Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

I also think you're a brainwashing victim.

I'm a victim alright, of pigshit garbage like you.

When this country finally collapses under the weight of terror attacks, waves of crime and economic ruin, if a million people march to DC dragging every last government official out of their nests who presided over the ruination of the country flailing the flesh from their bones, I'll have my recorder going, recording it all with satisfaction.

Representative republic my stinking ass.

There is no representation, and Biden has shown there is no republic.
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dimocrap scum have already given up. They're going to toss this one down the 'Memory Hole' and pretend it never happened.

Believe it. They are such incredible cowards and scum. I don't know what's going to happen with this particular incident, except that -- It's over.

dimocrap FILTH will find another avenue, another way to FUCK the American People.

Wonder how much money dimocrap scum are getting paid by the Cartels? They are. Of that, I am absolutely certain.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
I'm a victim alright, of pigshit garbage like you.

When this country finally collapses under the weight of terror attacks, waves of crime and economic ruin, if a million people march to DC dragging every last government official out of their nests who presided over the ruination of the country flailing the flesh from their bones, I'll have my recorder going, recording it all with satisfaction.

Representative republic my stinking ass.

There is no representation, and Biden has shown there is no republic.
You're a victim of RWNJ brainwashing. There are no terror attacks or waves of crime, and we are in the opposite of economic ruin.

Wake up and look around yourself.

Ae you poor? You've said you aren't.

Are you a victim of crime?

When was the last foreign terror attack on home soil?

These things that you fear are not real.

The RWNJs need you to stay afraid so they can manipulate you so they lie to you and for some reason you believe them instead of your own eyes.
There are no terror attacks
Key terrorists have now been identified at our border by the FBI.

or waves of crime,
Meanwhile, chain after chain closes stores in cities across the country due to constant break ins and robberies, and the nation's capitol is no longer safe even in broad daylight.

and we are in the opposite of economic ruin.
At 34 trillion in debt, it now takes nearly all of our GDP just to pay the interest.
Idiots like you are too dumb to live except by government programs.
A Million vehicles?

That's insane right there!

Wow, you mean to tell me that here we have yet another situation where the citizen's have to step in because of these no good Democrat's who have yet again caused another constitutional crisis in this COUNTRY ??? This is absolute proof that the Democrat's are completely derelict in their duties to uphold the constitution in which they had swore an OATH to protect and abide by. Throw the gang out, because it's past time to do the right thing in this country..
Wow, you mean to tell me that here we have yet another situation where the citizen's have to step in because of these no good Democrat's who have yet again caused another constitutional crisis in this COUNTRY ??? This is absolute proof that the Democrat's are completely derelict in their duties to uphold the constitution in which they had swore an OATH to protect and abide by. Throw the gang out, because it's past time to do the right thing in this country..
Watch this....

I'm a victim alright, of pigshit garbage like you.

When this country finally collapses under the weight of terror attacks, waves of crime and economic ruin, if a million people march to DC dragging every last government official out of their nests who presided over the ruination of the country flailing the flesh from their bones, I'll have my recorder going, recording it all with satisfaction.

Representative republic my stinking ass.

There is no representation, and Biden has shown there is no republic.
How it all gets balanced back out in order to make sure that what you say doesn't happen, will definitely be a very very interesting thing to follow along and watch as it flip flops back and forth to no end.
Everyone can sit back and watch the show, because the running script will be the most unsurprising and readable script ever.
Key terrorists have now been identified at our border by the FBI.

Meanwhile, chain after chain closes stores in cities across the country due to constant break ins and robberies, and the nation's capitol is no longer safe even in broad daylight.

At 34 trillion in debt, it now takes nearly all of our GDP just to pay the interest.
Idiots like you are too dumb to live except by government programs.
Thank you for proving my point.
Watch this....

How can anyone in the world trust anything about our government today ? Was watching a couple of briefings on the border, and talk about deflections and/or outright lies that were apparently being seen in the art of such a thing, well I gotta say that it was just a marvel to watch take place.

If they will lie and deflect like that over their dereliction of duty being called out and rightfully so, then do they think for a second that the world is as dumb as they think their own citizen's are in their eyes ???? Think about it.......

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