Biden fearful of how Black Hawk Down moment might make him look

Fucksake... Get a clue...

This is the Trump deal... This is what he signed up too..

Your complaint is Biden stayed inside an international deal...

So please tell us what Biden could have done differently?

Please don't use wild aspirations of hindsight..
You are so funny. Biden cancelled just about everything that Trump put into place whether it was foreign or domestic in nature. The biggest failure is that Biden was unwilling or unable to plan and organize the departure from Afghanistan - unless you call kids falling from the landing gear of an airplane a plan.

Your inability to read isn’t my concern, Gomer.
I’m only having trouble reading the quotes from the article because you won’t post them, oh, and they don’t exist. Prove the world I’m a dunce. Post the quotes you claim are in there. I’ll wait….. hat is ready and I have a chair in the corner. Post it and send me there.
No Putz, nobody wants that but it is inevitable, and Clusterfuck Joe will own every one of them.
sadly i believe you are right. Xiden has created a more deadly situation then we had just a few weeks ago
Forget Blackhawk Down. Worry about ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban beheading / burning alive US citizens on the street on 9/11, if not on 9/1.
Joe Biden is the President. If he looked at this plan and thought it was bad, he could've put the brakes on. He could've said "No, this is bad all around. Let's come up with a better plan."

So, bad Trump p[lan or not, Biden willingly accepted it. He could've changed it. Hell, Trump changed Obama's plans (Paris Accord, etc), so saying that Biden couldn't do it is just ignorant nonsense.

By accepting it, he adopted it. He made it his own. This will forever go down as the Biden Plan.

And he's fucking it up six ways to Sunday.

If even a single American is killed, Joe Biden should be impeached and removed from office...
/-----/ "And he's fucking it up six ways to Sunday."
That's actually a goal of many liberals.
Fucksake... Get a clue...

This is the Trump deal... This is what he signed up too..

Your complaint is Biden stayed inside an international deal...

So please tell us what Biden could have done differently?

Please don't use wild aspirations of hindsight..
Could've got everyone out before he got our troops out.

You ..are so funny. Biden cancelled just about everything that Trump put into place whether it was foreign or domestic in nature. The biggest failure is that Biden was unwilling or unable to plan and organize the departure from Afghanistan - unless you call kids falling from the landing gear of an airplane a plan.

This is not a disagreement.....but an addendum:

It is a mistake to attribute what is going on to dementia, or mistakes, or accidents.

If it were, it must be applicable to all of the Democrats, not just the titular head.

I believe these things are fully planned....turning over $212 million in weapons and equipment to savages is a plan.

If not, it must be a coincidence that Obama also gave pallets of cash to savages, and this, too:
, surveillance drone, the RQ-170 Sentinel.....
...of course, by extension, turned it over to Russia and China, as well.
When the drone crash landed in Iran...that's 'Death To America Iran'.....Obama let them keep it.

"President Obama said on Monday that the United States had asked Iran to return an American surveillance drone that the Iranians say they captured on Dec. 4. It was Mr. Obama’s first public comment about the drone, a remote-controlled spying aircraft,...
...Obama was answering this question: “And speaking of Iran, are you concerned that it will be able to weaken America’s national security by discovering intelligence from the fallen drone that it captured?”
Obama Says America Asked Iran to Return Its Drone

15. But...but......what could he have done?????

"... otherwise I would not explain why the RQ-170 was not remotely destroyed with a kill-switch reportedly used on such systems to prevent them from going in the wrong hands. Such self-destruction systems are designed to bring down the drone should its pilot lose satellite link from the mobile ground control station.

The stealthy UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) is one of the most precious of the U.S. arsenal..."
Iran seizes a U.S. Stealth Drone by taking over controls. Maybe… And what about that Predator virus?

"....It was “standard procedure” for US forces to recover or destroy any drones that are lost, ..."
Iran shows off captured US drone

Unless you were a deep cover mole with the ability to reward your....'allies’ in the ummah (Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎ [ˈʊm.mæ]) is an Arabic word meaning "community").
This is not a disagreement.....but an addendum:

It is a mistake to attribute what is going on to dementia, or mistakes, or accidents.

If it were, it must be applicable to all of the Democrats, not just the titular head.

I believe these things are fully planned....turning over $212 million in weapons and equipment to savages is a plan.

If not, it must be a coincidence that Obama also gave pallets of cash to savages, and this, too:
, surveillance drone, the RQ-170 Sentinel.....
...of course, by extension, turned it over to Russia and China, as well.
When the drone crash landed in Iran...that's 'Death To America Iran'.....Obama let them keep it.

"President Obama said on Monday that the United States had asked Iran to return an American surveillance drone that the Iranians say they captured on Dec. 4. It was Mr. Obama’s first public comment about the drone, a remote-controlled spying aircraft,...
...Obama was answering this question: “And speaking of Iran, are you concerned that it will be able to weaken America’s national security by discovering intelligence from the fallen drone that it captured?”
Obama Says America Asked Iran to Return Its Drone

15. But...but......what could he have done?????

"... otherwise I would not explain why the RQ-170 was not remotely destroyed with a kill-switch reportedly used on such systems to prevent them from going in the wrong hands. Such self-destruction systems are designed to bring down the drone should its pilot lose satellite link from the mobile ground control the

The stealthy UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) is one of the most precious of the U.S. arsenal..."
Iran seizes a U.S. Stealth Drone by taking over controls. Maybe… And what about that Predator virus?

"....It was “standard procedure” for US forces to recover or destroy any drones that are lost, ..."
Iran shows off captured US drone

Unless you were a deep cover mole with the ability to reward your....'allies’ in the ummah (Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎ [ˈʊm.mæ]) is an Arabic word meaning "community").

