Biden Gives Putin the Go-Ahead to Attack Ukraine

What would you like him to do? (Keeping in mind that his BFF would be just as impotent..if not worse). :)

Go for a diplomatic solution ... get NATO out of Russian borders.....then there is place for talks and for reaching peaceful agreements.
Go for a diplomatic solution ... get NATO out of Russian borders.....then there is place for talks and for reaching peaceful agreements.'re for conciliation?...Not a position of right wing, conservative STRENGTH??
Isn't that what Chamberlain tried to do with the mustached guy from Germany?? :auiqs.jpg:

Admit it, you are going to bitch because the guy in the White House...has a "D" next to his name.'re for conciliation?...Not a position of right wing, conservative STRENGTH??
Isn't that what Chamberlain tried to do with the mustached guy from Germany?? :auiqs.jpg:

Admit it, you are going to bitch because the guy in the White House...has a "D" next to his name.

If you are trolling ...then it's no use to have a proper conversation.

I don't think Trump being BFF's with Putin would change Pootey's mind.
He'd do it regardless.
Still hanging onto that tired old BS? Biden has done more to kiss Vlad's ass in one year than Trump did in an entire administration. People like you just keep recycling the talking points though, like the good little soviets you are.

Care to list the number of sanctions Biden has put in place? How about the sanctions he has removed? Take your time. I'm sure the list will be long, considering how much ass-kissing you say Trump did...
Still hanging onto that tired old BS? Biden has done more to kiss Vlad's ass in one year than Trump did in an entire administration. People like you just keep recycling the talking points though, like the good little soviets you are.

Care to list the number of sanctions Biden has put in place? How about the sanctions he has removed? Take your time. I'm sure the list will be long, considering how much ass-kissing you say Trump did...
Sorry. I hate to burst your comfortable alt-right bubble..but...

And I'm sorry. What sanctions did your savior put in place against his BFF?...answer..none. got no solutions. Yep. Figured. Typical right leaner. Complain mightily, scurry away when rubber meets road.
Biden...head and shoulders above Trump...period...full stop.
Seriously....she is dumb as a plank. Not even joking...
I fail to see why we even need to be involved seeing as how Ukraine has nothing to do with the defense of the United States.
An amazing moment in Presidential cluelessness offered up by Joe Biden. Stunning.

An amazing moment in Presidential cluelessness offered up by Joe Biden. Stunning.

Recall what Thief in Chief Biden said a few years ago about the prosecutor investigating my son and you get your money. Guess this payback for Ukraine having the gall to investigate Hunter Biden.
Recall what Thief in Chief Biden said a few years ago about the prosecutor investigating my son and you get your money. Guess this payback for Ukraine having the gall to investigate Hunter Biden.
Didn't happen. Sigh..why do you keep repeating lies?
An amazing moment in Presidential cluelessness offered up by Joe Biden. Stunning.

Gee, now what? I mean, they IMPEACHED Trump just for DELAYING aid to the country a couple weeks, so what will they have to do to Joe now for OKing a military invasion by Putin? Cut his nuts off with rusty pliers while executing Joe with a firing squad up his ass as the stuttering fuck bends over?

Where is the outrage--- from EITHER side?
I'll give $5,000 to the first reporter who asks Nancy her feelings on Joe's selling out of Ukraine to Russia when she impeached Trump just for calling them on the telephone! :desk:'re for conciliation?...Not a position of right wing, conservative STRENGTH??
Isn't that what Chamberlain tried to do with the mustached guy from Germany?? :auiqs.jpg:

Admit it, you are going to bitch because the guy in the White House...has a "D" next to his name.
No, we are going to bitch because the guy in the White House is an incompetent idiot.
So...America First?..except when it's a Democrat in office?..then it's weakness? When his BFF would be just as unable to stop anything.
PPPPPFFFTTT!!-Oh goody, an abject statement of war by putting "training troops" close to Russia. (where would you like them to train?...Poland?? LOL.

Putin wanted his willing lackey in the White House because he would be his cuck. But the cuck, proved to be worthless to Putin. Incompetence will do that to you. :auiqs.jpg:
We already have troops training in Poland.

A strong President like Trump was would find a way to deter Putin and his hommies without going to war.

A weak President, like this Potatohead clown, would say that weak shit like he did yesterday at the presser.
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It's simple. Tell me (in detail) what is it you would like Biden to do?
Progs had all the answers. They told us and still do while screwing up everything. From Putin's perspective, we are surrounding him. All of the nations added to NATO makes things more dangerous but pushes the globalism our politicians have sold us out to.

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