Biden: Food Shortages "gonna be real."

""With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real," Biden said during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, following a meeting with other world leaders.

Let the mass panic begin!
Much like Stalin intentionally starved millions of Ukrainians to death to subjugate the people (with The NY Times lying for Stalin to cover up his atrocities), Democrats want to do the same today in order to broaden their new world order.
Hoarding will be next, even the ass wipe

Boy wait until the buffet lines riot. We'll have so many angry 300 lb mammys destroying everything
Hoarding? Lol! Is that the word you use to describe prudent preparing ahead of time? Lol! While the majority of sheep were pissing their money away on new phones, clothes they didn't need, or cigarettes, and beer to make idling away less boring; I was stacking it to the rafters. Before I reached my quota, I was paying $18/20 lb bag of rice. That same bag now costs $27. Glad I have 500lbs of the stuff. All meticulously vacuum sealed in mason jars, and securely stored...
I know this will really blow your mind, but Trump really does not know more than anyone that ever lived in all those areas that he claims to.

Sorry to be the one to have to tell you, I feel like I just told a kid that Santa is not real
That's your problem, you believe in the Grinch, so of course Santa's character of good wouldn't be real in your darkened world.
That's your problem, you believe in the Grinch, so of course Santa's character of good wouldn't be real in your darkened world.

While both are fictional characters that you believe in, the former is a far more realistic representation of our world
Actually, Google is your friend. Ukraine provides around 10 percent of the world's wheat crop, and if you throw Russia into the mix, both Ukraine and Russia provide around 30 percent of the world's wheat.

And, while it shouldn't affect the US much (we produce more than we use, meaning we export it and contribute to the global market), it will have an effect on places like Europe and Middle East countries that import a lot of that wheat.
Correct.We farm more than we need as far as wheat and grain.However Farm
Land has been under attack for over a decade.Thankfully Mitch McConnell
forced the hand of Little Harry Reid one december.McConnell was not gonna
pass a budget at years end if Harry Reid was allowed to change the Estate Tax.
Or death tax.Lowering from $ 5 Million to just $ 1 Million.Meaning a lot of
Farm Owners that Die only get an exemption on tax liability up to
$ One Million. instead of $ 5 Million.When Farm owners die and pass on their
estate to their Family the Family most often has to liquidate most assets like
Farm equipment { Big Equipment } in order to pay the estate taxes.
A Lot of Farms had Owners who were old and set to die.What Pesky Little
Harry Reid was gonna make law would have devastated our Country's Farms.
Bill Gates is now the King of Farm Land.He and China have been buying it up
like Overfed Hogs for years.
Dude... Me, and Gator aren't even pips on the same die. But you are grossly underlying tbe Ukraine, and Russias contribution to grains in the global arena.
It's significant. And tbe common folk will feel it. That's a fact.

Mass starvation in sub-Saharan Africa occurs first!
They are the ones that will want to sell it there to make more money, just like our oil companies do.

It is indeed the whole purpose of a business

What does that have to do with prog's?

We have oil which we don't seem to need. Would I be surprised if we have wheat some prog thinks we don't need it and sent it elsewhere? You know, creating another issue here?
Much like Stalin intentionally starved millions of Ukrainians to death to subjugate the people (with The NY Times lying for Stalin to cover up his atrocities), Democrats want to do the same today in order to broaden their new world order.
What new world order? You're lost in the eighties.
What does that have to do with prog's?

We have oil which we don't seem to need. Would I be surprised if we have wheat some prog thinks we don't need it and sent it elsewhere? You know, creating another issue here?

I do not know, you are the one that brought up progs when it was talked about farmers sending their grains overseas.

Which "progs" are you talking about sending things elsewhere? Does the Govt send oil and food elsewhere?
I do not know, you are the one that brought up progs when it was talked about farmers sending their grains overseas.

Which "progs" are you talking about sending things elsewhere? Does the Govt send oil and food elsewhere?
Dunno...maybe prog's in charge?

We have oil we need. We aren't using it due to an inept prog admin.

We have wheat we need. I could foresee and inept prog admin deciding someone needs it worse than we do, creating another issue on the level of oil.

That's how these prog clowns think.
Dunno...maybe prog's in charge?

Can you be a bit more specific?

We have oil we need. We aren't using it due to an inept prog admin.

Please expound on this.

The oil that comes out of the ground in teh US does not belong to the country, it belongs to the multinational companies that extract it who then sell it on a global marketplace. The "progs" (whoever the fuck that is) has nothing to do with it.

We have wheat we need. I could foresee and inept prog admin deciding someone needs it worse than we do, creating another issue on the level of oil.

The " inept prog admin" has no power at all on who the farmers sell their wheat to other than to ban them from selling it to specific countries. Other than that it is the companies that buy the grain from the farmers the decide where it goes.

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