Obama's support for the Arab Spring and organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood beg the question: "what were the objectives of our foreign policy.?"

Libya is still in the midst of a civil war thanks in part thanks to Hillary, and despite a "red line in the sand", Assad is still in power in Syria. Iran got paid off yet continues to violate the "agreement" Obama made with Iran regarding the production of nuclear weapons. And Biden now follows up by donating our weapons to the Taliban and is given a deadline to leave or face undisclosed consequences. Our standing as a world leader continues to erode.

Sadder still is that our military is increasingly led by politicians pretending to be soldiers.

If this isn't a carefully designed plan to weaken our country than the only other possible explanation is that we are being led by corrupt and/or incompetent people. Either way it doesn't look good for our side.


You are so funny. Biden cancelled just about everything that Trump put into place whether it was foreign or domestic in nature. The biggest failure is that Biden was unwilling or unable to plan and organize the departure from Afghanistan - unless you call kids falling from the landing gear of an airplane a plan.

/——/ Dementia Joe just helped the ChiComs


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CowboyTed CowboyTed
From the very beginning I would have made immediate arrangements to get every one out.

I would have also loaded up all that military hardware, guns and ammo and had it shipped back to the US.

I sure as shit wouldn't have waited till the Taliban were in the city.
Thanks for the reply, Let me break it down:

From the very beginning I would have made immediate arrangements to get every one out.
Lets say everyone is broken down into four groups
  1. US Soldiers
  2. US Citizens
  3. US Friendlies
  4. Refugees
1. US troops were drown down to 2500 by the time he took office... Trump actually wanted them all out but generals pushed back and said they were needed for Bagram airport and embassy. Biden under the agreement couldn't heavily increase troop numbers without breaking the deal. So he was left with a skeleton embassy staff and bare bones Troops...

2. US Citizens: Trump or Biden couldn't convince everyone to leave.. Many stayed on and Afghan government encouraged it as it showed an intent in the country staying under their control. They thought is disloyal to leave... Biden (or Trump) can't force US Citizens to leave... They had to do it under there own choice... They were warned privately and there actions were irresponsible.
Lets also point out that the Taliban want this particular group to leave safely.. They are providing escorts to airport or border for this group...

3. US Friendlies This is one of the groups Stephen Miller tried to obstruct coming into the country. The Trump admin only accepted 490 applicants in 2020. That was half a normal year... So knowing they were leaving, they deliberately slowed down this as much as possible... They had just one person processing these visas... This was a disgrace and former military have described Miller as a war criminal it showed such neglect. He also made much harder to identify this group easilly (we are talking not just them but also their families)
This group we thought Biden could have done better... He should have given refugee status to these people pending approval... Thus get them out and think afterwards... You accept that you were going to take a few more than expected.

4. Refugees Again another group Miller did everything to reject... He slowed down the process to accept about 150 in 2020... The area was a mess when Biden arrived, very poorly staffed.. Staff bullied, not replaced and the workload was overwhelming...
Biden was slow getting this up but in the last two weeks they evacuated 42,000 people... Lets just say 30000 were from group 3 & 4... That is 50 times 2020 total in two weeks...

I would have also loaded up all that military hardware, guns and ammo and had it shipped back to the US.
All US owned hardware & arms were shipped home...
The Afghan Army's arms were left to them... The Taliban took this arms...
Can we see anywhere Taliban took US owned arms?

I sure as shit wouldn't have waited till the Taliban were in the city.
Yes... Taliban took over the country way faster than expected.. The intel was wrong... Been wrong for a long time...
The Afghan Government was a front for a shake down business...
The Taliban want all the foreigners out... So I wouldn't be too worried there.. Biden just says there is a post war and sanctions to be discussed as well.. Taliban need heavy investment in there mines and having US as another bidder (against China) would suit them.
You can bet your ass they all want to leave now. Any who want to stay are on their own.

This should have been started months ago. We could have gotten all of our people and the Afghans out along with the billions of dollars of military equipment as well.

Biden dropped the ball big time and he knows it as do you.
Obama's support for the Arab Spring and organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood beg the question: "what were the objectives of our foreign policy.?"

Libya is still in the midst of a civil war thanks in part thanks to Hillary, and despite a "red line in the sand", Assad is still in power in Syria. Iran got paid off yet continues to violate the "agreement" Obama made with Iran regarding the production of nuclear weapons. And Biden now follows up by donating our weapons to the Taliban and is given a deadline to leave or face undisclosed consequences. Our standing as a world leader continues to erode.

Sadder still is that our military is increasingly led by politicians pretending to be soldiers.

If this isn't a carefully designed plan to weaken our country than the only other possible explanation is that we are being led by corrupt and/or incompetent people. Either way it doesn't look good for our side.

Libya was in a civil war before US got involved and the US involvement was to take out the SAM sites so Europe could actually do the bombing.. US involvement was very limited... More of an observer than taking part.

Syria was a different kettle of fish... US was encouraging the toppling of Assad without getting involved in the combat... US bomb from the air and special forces to organise the ground forces... A lot less exposure and thus a lot less risk.

Iran was going grand until Trump undermined the deal.. Plain and simple, US broke the deal and Iran hardliners were put in charge because of that... Iran has been trying to negotiate a deal for almost 20 years now....

Think is all the Obama wars would about a fraction of one month in Iraq or even a month in Afghanistan... Not all wars are the same...
Could've got everyone out before he got our troops out.
You know Trump drew down the troops to 2500... He wanted none but the Generals pushed back....

Biden had 3 months with a skeleton staff in place...

It is also very clear that Trump Admin stopped any Afghan nationals to repatriate to US...

Trump had years to do this and threw a hospital pass to the incoming President...

Look at this Trump would have gone at Christmas...

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