Biden Gas Hits $5 a Gallon In Michigan

You still have the freedom to purchase any EV of your long as you have sufficient carbon credits and social credit and money to do so.

I'm waiting for the subsidies to go up which have to be provided to get anybody interested in these over sized golf carts. Just passed my gas station on the way home from McDonald's. $4.89. That's up 10 cents from yesterday. This is only going to get worse than better.
I'm waiting for the subsidies to go up which have to be provided to get anybody interested in these over sized golf carts. Just passed my gas station on the way home from McDonald's. $4.89. That's up 10 cents from yesterday. This is only going to get worse than better.
Yes, you are correct.
Groceries are expected to double again in price this Fall. This is another plan to get people forced into low wage jobs that they are reluctant to take. Because they will not be able to afford to live otherwise.

There's a specific plan to force people to rent instead of own. So that all the "drones" are too busy working for minimal wages to pay rent and buy food to notice anything.

Those with savings will be especially hit hard as their savings become worthless through inflation. (It also helps shrink all debts as well)

This is manipulation through government and financial giants (hedge funds).
The ones pulling the strings are staying two steps out of the light. This will include Blackrock who pulls Union Pacific's strings to tell Flying J to simply sell less diesel and DEF or face sanctions of not getting any shipped.

You can Google the lying two faced politicians who are heavily invested in Blackrock. The list shows who are saying one thing but then doing another.
Gotta give Pelosi credit (much as I hate to) as she is fractionally more honest than some Republicans on this one issue.
Yes, you are correct.
Groceries are expected to double again in price this Fall. This is another plan to get people forced into low wage jobs that they are reluctant to take. Because they will not be able to afford to live otherwise.

There's a specific plan to force people to rent instead of own. So that all the "drones" are too busy working for minimal wages to pay rent and buy food to notice anything.

Those with savings will be especially hit hard as their savings become worthless through inflation. (It also helps shrink all debts as well)

This is manipulation through government and financial giants (hedge funds).
The ones pulling the strings are staying two steps out of the light. This will include Blackrock who pulls Union Pacific's strings to tell Flying J to simply sell less diesel and DEF or face sanctions of not getting any shipped.

You can Google the lying two faced politicians who are heavily invested in Blackrock. The list shows who are saying one thing but then doing another.
Gotta give Pelosi credit (much as I hate to) as she is fractionally more honest than some Republicans on this one issue.

There is going to be less DEF and diesel sales because there will be less trucks on the road. Diesel hit a new all time high last month and it's only going to get worse. Owner operators are getting out of the business to look for other kinds of work, this is on top of the driving problem we already have. Today we are short over 60,000 drivers industry can't find.

The rental market has been hot for close to 10 years now. At least here it's nearly impossible to find an apartment in a multifamily house. Even if you do find one you will be paying out of the ass for it. House prices are unaffordable and people have no choice but to rent.
Oh, I know it is.

I just want to see DeathAngels CarlinAnnArbor reaction.

Say you use 1200 gallons per year (100GAL/MO). At $5/GAL is $6000 total. at $2/GAL (Trump) is $2400 total. 3 yrs wasted at $6K is $18K spent vs $7200 Trump gas. Roughly $11K you can't spend on other stuff during the 1st 3 yrs tenure of the Obiden appointee. What if your 12 yr old daughter wanted a $1500 field trip? Can't go because all extra went into GAS.
Say you use 1200 gallons per year (100GAL/MO). At $5/GAL is $6000 total. at $2/GAL (Trump) is $2400 total. 3 yrs wasted at $6K is $18K spent vs $7200 Trump gas. Roughly $11K you can't spend on other stuff during the 1st 3 yrs tenure of the Obiden appointee. What if your 12 yr old daughter wanted a $1500 field trip? Can't go because all extra went into GAS.
Gas was under $2 /gal for a very brief period of time.

Why do you keep denying that trump was a key figure in OPEC decreasing oil production.
Why won't you EVER discuss OPEC+.
Say you use 1200 gallons per year (100GAL/MO). At $5/GAL is $6000 total. at $2/GAL (Trump) is $2400 total. 3 yrs wasted at $6K is $18K spent vs $7200 Trump gas. Roughly $11K you can't spend on other stuff during the 1st 3 yrs tenure of the Obiden appointee. What if your 12 yr old daughter wanted a $1500 field trip? Can't go because all extra went into GAS.
Then consider the impact energy cost increases have on consumer goods combined with the impact of the devaluing of money due to democrat money printing and the lost $$ becomes almost exponential.
This admin has cost me personally over $50k so far and the Obama regime cost my household between $60k and $80k in its first six years.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Gas was under $2 /gal for a very brief period of time.

Why do you keep denying that trump was a key figure in OPEC decreasing oil production.
Why won't you EVER discuss OPEC+.

I know what I paid (on AVG) 2017 2018 2019. Trump yrs Never caused even $25 fillups. Under the corpse......over $60 fillups. Trump was good, Obiden is a dishonest America killer. MAGA//
AND the sad part is is an intentional wound. Same with Wide Open not the Leftist Dixie Chicks trying to kiss up to the Deepest State. Obiden did that.
I know what I paid (on AVG) 2017 2018 2019. Trump yrs Never caused even $25 fillups.
Ok, with your alternate FATCS.

Here are the real Prices 'on average' from 2015-2023.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 2.22.10 PM.png

When trump took over for Obama is was $2.458 Jan 2017 or $2.41 Feb 2017.

You can clearly see that gas prices went UP once trump took office to a 'average high' of $2.970 June 2018.

Then prices STAYED between $2.97 and $2.636 until the pandemic.

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Oh, they may force it down during Election years then back up under Obiden both times. $4 Obiden1, Trump $2.25, Obiden2 $5 in CA where 40million people live and work, 10 million illegals.
SO you have to take the FACTUAL information from the link, and use your alternative facts for your agenda.
Say you use 1200 gallons per year (100GAL/MO). At $5/GAL is $6000 total. at $2/GAL (Trump) is $2400 total. 3 yrs wasted at $6K is $18K spent vs $7200 Trump gas. Roughly $11K you can't spend on other stuff during the 1st 3 yrs tenure of the Obiden appointee. What if your 12 yr old daughter wanted a $1500 field trip? Can't go because all extra went into GAS.
Those stooges don’t do math.
SO you have to take the FACTUAL information from the link, and use your alternative facts for your agenda.

I got tired of playing with you so I deleted it. Everything was so messed up by Man-Made Virus launch and spread then shutdown by DEMS. Impossible to find truth in the MSM.
I got tired of playing with you so I deleted it. Everything was so messed up by Man-Made Virus launch and spread then shutdown by DEMS. Impossible to find truth in the MSM.
So yes
Your alternative made up facts fit your agenda better

Bottom line
When did gas prices hit $2 National Average. When was that and what is the reason for gas prices dropping?

The answer is lower demand due to the pandemic in mid 2020.
Lol..I paid $2.70 under Trump. Today, it's around $4.50. Leftists must know alternative math.

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