Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

View attachment 893221

Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

The Pedo Peter regime is derelict in their duty...Texas has taken over.

Suck on it.
That's a good question and I really believe that the answer lies with traitors in our own government.

I understand Mayorkas has been south into Mexico on half a dozen occasions giving speeches and probably giving instructions to those who are seeking to cross over openly telling them to get in wherever they can.

We would probably rise up in rebellion if we had the details of the organized effort taking place at the top levels of our government to keep that southern border wide open and keep the immigrants pouring in.

And there’s this:

A public-private partnership created six years ago to boost U.S. tourism has a message for Mexicans: We welcome you, even if it may seem like President Donald Trump doesn’t.

After a drop in travel since Trump took office in January, Brand USA is launching a digital marketing campaign in Mexico this month with the slogan “Planifica tu viaje a USA ahora” -- Plan your trip to the U.S. now. The goal is to convince Mexicans that Trump’s vow to build a wall along the southern border, ban travelers from some countries and tighten visa screenings shouldn’t keep them from packing a suitcase and heading north.

The article is behind a pay wall that I don’t have access to but I was able to stop the loading of the page before it went into conceal mode and was able to get the above paragraphs.

It appears the company “Brand USA” was backed by Washington that apparently were advertising in Mexico that basically “trump doesn’t want you here but we do”…essentially “programming” those who would make the journey here that the dems are welcoming them with open arms.

Sure, it was a tourism ad..but the idea still sticks with them. It’s basically the democrats giving the illegals someone to hate so when they come here, at the behest of the democrat party, and Biden finally gives them all blanket citizenship, they will know who it was “that wanted them here”

And they say it isn’t about votes…lol
Classy. Typical slimey nasty vile leftist trash.
He's a small-minded control freak who's pissed off that his team isn't scoring well in this inning.

Notice he never discusses any of the mechanics of the immigration flood and how it affects the citizens on the border. That's because so far this hasn't cost him anything and he most likely does not live in a border state so he can afford to have a great big stupid mouth full of virtue signaling and nothing to back it up with.

Take one of his bedrooms away from him and give it to an immigrant family and watch the little birdie change his canary tune in a goddamn big hurry just like Chicago and New York changed their tunes.
And there’s this:

The article is behind a pay wall that I don’t have access to but I was able to stop the loading of the page before it went into conceal mode and was able to get the above paragraphs.

It appears the company “Brand USA” was backed by Washington that apparently were advertising in Mexico that basically “trump doesn’t want you here but we do”…essentially “programming” those who would make the journey here that the dems are welcoming them with open arms.

Sure, it was a tourism ad..but the idea still sticks with them. It’s basically the democrats giving the illegals someone to hate so when they come here, at the behest of the democrat party, and Biden finally gives them all blanket citizenship, they will know who it was “that wanted them here”

And they say it isn’t about votes…lol
Yep it's a last minute power grab.... And you're right it's all about votes.

View attachment 893221

Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.

Question regarding #8. Is the Fedral government preventing illegal aliens from entering Texas at will ?
Yes or no?

View attachment 893221

Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.
Its a publicity stunt...nothing more.
Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
Yeah, he should. But he won't. It will be settled through the courts and out of view.

As I've said before, it's the #1 reason why I could never become a democrat. They simply don't know the game they are playing. There is a time for negotiation and there is a time for action. The in-between times is when you have to put a shot across the bow to let them know what the stakes are. Democrats suck at this part. Its a brutal analogy and I don't recommend anyone getting shot (I do recommend some aggressive arrests be made) but there is this quote from Sun Tzu.


When you arrest about 1/2 a dozen for interfering with a peace officer performing their duties...the rest of the Texicans will back down.
This is a bad situation here, I don’t like it nor want it to continue.
But it finally just now became a Worse situation to let bully Biden blunder along.
Violating a court order. Supreme Court in this case.
There was no court order. The feds have the right to cut the wire. Many legal experts agree that Texas can keep putting wire up. Read the article on Fox.

View attachment 893221

Let’s fact-check this.

  1. The “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is similar to the words in South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession.
  2. There are no immigration laws in the book that Biden refuses to follow. In fact, he’s following the same laws we’ve had in place for 44 years under the Refugee Act of 1980 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  3. If an asylum seeker wants to ask for asylum, they have to do it on American soil. So, crossing the Rio Grande and asking border patrol for asylum is perfectly legal.
  4. In November, the Cato Institute published a study which found that migrants were more likely to be released by Trump than Biden.
  5. In immigration law, no blanket mandate requires the detention of all undocumented migrants. Abbott just made that up.
  6. The assertion that the effect of the federal government’s actions is to “illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States” is incorrect. Parole is a legal mechanism that allows specific individuals temporary entry into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.
  7. Abbott invokes Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution, claiming that the failure of the federal government to enforce immigration laws has triggered an invasion. The term “invasion” in the context of the Constitution is typically understood to refer to an armed foreign incursion, not migration, which has historically been used to refer to military action, not civilian migration.
  8. Abbott’s reference to the state’s right of self-defense to justify his actions is wrong, as the federal government has preeminence in border control and immigration, which are typically not under state jurisdiction.
  9. The statement about unprecedented harm to the People across the United States is vague and subjective. Harm would need to be quantified and demonstrated through data and evidence.

He has.

The texas government is in a state of rebellion and muxt be brought back into the fold. They are not a separate country. They will not be allowed to act like one.

Time for Joe Biden to nd this in a decisive way, and make an example of them.
Autonomy. Look it up.

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