently I can say I think liberals have totally lost it.
It is funny how liberals have innumerable outlets that call themselves journalists and seek the truth all around the world, while you have one TV Station run by a proven scumbag with proven scumbag pundits who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would believe them or that they are simply entertainment. Congratulations you're a moron....ooops brainwashed functional one, and politically of course. Try CNN and see what reality is....or anything but Murdochcrap and Internet conspiracy nuts....
It is funny how liberals have innumerable outlets that call themselves journalists and seek the truth all around the world, while you have one TV Station run by a proven scumbag with proven scumbag pundits who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would believe them or that they are simply entertainment. Congratulations you're a moron....ooops brainwashed functional one, and politically of course. Try CNN and see what reality is....or anything but Murdochcrap and Internet conspiracy nuts....
“…seek truth around the world?”…. :laughing0301: ….Moron….
Boy are you about to be disappointed
I highly doubt it, it's just gonna get worse for you and the Orange clown. Too bad you can't take any of your fraudulent evidence to a courtroom, that in itself would be a crime.

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