Would someone tell me where we'll get the electricity to charge EV cars/trucks?

You've asked me and asked my about Bidens' comments and I've told you every time they are lies. I can answer but I guess I can't help you comprehend.
Ok what exact words Biden say was a lie? I guarantee is that a lie. We don’t know anything about his guarantee. Was it a lie he wants to rid fossil fuels? Where is that a lie?
Well, at least he's been cowed into no longer proclaiming we'll need 4,000 power plants or whatever the figure was going to be next week.

KAMALA: "I'm excited about electric school buses! I love electric school buses! I just love them for so many reasons! Maybe because I went to school on a school bus. Raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus!"
OK Kamala... where will the electricity come from to charge the buses?
A) How many active school buses in America?
  • Nationally, 26 million children in the U.S. take 480,000 buses to and from school each day.
  • School buses travel about 12,000 miles per year per bus or almost 6 billion cumulative miles per year.
So how many kWh will be used if all the above buses are EVs at the documented rate per bus of 2.17 kWh/mile.
So 480,000 EV buses traveling 12,000 per bus per year is about 6 billion.
Electricity used by the above buses: 12,499,200,000 kWh.
Add that to electricity usage if just 25% of all Cars/Trucks that will use 3,729,594,048,071 kWh.
This is in ADDITION to the national electricity generate TODAY of 4,165,030,000,000 kWh, the Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all the 11,070 total power plants in usa. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
So if ALL school buses are EVs to the additional electricity needed will be 7,907,123,248,071 or more than 189% more electricity than is being generated today.
Oh by the way who will pay the additional trillions of dollars for new power plants?
View attachment 747329
/——/ Heels Up thinks we have a secret stash of unicorns who can globs of electricity.
But you don't provide ANY proof to your statements!
HERE read why you gasoline cost has jumped 87% from September 2019...$2.68 per gallon
when your dumb ass totally ignorant Biden said the following:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

BUT JUST 32 months later, $5.032 or
87% more in 6/2022

I KNOW why the price of gas jumped. It went up all over the world, not just in the USA. You're so invested in American opposition to green energy but it's both a waste of time and your energy, because the world is moving away from fossil fuels. Just like one hundred years ago, the world moved from horses and buggies to cars.

When gasoline powered cars first appeared, there weren't gas stations on every corner either. There weren't many oil wells or refineries. It took time and demand for the infrastructure to be built. And look at all of the jobs created paving roads, and selling gasoline. While people like you wondered what would happen to the blacksmiths, and the carriage makers if gasoline powered automobiles took over.

One of the reasons why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt is that American auto emission standards were so lax compared to Europe and Asia, that these companies couldn't sell their cars outside of North America. The cars couldn't meet mileage or emissions standards.

Get with the times and start look for opportunities in the green sector. Best growth potential in the world.

I don't need your Chicken Little explanations which have no basis in reality or fact. I also recommend you read Green Is Gold written by Patrick Carson. It's an oldie but a goody.

Amazon product ASIN 0002158396
I KNOW why the price of gas jumped. It went up all over the world, not just in the USA. You're so invested in American opposition to green energy but it's both a waste of time and your energy, because the world is moving away from fossil fuels. Just like one hundred years ago, the world moved from horses and buggies to cars.

When gasoline powered cars first appeared, there weren't gas stations on every corner either. There weren't many oil wells or refineries. It took time and demand for the infrastructure to be built. And look at all of the jobs created paving roads, and selling gasoline. While people like you wondered what would happen to the blacksmiths, and the carriage makers if gasoline powered automobiles took over.

One of the reasons why GM and Chrysler went bankrupt is that American auto emission standards were so lax compared to Europe and Asia, that these companies couldn't sell their cars outside of North America. The cars couldn't meet mileage or emissions standards.

Get with the times and start look for opportunities in the green sector. Best growth potential in the world.

I don't need your Chicken Little explanations which have no basis in reality or fact. I also recommend you read Green Is Gold written by Patrick Carson. It's an oldie but a goody.

Amazon product ASIN 0002158396

Climate change: Green energy 'stagnates' as fossil fuels dominate​

A new study says that the world is using more fossil fuels than ever as the transition to green energy stalls.
The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report says the share of wind and solar in the global energy mix has risen minimally in the last decade.
While renewables boomed in the electricity sector last year, they didn't meet the overall rise in demand.
In transport, which accounts for a third of energy, renewables provided less than 4%.
The current situation in Ukraine has exacerbated this trend, according to the authors.
What will be used to replace fossil fuels used in providing these products?
7 Gallons to make 1 tire... 2,000,000,000 tires equals 14 billion gallons of oil or at 42 gallons/barrel!!! Dummy you know
that equals 333,333,333 BARRELS or dummy 333 MILLION per year to make the tires your car drives on!
And that is just tires!
asphalt: asphalt that makes up 94% of our roads depends on 3% of all oil production! 1.4 billion barrels to make the asphalt that your tires that use 300 million barrels a year you drive your car on!

And so you eliminate "fossil fuels"...

The world has allowed itself to become dependent on forms of energy that are controlled by a small group of companies. These forms cause immense health problems for everyone, even those not using them. The situation is not much different from the drug dependence that infects so much of modern society. We could easily do things differently and better, but that isn't ho addiction works.
In today’s world everybody and everything is racist.

But you are so confused! What was it Biden lied about?
biden said I guarantee. What is a lie there? He also didn’t lie when he said “rid fossil fuels” where is there a lie? Now if he said my plan to rid fossil fuels will not cost a single fossil fuel worker’s job, that’s a lie. But what Biden said was not a lie. He has a plan Regardless of what it will cost.

