Biden goes begging to OPEC even though the USA has a 300 year supply! Why?

Not in 2020 when the oil industry shut down.
Why are you such a dumbshjt? Am I the only one that calls out how stupid you are?

Obviously the oil industry shut down in 2020...gee I wonder why? It's as if the globalist woke-transgender-faggots made people stay home or something.
Here is what you posted... You tried to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production to try and prove me wrong that we were energy independent under Trump... You are a dishonest person and I don't have time for liars....

Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved.

I was not trying to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production, as I do not think the POTUS is capable of such things. The point of the graph was to highlight when production went down since you blame it on Biden even though it took place prior to his election.
I did not suggest anything, I asked you a question.

Oil production had been rising fast for almost 10 years, but it was slowing even before COVID. Even before COVID the number of active wells in in the US had dropped by almost 30% in between 2018 and 2019.
Prove it! Where is your link or substantiation?

April 30, 2021
February's data is the first time oil production has dropped below 10 million bpd since January 2018, according to the agency. The output drop came as a freeze in Texas shut in some production, but declines were also seen in other major oil-producing states.
Meanwhile, monthly gross natural gas production in the U.S. Lower 48 states fell by 7.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd), the biggest monthly decline on record, to 94.8 bcfd in February, according to data in EIA's 914 production report going back to 2005.
Hmmm... wonder if this had any affect of future drilling prospects or Oil industry executives...
Such as this from the new President.....
Joe Biden: “We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
Biden’s hostility to energy industry workers is nothing new, either.
Biden has also said “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
Really a sensitive fellow regarding how "global Markets" react to those comments.
I know if I worked in that industry, I'd milk the prices for as much as I could NOW knowing that I'm in an industry that the President of the USA says people like me should be put in jail! Pretty obvious!
Again FACTS... where are yours?
Prove it! Where is your link or substantiation?

Peaked in Dec 2018, was down by 26.55% by Jan of 2020....before COIVD was a thing.

Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved.

I was not trying to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production, as I do not think the POTUS is capable of such things. The point of the graph was to highlight when production went down since you blame it on Biden even though it took place prior to his election.
"Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved." REALLY????
Then you better as the expert you are advise these people!!!
There were 7 months of energy independence! But keep it up with your stupid uninformed
comments as you are continuing to show the deficiencies of people like you!
The definition of "energy independence"...
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
SEVEN MONTHS that even the strictly leftist (owned by the Anti-American non-profit Poynter Institute) had to grudgingly admit... "Energy Independence" Occurred in March and for 6 more months!
But of course you with all your resources and extreme intelligence contradict that!

In an email to Reuters, David Brown, Wood Mackenzie’s Head of Markets and Transitions for the Americas , said the U.S. achieved “energy independence,” which he considered to be a “long term trend”, in 2020 – in the sense that in an overall energy basis (taking all sources into consideration), the country did not need to import energy to meet energy demand at home.

But of course YOU know so much more!!!

Peaked in Dec 2018, was down by 26.55% by Jan of 2020....before COIVD was a thing.

View attachment 653092
I have never heard of "COIVD"!
Plus what does oil rig decline mean anything?
The average daily production for an oil well was 21.9 barrels.
Facts for you regarding what oil rigs that cost money to maintain are stopped so as more productive wells replace.
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"Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved." REALLY????

Yes, it is a myth. When you do not control the price of something it is not independence.

Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved.

I was not trying to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production, as I do not think the POTUS is capable of such things. The point of the graph was to highlight when production went down since you blame it on Biden even though it took place prior to his election.
We blame it on the Democrats who begged the country to shut down for no reason.

More covid cases/deaths now and no one even notices. This wasn't the 1918 flu.
Yes, it is a myth. When you do not control the price of something it is not independence.

The Saudis don't control the price. The market does. LOL
Energy independence is a myth, which 2020 proved.

I was not trying to make it appear that Trump slashed oil production, as I do not think the POTUS is capable of such things. The point of the graph was to highlight when production went down since you blame it on Biden even though it took place prior to his election.
You are a liar and that's not a myth... You tried to pass off covid oil production reduction as something Trump did and you got caught... Go Away liar we don't need liars here....
Trump had us back on the road to greatness and you went and voted for Biden... dumbass.....
When "workers" call a general strike and shut down Democrats cheer.

When businesses call a general strike and shut down Democrats try to nationalize them. That is, steal them for themselves.

One John Galt is not enough.
I accept your surrender.
Surprised you can spell "surrender"! Such a simple word COVID and you not only couldn't spell it BUT you ignored the little red dotted line beneath...coivd !
Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 1.16.02 PM.png

It is so indicative of people like you that with just 17 words, you are both ignorant and then TOO LAZY to correct!
It is also so sad with all the help people like you can get, that you ignore the simple things thinking that you
can elucidate pompous comments but ignore little details like spelling COVID!
19,740,000,000 responses to the word COVID and you can't even take the time to correct! Speaks volumes.
Begging for oil and baby formula.... That's Biden's america.....

Biden goes begging to OPEC even though the USA has a 300 year supply! Why?​

Because US oil producers have refused to use the land available to add rigs to increase production in order to appease their stockholders desire for capital returns in favor of capital investment.

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