Biden fearful of how Black Hawk Down moment might make him look

CowboyTed CowboyTed
From the very beginning I would have made immediate arrangements to get every one out.

I would have also loaded up all that military hardware, guns and ammo and had it shipped back to the US.

I sure as shit wouldn't have waited till the Taliban were in the city.
CowboyTed CowboyTed
From the very beginning I would have made immediate arrangements to get every one out.

I would have also loaded up all that military hardware, guns and ammo and had it shipped back to the US.

I sure as shit wouldn't have waited till the Taliban were in the city.
We couldn't simply abandon the Afghan army. No one really thought they'd win, but through 3 presidents, two gop, and one dem, and Trump identified as not a neo-con, and I honestly believe that was a heartfelt position, we trained and armed them.

The failure to tell all the civilians to get out BEFORE the military pulled out is on Biden, though
Yea, you just told another one.
Scarborough was the fair haired boy. Even if you do not believe the intern was murdered. He changed for some reason. The only other conclusion is we have many politicians who are mix and match. The left leaning ones have an easier path. The right leaning ones do the old side step as the control is from somewhere else. A couple of decades ago I admired this person. What happened? The only conclusion is that there is a FIEFDOM of the Political Class involved with non elected powerful people promoted by corporate and powerful global/national/regional/local families. The real buck stop here.
Fucksake... Get a clue...

This is the Trump deal... This is what he signed up too..

Your complaint is Biden stayed inside an international deal...

So please tell us what Biden could have done differently?

Please don't use wild aspirations of hindsight..
So if it was a bad deal why didn’t he make a decision to make things better?

President Trump’s deal didn’t include abandoning US citizens and prioritizing them last behind unvetted refugees. This is Biden’s fuck up, even the commies in the MSM are admitting that.
It was on a video call, Dumbass. Plenty of folks were watching it.

Are you retarded? Headline doesn’t match any fact from the story. There are no facts in the story.
Sure we could. Hell they never wanted us there to begin with. We left them weapons to defend themselves and a Government.

We could have gotten all of our people out and all the billions of dollars worth of military equipment as well.
Can you explain to me how political people and TV news channel personalities intertwine? There seems to be a conflict of interest in this. Many seem to change their political views depending on the agendas. One example...Joe Scarborough. Elected from the conservative Panhandle of Florida. To put it to you...Very right leaning with rednecks. But yo....what happened? Joe is to the left AOC in many issues now. See what lies are. See what sell outs are. See what is the swamp. Trust reduces as the agitations cause more and more pain.
What is Joe left on? I’ll wait.

So we ask you again ... What would you expect Biden to do? Lets make it clear most of the options to him were taken off the table..

Please tell us what you would have done when you came in in Jan?
At this point he has fucked it up beyond repair. He is along for the ride now.

Taliban is calling the shots.
This is the Biden legacy:



Afghans who helped America were abandoned and fell from US airplanes trying to escape murder from Taliban...and the Taliban openly mock the USA on social media.

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other than whine what has trump done?
Well, Trump is a private citizen.... since we're talking about private citizens, what the fuck have YOU done?

Hillury, America's favorite shit beast, left American citizens to die in Libya.... if she's grifting this Afghan clusterfuck for millions (google "Clinton Cartel bilked hundreds of millions from Haiti") well, I'm sure sheep like you will eat the corn out of her shit for her being so "philanthropic".... BWAHAHAHAHA
Simple. Post an original quote from the article.
There are quotes by Pedo Joe and Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby all over the article, Dumbass.

Like I said, get someone with a brain to read it to you.
There are quotes by Pedo Joe and Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby all over the article, Dumbass.

Like I said, get someone with a brain to read it to you.
If there were any you’d post them. There aren’t any so you didn’t. Easy for all to see.
Sure we could. Hell they never wanted us there to begin with. We left them weapons to defend themselves and a Government.

We could have gotten all of our people out and all the billions of dollars worth of military equipment as well.
Nah. We crossed the Rubicon on arming the Afghan army even before Obama decided to "escalate" our involvement. And I'm not blaming Trump or Biden for getting out. I thought Obama was wrong, but then it was my opinion we should not escalate. But who knows, maybe our intelligence wouldn't have found OBL. But once that sob was dead, along with mohammed omar, and KSM in custody .... what was really the point?
Oh I'm glad we are pulling out. I'd like all of our troops pulled out of the middle east and the rest of the world.

Why do we have troops in Germany?? Hell they have an army and they don't need ours. I can see S Korea because of the unstable troll who runs N Korea but we should pull our troops out of everywhere else.

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