Biden: Food Shortages "gonna be real."

Russia may have priced their fertilizer a bit lower than what our domestic ferts sell for

But we have all the fertilizer we need right here in America

Considering all the shit coming out of DC these days, we oughta be exporting fertilizer bigtime. OK, that was sarcasm (sorta), thanks for letting me get that out there.

It is a serious issue though, food crops depend on fertilizer to improve the harvest. Less fertilizer means less food for somebody.
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Considering all the shit coming out of DC these days, we oughta be exporting fertilizer bigtime. OK, that was sarcasm (sorta), thanks for letting me get that out there.

It is a serious issue though, food crops depend on fertilizer to improve the harvest. Les fertilizer means less food for somebody.
And less food leads to unrest. And unrest has a habit of chafing those in proximity to it. Given that we are a global community... I think you see where this is going...
And I believe this also, but what happens when the trade war ends ? It becomes an all out shooting war if a country can't suppress the other through sanctions.
I support trade

but its nothing but stupid to depend on our enemies for products we have to have
Considering all the shit coming out of DC these days, we oughta be exporting fertilizer bigtime. OK, that was sarcasm (sorta), thanks for letting me get that out there.

It is a serious issue though, food crops depend on fertilizer to improve the harvest. Les fertilizer means less food for somebody.
If we had smarter people in the ag colleges they might discover farming practices that dont rely on expensive chemical fertilizers
If we had smarter people in the ag colleges they might discover farming practices that dont rely on expensive chemical fertilizers
Hmmm... Trying to think of a way to say this... Without sounding like a prick... But fuck it...

Modern farming practices are the most effective the world has ever known. What started out as "organic farming" from the days of old; has advanced to a never before seen level of production, directly due to advances in organic chemistry. We aren't having problems because the farmers aren't smart enough. We are capable of filling every belly on the planet. But once it leaves the fields. It's out of our hands. Your blame is grossly misplaced. And yeah... I have a farm.
Hmmm... Trying to think of a way to say this... Without sounding like a prick... But fuck it...

Modern farming practices are the most effective the world has ever known. What started out as "organic farming" from the days of old; has advanced to a never before seen level of production, directly due to advances in organic chemistry. We aren't having problems because the farmers aren't smart enough. We are capable of filling every belly on the planet. But once it leaves the fields. It's out of our hands. Your blame is grossly misplaced. And yeah... I have a farm.
I dont deny that “modern” farming is productive

we are squeezing ever more food from the same amount of land

but at what cost?

fuel, designer hybrid seeds, chemicals and water add to the cost of production

there must be a happy medium between low and high input farming practices that ultimately are best for the farmer
I dont deny that “modern” farming is productive

we are squeezing ever more food from the same amount of land

but at what cost?

fuel, designer hybrid seeds, chemicals and water add to the cost of production

there must be a happy medium between low and high input farming practices that ultimately are best for the farmer
Politics, and distribution...
I dont deny that “modern” farming is productive

we are squeezing ever more food from the same amount of land

but at what cost?

fuel, designer hybrid seeds, chemicals and water add to the cost of production

there must be a happy medium between low and high input farming practices that ultimately are best for the farmer
Hey! I'm all about best for the farmer. But the reality is; is that this is a business with contracts to fulfill, quotas to be met, and regulations to be adhered to. THEN... The politicians get to decide who eats, and who doesn't. And just how much it's gonna cost to fill your belly.
there must be a happy medium between low and high input farming practices that ultimately are best for the farmer

once again, how about we let the actual farmers make that determination. They sort of like the higher yields.
I support trade

but its nothing but stupid to depend on our enemies for products we have to have
Yeah like us average citizen's finding out that almost all of our med's are coming out of China. Unbelievable... The sell out of this country has shown to be the ultimate treason.
Hey! I'm all about best for the farmer. But the reality is; is that this is a business with contracts to fulfill, quotas to be met, and regulations to be adhered to. THEN... The politicians get to decide who eats, and who doesn't. And just how much it's gonna cost to fill your belly.
Yeah like us average citizen's finding out that almost all of our med's are coming out of China. Unbelievable... The sell out of this country has shown to be the ultimate treason.
It doesent have to be that way

I was very surprised last year to find that china makes most of our drugs

how stupid are the swamp rats in washington?

this is insane
The raw material to increase American fertilizer production is in congress right now. The material itself- not a bill concerning fertilizer. But it's OK. Most (sadly not all) of the liberal shit will be on the open market come November.
Actually I heard first from farmers

they are not the majority

but many good ideas start small

Do you actually listen to them?

They are the ones wanting to be able to plant on CRP land you dismiss that with the wave of your hand. They are the ones pushing the increased yield, and you think they should not be.

I couple years back I got to know the guy that was at the time the President of the Illinois Wheat Association. We were doing a tour of wheat fields trying to get an feel for the expected yield. He also grew corn and beans and his lifelong goal was to win the Top Corn Yield award for the state for a year. He had come close a few times. It is just judged not on their total crop but on on acre in one of their fields.

High yields are a huge point of pride for them.
They are the ones wanting to be able to plant on CRP land you dismiss that with the wave of your hand.
I didnt dismiss anyone

nowhere have I attacked CRP farmers

but 22 million acres out of 900 million is just a drop in the bucket
""With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real," Biden said during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, following a meeting with other world leaders.

Let the mass panic begin!

Does anyone knows if we ever had food shortages in this country?

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