Biden goes begging to OPEC even though the USA has a 300 year supply! Why?

We haven't bought much oil from KSA in 15 years. They have committed to other markets. He's ignorant about the Saudis.
Trump's team had us energy independent.... independent of foreign oil and gas... Biden undid that in his first week in office... WHY?....
That is just stupid and shows a total lack of understanding how our system works.

Yet oddly enough you could not find a single post of me doing that
Lets see..... you didn't vote for Joe's biggest foe.... and you defend Joe everyday here.... you must think we are all stupid as hell....
Trump's team had us energy independent.... independent of foreign oil and gas... Biden undid that in his first week in office... WHY?....

Who was the POTUS when US oil production was slashed by 26%

Must be why the groomercrats love him so much. Making a pos like Joe president will be a great attack on America and Americans.

I do not know anyone that loves Biden, hell most do not even like him. Of all the people I know that voted for him, only 1 did so because they liked Biden, the rest did so because he was not Trump.
Lets see..... you didn't vote for Joe's biggest foe.... and you defend Joe everyday here.... you must think we are all stupid as hell....

yes, I do think you are stupid as hell. I think anyone that supports the duopoly is stupid as hell.

and you still cannot provide a single example of me defending Biden.
If you didn't vote for Trump you voted for Joe Biden... period... besides that.... you are one of his biggest defenders on this board...

Democrats would say that if you didn't vote for Biden then you voted for Trump. So I guess this goes to show that Republicans have their heads as far up their own asses as Democrats do.
Democrats would say that if you didn't vote for Biden then you voted for Trump. So I guess this goes to show that Republicans have their heads as far up their own asses as Democrats do.
Did you vote for someone that didn't have a chance to win?.... that sounds pretty stupid considering the mess the world and the USA are in today....
There you go again dishonestly using covid dated graphs... Of course oil production went down when covid shut us down.... Trump didn't slash anything you are a lying piece of pond scum...

What is dishonest about providing actual data?

I did not say Trump slashed anything, do at least try and keep up. The POTUS does not produce oil, thus they are not capable of slashing or making more.

The fact of the matter is that it was in 2020 when production went down and it has been going back up since, including the time that Biden has been the POTUS. This lie you all tell of less production under Biden just makes you look even more stupid
Did you vote for someone that didn't have a chance to win?.... that sounds pretty stupid considering the mess the world and the USA are in today....

2.5 million people in my state voted for someone that had no chance to win the state, and winning the state is all that matters in all but two states. Were the people in Ill that voted for Trump stupid knowing that he was not going to win the state?
What is dishonest about providing actual data?

I did not say Trump slashed anything, do at least try and keep up. The POTUS does not produce oil, thus they are not capable of slashing or making more.

The fact of the matter is that it was in 2020 when production went down and it has been going back up since, including the time that Biden has been the POTUS. This lie you all tell of less production under Biden just makes you look even more stupid
The oil production was rising fast under Trump until the economy was shut down for covid.... You suggested Trump "slashed" oil production... That is a lie and you know it... You make me sick to think that you are an American citizen....
You and that bitch Faun use the same covid era graphs and its not working...
I don't believe you didn't vote for Joe... You are a liar and I've just proved it....
2.5 million people in my state voted for someone that had no chance to win the state, and winning the state is all that matters in all but two states. Were the people in Ill that voted for Trump stupid knowing that he was not going to win the state?
That sounds pretty stupid considering the mess the world and the USA are in today....
You do realize that oil prices are determined by a global market, and therefore the prices that Americans pay are going to be determined by worldwide supply and demand, right?
You do realize that State and Federal taxes on gas are added to the price of gas?
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.
And state taxes the highest at 57.6 cents added in Pennsylvania to lowest Alaska 8.95 cents.
Another factor...
When there are significant concerns about the potential for a disruption at a time when spare capacity and inventories are not seen as sufficient to substantially offset the associated loss in supply, prices may be above the level that might be expected if only current demand and supply were considered, as forward-looking behavior adds a "risk premium."
Such as this:
Joe Biden: “We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
Biden’s hostility to energy industry workers is nothing new, either.
In December he suggested if coal miners lose their job due to his policies they should learn to code.
Biden has also said “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
Really a sensitive fellow regarding how "global Markets" react to those comments. I know if I worked in that
industry, I'd milk the prices for as much as I could NOW knowing that I'm in an industry that the President of the USA says people like me should be put in jail! Pretty obvious!

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The oil production was rising fast under Trump until the economy was shut down for covid.... You suggested Trump "slashed" oil production... That is a lie and you know it... You make me sick to think that you are an American citizen....

I did not suggest anything, I asked you a question.

Oil production had been rising fast for almost 10 years, but it was slowing even before COVID. Even before COVID the number of active wells in in the US had dropped by almost 30% in between 2018 and 2019.
I did not suggest anything, I asked you a question.

Oil production had been rising fast for almost 10 years, but it was slowing even before COVID. Even before COVID the number of active wells in in the US had dropped by almost 30% in between 2018 and 2019.
Here is what you posted... You tried to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production to try and prove me wrong that we were energy independent under Trump... You are a dishonest person and I don't have time for liars....

read you own words:
Who was the POTUS when US oil production was slashed by 26%


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