Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Currently (at last count a few hours ago) 24 states have sided with Texas in this matter. Not all of them southern states either.

Mexico is outraged at Texas stopping the migrants as well. (Who cares)

Biden can't win this issue. It's totally a loser for him. If he does nothing, he looks weak and without backbone. Again not Presidential.
If he actually does anything to Abbott he can kiss 24 states worth of electoral votes goodbye. Pretty much ensuring Trump waltzing into the White House next January.

Truthfully its not until Feb 9th that "contempt" charges can actually be applied. But by that time Texas's countersuit will be heard (looking favorable for them to win) on the 4th....and the contempt charges won't be in effect.

Then the military route....
The volume of soldiers leaving the military because of newly discovered anti-vax sentiments was high....but they are so low staffed that they are welcoming everyone back with raises and promotions and no marks against them. So any thought of reprisals by USMJ are going to be a joke at this time. The 24 states coming to Texas's aide is going to thwart any thoughts by Biden of Federalizing the National Guard.

If 10 more states join's a constitutional convention. Just saying.

And basically this is completely Biden's fault for getting into this no win situation. Should never have opened the border in this fashion.
Bullshit. People do not support Abbott putting up barbed wire. That idiot has created an international incident and things are about to be taken out of his hands.
Bullshit. People do not support Abbott putting up barbed wire. That idiot has created an international incident and things are about to be taken out of his hands.

Oh yes we do support him for keeping the illegals out. We'll take care of ourselves. Screw the federal govt.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm glad that they have poked the, Bear in Texas, come on down here and find out!!!!

Biden can remove the national guard troops and send in federal marshals and/or FBI to start cutting the fence and arresting anyone who tries to stop them.
He could.

But he won't. He's a dimocrap which means he's a coward.
Other states should follow suit and just ignore SCOTUS.

SCOTUS rules that Trump has to be on the ballot, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

SCOTUS rules gun laws are unconstitutional, just pull a Texas and ignore it.

What could possibly go wrong with open defiance of the SCOTUS.

Perhaps the person that told me the US did not have 5 years left was correct.
SCOTUS didn't make a law. They simply stated that the feds can cut the wire. We'll see what happens.
The DOJ is probably telling Biden to put Texas in a legal box, including federalizing the Texas National Guard.

Joe himself (really a few of his political weasels) are focus-grouping the optics.

That's how the choice will be made.

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