Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Finesse! With a temporary order!! I hope they are at least being blackmailed. That would be some excuse.
The Justices should actually read and fully contemplate what Abbott has said.

It is, after all, what the Constitution says that should control.
Abbott will yield just like George Wallace did so many years ago, but we can have some fun with it till then.
There are legal recourses like having a show-cause summons issued against the governor and to haul his butt into court of course. Really the more Texas escalates, the more likely there will be a more expansive ruling against them than the one they have. Texas would be wise to back a pathway or create a passable maze through the wire for Border Patrol to avoid more judicial involvement. I mainly posted because I wanted to obscurely point out that while people think US Marshals are court controlled, they are really part of the Department of Justice under the Attorney General's control (and obviously the AG works for the POTUS so Biden's control)
A show cause hearing would be appropriate but there isn't time. This was an interlocutory order just until the hearing. That happens on the 7th. Biden hasn't even got a toe to stand on.
This will no doubt have a profound affect on the 2/7 hearing. The arguments are being rewritten now.
As a jurisprudential and academic matter, this is very serious and also very interesting business.
Why do you think dimocrap FILTH are welcoming all those illegals?

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. They've already stabbed (real) Women in the back and they're starting to stab Blacks in the back as well.

dimocrap FILTH are back-stabbers. Look at how they're teating Jews. Jews were the most reliable dimocrap scum voting bloc for years. Jews thatowned newspapers ran pro-dim articles 24/7/365. Jewish owned conpanies favor dims 10 to 1.

What a bang-up "Thank You" Jews are getting from the left now, huh?

They'll fuck Blacks over, too. As soon as there is another constituency group that is more numerous or more reliable, they'll back-stab Blacks.

dimocrap scum are back-stabbers. It's who and what they are. ALL of them
Black people in Chicago are fed up with democrats.
What cards could Biden possibly play, he's lost the support of the American people for his out of control flood of illegals. The law isn't on his side. The Constitution isn't on his side.
If the court would adhere to the law as written and to the Constitution, this will end very poorly for the Potato Administration.
What cards could Biden possibly play, he's lost the support of the American people for his out of control flood of illegals. The law isn't on his side. The Constitution isn't on his side. Biden is holding 8-2 in Texas Hold-em.
Also a good point, JFK had a lot more goodwill and moral authority at the time, Bidet has neither.
As a jurisprudential and academic matter, this is very serious and also very interesting business.
That's true. A very real constitutional crisis. The order to remove the wire was just an EO not entitled to any use of force since it's not a federal decree. Fuckwad Biden can't even dust off the supremacy clause.

Who kicked the Afghanistan withdrawal down the road?

Who promised an infrastructure bill and didn’t even propose one?

Who promised to replace the PPACA with “something beautiful” and never proposed one?

Who cheated on all of his wives?

Who promised a “supercharged” economy and never had 3% GDP growth?

Who was so proud of himself for remembering 5 words?

And on and on…

Your impression of an Extreme Biden Cult Fuck is too over the top to be believable.

Tone it down a little and your troll might work better.

I appreciate a fellow MAGA trolling the board to make Bidenistas look like dumb fucks, though. Keep up the good work, MAGA BROTHER.

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