Biden Gas Hits $5 a Gallon In Michigan

Over production can actually lead to a net loss per barrel..
It came close a few years ago
That would also be catastrophic.
It's a necessity today and has been all my life for most families. If they're charging it and you need it, you'll pay for it.

and they know that. As far as I know there has been no decrease in gasoline sales, until the prices cause people to buy less gas, they will keep pushing the price up.

It is all about the profits
They can't stay in business by losing money.

Funny how gas was $1.70 when Trump left office. 18 month later, look what the Demonazis have done for the poor
i don’t disagree the poster i was responding to was saying the companies are all doing it together simply for profit
i don’t disagree the poster i was responding to was saying the companies are all doing it together simply for profit
I know. My argument wasn't with you. Just adding to your point

The gas increase is about Biden policy, not a few pennies
and they know that. As far as I know there has been no decrease in gasoline sales, until the prices cause people to buy less gas, they will keep pushing the price up.

It is all about the profits

That's because you have no understanding how it works. Oil companies have little control over the price of oil or gasoline. The prices are set in the market. Whatever the price ends up in the market is what the price is.

During the pandemic oil companies had huge losses. Now they are having huge profits. It all balances out.
Large hedge funds like Blackrock (doesn't Nancy's husband work for them?) Have heavily invested in several companies making EVs and parts for EVs....

Currently EVs are only 2% of all cars sold.

So Blackrock calls UnionPacific and Biden. They want less diesel to be sold. Shut down Keystone pipeline is told to Biden and Union Pacific is told to stop hauling fuel....create sanctions for those who don't comply.

So now trucks can't refuel and deliver baby formula unless Bob buys an EV of his choice.
That's because you have no understanding how it works. Oil companies have little control over the price of oil or gasoline. The prices are set in the market. Whatever the price ends up in the market is what the price is.

The oil companies have control over the price of oil by how much they choose to produce. Why produce more when people are more than willing to pay the higher prices?
The oil companies have control over the price of oil by how much they choose to produce. Why produce more when people are more than willing to pay the higher prices?
The UAE and Saudis can definitely turn the spigot on...but OPEC they won't.

So...since the supply is artificially drying up...prices climb. And EVs look a lot more attractive.

And what oil is available for purchase is also going to become more scarce by lack of pipelines and rail car deliveries as enforced by hedge funds heavily invested in EV manufacturing.

That's how it works...that's why we are having artificial price gouging. Our government and hedge funds are doing it to us.
1. This is the sort of incipid post that Democrat voters, unable to actually think, post.

2. It would be much more correct to have "Democrats" as the first word.

3. Everyone with two cerebral neurons to rub together, recognizes the effect Democrat policies have had:

View attachment 653840

Jellyfish have survived 600 million years without a brain. There’s hope for you.

The oil companies have control over the price of oil by how much they choose to produce. Why produce more when people are more than willing to pay the higher prices?

You're making things up as you go along. You watch too many television movies. The oil execs are not sitting in a basement somewhere at a round table smoking cigars plotting against the world. For one price manipulation in such a way is against market rules, and may be breaking US law. Two is we have to look at the most obvious which is the US leadership where we went from a pro-energy President to an anti-energy President. He closed down public lands, put in dozens of new regulations on oil, doubled their royalty fees, and the list goes on and on.

Oil companies don't have to be involved in these conspiracies because oil sells itself. But when the Communists want something and have the power, they're going to get it. In this case is to pressure Americans to move away from fossil fuels by artificially increasing prices bringing Americans to their knees. This is nothing new for the Communist party, they have a history of it. They did it with cigarettes, they did it with Commie Care, and now they're doing it to energy. Make Americans pay so much that they'll just capitulate to their demands.
You're making things up as you go along. You watch too many television movies. The oil execs are not sitting in a basement somewhere at a round table smoking cigars plotting against the world. For one price manipulation in such a way is against market rules, and may be breaking US law. Two is we have to look at the most obvious which is the US leadership where we went from a pro-energy President to an anti-energy President. He closed down public lands, put in dozens of new regulations on oil, doubled their royalty fees, and the list goes on and on.

Oil companies don't have to be involved in these conspiracies because oil sells itself. But when the Communists want something and have the power, they're going to get it. In this case is to pressure Americans to move away from fossil fuels by artificially increasing prices bringing Americans to their knees. This is nothing new for the Communist party, they have a history of it. They did it with cigarettes, they did it with Commie Care, and now they're doing it to energy. Make Americans pay so much that they'll just capitulate to their demands.

You still have the freedom to purchase any EV of your long as you have sufficient carbon credits and social credit and money to do so.

NASTY LIES lies provided as examples.
Can you really be this stupid????
Who ties your shoelaces for dolt.

Every time one of you mental defectives attacks a documented, linked, and sourced post, one that provides the truth that you hate, with nothing more than vulgarity and ‘is not, issssssssss nooooottttt!!”….
….you have effectively admitted both that it got under your scales, and that you have no way to prove the contrary.
I win again. Thanks for your help.

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