Biden Gloats After Disastrous September Jobs Report: 885,000 Full-Time Jobs Lost, 1 Million+ Part-Time Jobs Added, Record Multiple Jobholders

China jumps right out there lol.

I noticed since you and Slow realize your errors you're trying to move the goal posts with "major" and "Western"....dopes
What other countries should be measure the US's economy by, sweetness?

The fact is that the US has the lowest inflation in the West.

China is a faltering economy right now with major issues that is greatly lowered consumer spending.
8% of Americans had two or more jobs under Trump, while it is done to 5% under Biden; all of this in economy with more workers than ever.
The strong economy has created 8 million unfilled jobs. The strong economy has resulted in strong consumer spending, increasing demand for a limited supply, generating inflation.
Show the link on 5%, everything I have read in the last couple months is 8% and above.
That's always the talking point. That democratic president are responsible for a bad economy, but have nothing to do with a good economy.
And republican president are always responsible for a good economy, and have nothing to do with a bad economy.
Gee, Democrats think they are better and Republicans think they are better? Holy crap, when did you figure that out?

The fact is, Biden, Trump , have little to do with the economy. Sorry, it hurts so bad.
Well, look inside the numbers for facts.

A real deep dive into the numbers reveals a different story. The jobs added are mostly seasonal (teachers) and part-time work.
“Take Leisure & Hospitality. Official adjusted data shows this add +96k jobs. But unadjusted data shows sector shed 466k jobs in Sep. Unadjusted private sector payrolls was -399k,” Vanda Research FX trader Viraj Patel said.

Zero Hedge reported:

Multiple job holders ? Where is that idiot AOC. She should be complaining that this is the reason the unemployment rate is so low.
Which major country has lower inflation?
I wonder why StupidIrishBitch focused on Saudi Arabia and Switzerland instead of countries like the UK and France.
Oh yea because she’s flailing
Trump was POTUS.

Just deflecting blame.
/——/ Obviously you’re too young to remember the governors screaming it was a states rightb matter. So tell me why individual states reopened a different times and Florida remained wide open, you blithely idiot.,
/——/ Obviously you’re too young to remember the governors screaming it was a states rightb matter. So tell me why individual states reopened a different times and Florida remained wide open, you blithely idiot.,
Bullshit idiot

Bullshit idiot

/——/ So, it was the governors who shut down their states and not Trump. Thanks for proving my point. SMIRK
/——/ So, it was the governors who shut down their states and not Trump. Thanks for proving my point. SMIRK
/----/ You are correct. Florida had partial shutdowns. Here are the states that didn't compared to those that did.

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