His plan to rid us of fossil fuels is the same plan Trump had to make Mexico pay for the wall.
Ok what exact words Biden say was a lie? I guarantee is that a lie. We don’t know anything about his guarantee. Was it a lie he wants to rid fossil fuels? Where is that a lie?

As I said...........if you do not understand what a lie is, I can not help you.
A reasonable level for so-called fossil fuel use could probably be established. The excesses of "everything in one basket" are unreasonable.
In any case, dramatic reductions in all forms of pollution are reasonable, and necessary for quality of life.
Liberals are dumb as shit. We cannot simply switch to electric cars without massive expansion of fossil fuels.

They are morons duped by one of the biggest hoaxes ever.

Manmade climate change is bullshit.

What year was the climate “perfect”? Never.
/———/ But, but, but Greta said…
KAMALA: "I'm excited about electric school buses! I love electric school buses! I just love them for so many reasons! Maybe because I went to school on a school bus. Raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus!"
OK Kamala... where will the electricity come from to charge the buses?
A) How many active school buses in America?
  • Nationally, 26 million children in the U.S. take 480,000 buses to and from school each day.
  • School buses travel about 12,000 miles per year per bus or almost 6 billion cumulative miles per year.
So how many kWh will be used if all the above buses are EVs at the documented rate per bus of 2.17 kWh/mile.
So 480,000 EV buses traveling 12,000 per bus per year is about 6 billion.
Electricity used by the above buses: 12,499,200,000 kWh.
Add that to electricity usage if just 25% of all Cars/Trucks that will use 3,729,594,048,071 kWh.
This is in ADDITION to the national electricity generate TODAY of 4,165,030,000,000 kWh, the Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all the 11,070 total power plants in usa. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
So if ALL school buses are EVs to the additional electricity needed will be 7,907,123,248,071 or more than 189% more electricity than is being generated today.
Oh by the way who will pay the additional trillions of dollars for new power plants?
View attachment 747329
Uncle Jojo says he will build lots of charging stations but his promises are not worth beans.
Uncle Jojo says he will build lots of charging stations but his promises are not worth beans.

EV boost: Biden approves network of 500,000 charging ...​

https://www.zdnet.com › ... › Electric Vehicles

Sep 15, 2022 — President Joe Biden is earmarking $900 million to expand the network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the country..
Yea....but where will these chargers get the electricity used to charge the chargers?
Folks... If the total electricity generated in 2021 by 11,070 plants was 4,165,030,000,000 kWh... where will the additional 3,729,594,048,071 that just
25% of all American cars/trucks are EVs. We will be short 3.7 Trillion kWh! Where will the additional 3.7 trillion kWh come from?
Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 7.32.10 AM.png
As I said...........if you do not understand what a lie is, I can not help you.
I totally agree that Biden was just plain Dumb to make the below statement... BUT he didn't LIE!!!

What was the lie? Please tell me where JOE lied? His exact words..
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

What was a lie?
I want you to look into my eyes? Where is that a lie?
I guarantee ? Again...what is the lie?
We are going to get rid of fossil fuels? Why is that a lie because ,...have we gotten rid of fossil fuels yet?
Is Biden et.al. working on getting rid of fossil fuels? YES!
AGAIN tell me where in all of the above 19 words was there a lie? Again... please tell me what the LIE was?
Definition of a LIE:
A lie is an untruthful assertion.
The speaker intends to cause belief in the truth of a statement
that the speaker believes to be false

Now again.. Biden is such a stupid ignorant life-long politician !
BUT...Do you think Biden KNOWS that we can never get rid of fossil fuels?
Do you believe that we'll never get rid of fossil fuels?

I am a long term, long after I'm dead believer, that there will be EVs and this will be the source of all electricity...nuclear fusion!

On December 5, 2022, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California focused the power of a stadium-sized laser at a target no larger than a thimble, vaporizing it within a few billionths of a second. Measurements soon showed that more energy came out of the target than went in – the first time that energy gain had ever been achieved in a laboratory fusion reaction. What does this experimental achievement mean for energy production?

What a stupid statement by Biden... now IF he just had said...
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
But Biden is at war with fossil fuels and that is so DUMB!
But he has begged FOREIGN oil producers for more dirty oil! And really ignorant people aren't aware of this chart!
Venezuela is the worse and yet...
Biden Administration Desperately Cozies Up To Venezuela
Hey... pknopp....
Do you disagree with this definition of a "LIE"?
Definition of a LIE:
A lie is an untruthful assertion.
The speaker intends to cause belief in the truth of a statement
that the speaker believes to be false

So you say Biden lied because he believes everything he said:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

This is very important because in my nearly 80 years of life I've been raised as my Dad trained me lying is KNOWING what you are saying is not TRUE!
Again what did Biden know when he said.."I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
Now I am 100% agreement with you that this IDIOT says anything that comes to his peabrain WITHOUT thinking!
"C'mon Man!"
But we as logical rational people (unlike Biden supporters!) must be considerably more clear about the crap Biden & supporters put out!

EV boost: Biden approves network of 500,000 charging ...

https://www.zdnet.com › ... › Electric Vehicles
Sep 15, 2022 — President Joe Biden is earmarking $900 million to expand the network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the country..
Yea....but where will these chargers get the electricity used to charge the chargers?
Folks... If the total electricity generated in 2021 by 11,070 plants was 4,165,030,000,000 kWh... where will the additional 3,729,594,048,071 that just
25% of all American cars/trucks are EVs. We will be short 3.7 Trillion kWh! Where will the additional 3.7 trillion kWh come from?
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Authorization of funding must come from Congress, not the President.

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