Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Just speaking out loud because I love my American friends, "do the citizens of Texas or any state deserve to know who is entering their state from a foreign country, what and whom they are bringing with them (maybe even against their will in some cases of human trafficking)?"

This is the #1 issue this year for a reason even surpassing China slightly and I am floored that this is a partisan issue. The owners of American media do not care about their country, that's how I assess this.

I am pro-immigrant. Skilled, talented, and/or hard working. You can arrive in the U.S without skills or language skills, but it should be via legal means. Even Canada is now limiting legal immigration for schools because there are risks our agencies are aware of.
It's over. OMB is sitting back laughing his ass off.

It isn't just Texas that's pissed about the illegals, there's problems in New York, Chicago, Washington State and more. Florida told the illegals a long time ago, "Don't come here. You won't like it." We ain't shittin' around.

Plus -- Sponge Brains Shits Pants is just simply a scum bag. Then again, he IS a dimocrap so that goes without saying.
Idiot, Trump & his lackeys such as big bad Texas Trump asseater lyin Ted & Mitch are about to vote down the bipartisan immigration bill which will help to bring the border under control. How people can be so willfully stupid is mind boggeling.

Listen up. They don't give a shit about the border. It's all hot air aimed at dupes like you.
I know right, how dare the POTUS except a state to follow the ruling of SCTOUS.
Keep in mind one of the President‘s jobs is to ensure the laws of the land are enforced. We have immigration laws that Biden is ignoring.

I have no idea why SCOTUS seems to have ignored that fact.

I fully support the efforts to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants that Texas has done. I don’t want to see Texas leave the Union but that may happen.

How Greg Abbott's Border Fight Bolsters Calls for an Independent Texas​

Story by James Bickerton • 2d

Link… MSN
Joe Biden is a dangerous crackpot.
Is he trying to start a violent conflict?
Is he willing to murder Americans for his open border policy.
Is he attempting to stage a conflict just so he can scream "insurrection!!!" some more.
Biden’s next move would be to federalize the Texas National Guard. The next move would be for the Texas National Guard to defy that order.

Biden CAN'T Federalize the TNG without Abbots signature.

Good luck getting that.
Currently (at last count a few hours ago) 24 states have sided with Texas in this matter. Not all of them southern states either.

Mexico is outraged at Texas stopping the migrants as well. (Who cares)

Biden can't win this issue. It's totally a loser for him. If he does nothing, he looks weak and without backbone. Again not Presidential.
If he actually does anything to Abbott he can kiss 24 states worth of electoral votes goodbye. Pretty much ensuring Trump waltzing into the White House next January.

Truthfully its not until Feb 9th that "contempt" charges can actually be applied. But by that time Texas's countersuit will be heard (looking favorable for them to win) on the 4th....and the contempt charges won't be in effect.

Then the military route....
The volume of soldiers leaving the military because of newly discovered anti-vax sentiments was high....but they are so low staffed that they are welcoming everyone back with raises and promotions and no marks against them. So any thought of reprisals by USMJ are going to be a joke at this time. The 24 states coming to Texas's aide is going to thwart any thoughts by Biden of Federalizing the National Guard.

If 10 more states join's a constitutional convention. Just saying.

And basically this is completely Biden's fault for getting into this no win situation. Should never have opened the border in this fashion.
Biden’s next move would be to federalize the Texas National Guard. The next move would be for the Texas National Guard to defy that order.
That may not fly:

Then see what the fifth circuit held:

Now consider how and under what circumstances a President can “nationalize” a state national guard.

Other states should follow suit and just ignore SCOTUS.

SCOTUS rules that Trump has to be on the ballot, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

SCOTUS rules gun laws are unconstitutional, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

What could possibly go wrong with open defiance of the SCOTUS.

Perhaps the person that told me the US did not have 5 years left was correct.

Democrats are in fact defying federal law at the border. They are also defying federal law in sanctuary cities. Somebody at some point has to stand up to their nonsense.
There isn’t a man here who wants a CW. Every single one of us would love it if our government acted with class, common sense, decency, fiscal responsibility & in accordance with the Constitution as written.

Sadly they failed on every front & for decades. The founders of this nation told us what to do in these circumstances. And kicking this fetid can further down the road isn’t an option.

If you don’t have the stomach for what’s to come that’s ok. But don’t talk down about those who are doing what’s necessary. Because what’s necessary wasn’t decided by them, it was decided for them by others.

Stolen elections. Welfare state. Three tiered justice system. Taxation without representation. Pay to play. Lies. Blatant anti-white racism. On & on the list goes. All of this only ends one way.
Is Joe Biden going to use armed force to keep the flow of illegal aliens going?
What a dangerous knuttjob!
It was exposed today by the maga fuckups that they don’t want a border deal. They just want a campaign issue.
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Maybe some our erudite leftists in here can tell us -- What might the 'consequences' be?

1) A sternly worded letter?

2) Sponge Brains Shits Pants takes Texas out like he did Corn Pop?

3) He gives Governor Abbot a mean look

4) He disinvites Abbot to the SOTU Address

Enquiring minds.......
Biden can remove the national guard troops and send in federal marshals and/or FBI to start cutting the fence and arresting anyone who tries to stop them.

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