Biden Gas Hits $5 a Gallon In Michigan

Ok, with your alternate FATCS.

Here are the real Prices 'on average' from 2015-2023.

View attachment 891812
When trump took over for Obama is was $2.458 Jan 2017 or $2.41 Feb 2017.

You can clearly see that gas prices went UP once trump took office to a 'average high' of $2.970 June 2018.

Then prices STAYED between $2.97 and $2.636 until the pandemic.

Such a pretty graph, Winco! It doesn't change the fact that I used to fill up my tank once a week for about $35 bucks before Joe Biden got into the White House and since he has it costs me over $50 for the same tank of gas! Same thing at the grocery store. My grocery bills are up about 20%. Now you can TRY to tell me that Biden is doing a great job with the economy but my wallet tells me that you're full of shit! Just saying...
Eggs used to cost one dollar or less for a dozen under Trump. Same dozen today cost near $3.

Beef used to cost somewhere $1.99 to $2.99 for average stuff. Today the same roast cost $6 or more per pound. Mortgage rates averaged around 2.5-4% under Trump. Under Biden, rates crossed the 8% mark. Bidenbots said their math is correct that prices are lower today than when Trump was in office.
Such a pretty graph, Winco! It doesn't change the fact that I used to fill up my tank once a week for about $35 bucks before Joe Biden got into the White House and since he has it costs me over $50 for the same tank of gas! Same thing at the grocery store. My grocery bills are up about 20%. Now you can TRY to tell me that Biden is doing a great job with the economy but my wallet tells me that you're full of shit! Just saying...
The closest to REALITY. Usually contards say gas has doubled or tripled under biden.

The pandemic cost trump to LOSE jobs, overall. Net -4 million jobs in 4 years.
The same pandemic caused World Wide inflation.

But let's just pretend everything is bidens fault.
Eggs used to cost one dollar or less for a dozen under Trump. Same dozen today cost near $3.

Beef used to cost somewhere $1.99 to $2.99 for average stuff. Today the same roast cost $6 or more per pound. Mortgage rates averaged around 2.5-4% under Trump. Under Biden, rates crossed the 8% mark. Bidenbots said their math is correct that prices are lower today than when Trump was in office.
Dozen eggs under a $

To be clear, when is a pandemic and it's affect, the cause of biden or trump?

Lost US American Jobs in 2020.....Pandemics fault
Closing Businesses.....(D) Governors fault
Gas Prices lower in 2020, 3 months into the pandemic......a trump policy
Millions Dying from COVID in 2020.
Trump saved Millions of lives with the Vaccine
Millions Dying from Covid in 2021
Bidens Fault, Vaccine is Killing People.
Demand for Gas Decreases....... OPEC+ is agreed upon.
OPEC+ Deal.png

Biden is elected and OPEC+ is still in affect. A trump signed deal lasting until May, 2022. Gas prices rise.............. Bidens fault.
Eggs used to cost one dollar or less for a dozen under Trump. Same dozen today cost near $3.

Beef used to cost somewhere $1.99 to $2.99 for average stuff. Today the same roast cost $6 or more per pound. Mortgage rates averaged around 2.5-4% under Trump. Under Biden, rates crossed the 8% mark. Bidenbots said their math is correct that prices are lower today than when Trump was in office.
Perhaps you are shopping at the wrong places, there are stores that cater to low income shoppers like you.
The closest to REALITY. Usually contards say gas has doubled or tripled under biden.

The pandemic cost trump to LOSE jobs, overall. Net -4 million jobs in 4 years.
The same pandemic caused World Wide inflation.

But let's just pretend everything is bidens fault.

Dozen eggs under a $

To be clear, when is a pandemic and it's affect, the cause of biden or trump?

Lost US American Jobs in 2020.....Pandemics fault
Closing Businesses.....(D) Governors fault
Gas Prices lower in 2020, 3 months into the pandemic......a trump policy
Millions Dying from COVID in 2020.
Trump saved Millions of lives with the Vaccine
Millions Dying from Covid in 2021
Bidens Fault, Vaccine is Killing People.
Demand for Gas Decreases....... OPEC+ is agreed upon.
View attachment 891920
Biden is elected and OPEC+ is still in affect. A trump signed deal lasting until May, 2022. Gas prices rise.............. Bidens fault.
Simple question for you, Winco...
Was the economy better under Trump BEFORE Covid than it's been under Biden AFTER Covid?
In order for Joe Biden to win reelection...the Democrats are going to have to come up with some way to make people forget how good the economy was under Trump before Covid steamrollered the world. Good luck with that, Kiddies! It hasn't been that long. People's memories aren't that bad!
Simple question for you, Winco...
Was the economy better under Trump BEFORE Covid than it's been under Biden AFTER Covid?
Yes. You like that answer? Disclaimer ***** Pandemic ******

Now, Simple Question......for you.

What policy did trump have enacted that made the economy better than the economy under Obama?
In order for Joe Biden to win reelection...the Democrats are going to have to come up with some way to make people forget how good the economy was under Trump before Covid steamrollered the world. Good luck with that, Kiddies! It hasn't been that long. People's memories aren't that bad!
If you trump supporters could name ONE SIMPLE policy that trump had enacted by Congress, that IMPROVED the economy that Obama had. The GREAT Obama Economy.
Yes. You like that answer? Disclaimer ***** Pandemic ******

Now, Simple Question......for you.

What policy did trump have enacted that made the economy better than the economy under Obama?
For starters...look no further than how Obama reacted to the "Great Recession", Winco! While millions of Americans were out of work Barack Obama's first priority was the passage of ObamaCare...legislation that slowed the economy and prolonged the recession.

Trump on the other hand concentrated on deregulations and tax cuts...both of which resulted in record low unemployment and gains in people's take home pay!
Was Gas under $2 when Obama was POTUS?

Of course it was.

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