Biden gas prices still 45% higher than when he took office.

It's up .20 cents a gallon in my AO in a week. It's $3.40 at about 2/3rds of stations with the smaller volume stations still at $3.20. I figure they will catch-up over the weekend as people suck those dry at the cheaper cost and they are resupplied.
It's up .20 cents a gallon in my AO in a week. It's $3.40 at about 2/3rds of stations with the smaller volume stations still at $3.20. I figure they will catch-up over the weekend as people suck those dry at the cheaper cost and they are resupplied.
And SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE. CA, OR, WA and HI lead the nation with the highest prices. Eastern WA, $3.69 -- cross the border into ID, $3.15. Gee what a difference between blue and red states that a mere 5 miles makes that much difference.
And SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE. CA, OR, WA and HI lead the nation with the highest prices. Eastern WA, $3.69 -- cross the border into ID, $3.15. Gee what a difference between blue and red states that a mere 5 miles makes that much difference.
Suppliers are raising prices as they switch from winter to summer blends, which happens every single year. Hard to imagine how the crybabies still don't know this or they just have a bug up their ass about Biden.
Suppliers are raising prices as they switch from winter to summer blends, which happens every single year. Hard to imagine how the crybabies still don't know this or they just have a bug up their ass about Biden.
Reading comprehension isn't your forte, eh? The difference of five miles doesn't have anything to do with summer and winter blends--WA and ID use the same gas--difference? WA is run by tax and spend democrats and ID isn't. Same is true in CA, OR and HI. Highest gas prices in the nation.
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It's cheaper now than it was in 1972, before the Oil Crisis hoax hit. Adjusted for real inflation it would have to hit over $6 a gallon to match 1972 prices, more like $9 a gallon by some measures.
They own big corps fool. Where do you think the trillions in retirement savings are invested. Come here you poor CNN victim :itsok:

You're the fool; big corps own both PArties, and they own progs, which is why your bloviating is so silly. You aren't going to do squat.

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