Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences


These You loons will believe anything after you're told it enough times.

I won’t condone your ignorance.

From the House Judiciary Committee

1.7 million known ‘gotaways’ have evaded Border Patrol and escaped into the interior since January 20, 2021, with untold numbers of unknown ‘gotaways avoiding detection during that period.

You obviously missed the numbers for December where over 300,000 mostly military age men represented Biden’s illegals to be dumped into the US. The Border Patrol, through no fault of theirs, was busy welcoming Biden’s invaders by making them sandwiches rather than detaining and deporting them.
Yes. CBP is on board.

The primary obstacle preventing CBP from securing the border is Dem / Socialist policy of open borders and using illegals as a voting base.
The crazy thing is that the Democrat's think that the AMERICAN'S are just dumb enough to fall for it all, and to just lay down like sheep to be slaughtered in their own country without any resistance or ability to defend themselves.. The American's have been made to be just like an 8 month old "pre-born baby" that is still in the womb, and this is done in the same way by Democrat's concerning the border issue, otherwise the baby has no defense against an abortion doctor's knife that's been empowered to take the American baby (abortion on demand), and to take it before it's allowance to breathe on it's own (protect it's border's), otherwise after it would have been born in one more month (if weren't disturbed in such a way), by possible stranger dangers that are empowered to lurk about, and have since been given power to do such a disturbing thing because of our laws being thwarted or destroyed right in front of our very eyes.

Got aways numbering in the thousand's are the same as these potential abortion doctor's who can sneakily kill without warning in regards to it's unsuspecting victims, otherwise where one is in the womb, and the other is not, but the results are still the same.

Unacceptable things going on in this country, and a pattern has developed within it all..
I think so

Globalists want to infiltrate as many foreigners into America as possible

and some smart lib came up with the asylum loophole to accomplish that goal
There is definitely a link to it all.
War break out yet?

(It’s all kabuki theater)
War will be avoided, but hopefully the checks and balances will somehow be restored in our government over this, and leader's like Biden will be impeached as him and his henchmen deserve it in light of this constitutional crisis that he and his merry band of men had created on purpose.... They have done so for political pandering, voting power, and security for the Democrat party, and it is as plain as the day is to see what has taken place within it all.
Funny how Biden is demanding that this country lay down it's defenses in regards to a constitutional crisis that him and his merry band of men created, otherwise disregarding the nation's constitution, it's law's on the books, his constitutional duties, and his sworn OATH of office that he took when elected, and yet no one is powerful enough (by way of the constitution), to legally remove him from office by way of the tools given them to do so in the constitution ???? How did America become so weak ???

Egypt removed the Muslim brotherhood leader from their presidency after realizing the severe mistake that it made by allowing such a leader to gain power within that country. Obama supported Morsi, and demanded that they keep him in power as he was elected fairly by the people there, but Egypt wasn't having anyone influence them in that way. Now did Egypt do the right thing when it came to mistakingly allowing itself to elect a Muslim brotherhood leader as it's president, and why did Obama support such a leader over in Egypt like that ????

What was the purpose of Obama's speech in Cairo ? The speech honors a promise Obama made during his 2008 presidential campaign to give a major address to Muslims from a Muslim capital during his first few months as president.

Follow the trails and history people, and follow it all right up to where we are today in this country.

We are American's and not Muslim's or other, and we don't need to be undermined constantly in a bid to change this nation from an American nation into something unrecognizable, and it done so by character's who come along trying to smoothly do just that. WAKE UP AMERICAN'S. When will you wake up ????

I have been asking that question for years on this board.


I even posted WAKE UP by Rage Against The Machine.

They are awake…..they are simply communists who hate the US and want it to collapse. That is the only rational conclusion. They wre warned and they see the results.

These are people so stupid they were unpaid and took an untested experimental gene therapy shot REPEATEDLY.

The Extreme Biden COVID Cult Fucks are dumb as shit.
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Yep. Soldiers do what they are told to do.

Only to a point. There aren’t many that are in favor of attacking a US state and its citizens who are attempting to protect the sovereignty of the US.

Yet amazingly, he was strong enough to kick your blob's ass around the block

The ignorance and pure stupidity of the left-wing electorate has nothing to do with Joe’s weakness’. The fact that he was elected sends a signal to our enemies that 1/2 our country has been fully brainwashed, which means our enemies’ mission is nearly complete.

Compare January 2021 to December 2023.

The RIDICULOUS assertion that Dec 2023 illegals crossing is TRUMPS FAULT is the most retarded bullshit I have ever heard.



From CONGRESS.GOV…is that a suitable source? THE SECURE FENCE ACT OF 2006.

“Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, within 18 months of enactment of this Act, to take appropriate actions to achieve operational control over U.S. international land and maritime borders, including: (1) systematic border surveillance through more effective use of personnel and technology, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage, and cameras; and (2) physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful border entry and facilitate border access by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints, all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers.

Defines "operational control" as the prevention of all unlawful U.S. entries, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. “


This manufactured crisis is intentional. Fuck the Biden admin.

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