Biden goes under 30% in Economist/Youtube most recent poll - Pocahontas rising


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Joe Biden started out over %40 when he announced in May, with close to 100% name recognition.

He has done nothing but sink since.... most recently clocking in at 26% on Thurs.

Meanwhile, Mayor Pete has a nasty issue at home to deal with and slow him down.

Who is rising?

Second place Pocahontas with 16%, passing Bernie... LOL!!!

Bernie and Biden are toast. It won't be either one. Mayor Pete was the "long shot" rising before the BLM came to town.. I have a hard time believing he will really end up as the nominee, a queer mayor of a college town.... but he is out of the closet, demonstrating vastly superior courage and character relative to the last two Dem nominees, both cowards... too chicken to come out of the closet....

Can Pocahontas emerge as the nominee?

Will Rachel Dolezal emerge as the likely running mate???

I'm sorry. I ain't buying that either....

The Dem field is in total disarray. That is part of the reason why Dems nationally and here are so "irritable" and prone to throwing tantrums at little stuff.... and attacking Melania...

When the other side is attacking the First Lady.... yeah, 'nuff said.

Dem Presidential Primary - "white knight" needed or Trump easily gets re-elected.

Who can they turn to??

There is only one capable of uniting the Democrats and defeating Trump...

The Democratic ticket will need to be pieced together carefully to appease the various identity politics requirements.

Warren is white, but female, so she'd do. She'd then need maybe someone like Booker or Castro.

Biden or Sanders would probably have to go with Kamala, who ticks two boxes.

On and on. Like a jigsaw puzzle.
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The Democratic ticket will need to be pieced together carefully to appease the various identity politics requirements.

Warren is white, but female, so she'd do. She'd then need maybe someone like Booker.

Biden or Sanders would probably have to go with Kamala, who ticks two boxes.

On and on. Like a jigsaw puzzle.

Thank God the Republicans don't want to win badly enough to find a black woman to run for them. The left would be fucked.
Booker and Harris are radioactive.

Someone else will be the VP nominee if a white Dem wins the Prez nomination.

You are correct, and all Dems know it. There will be racial and gender beancounting... and then those who notice will be called racist and sexist....
The Democratic ticket will need to be pieced together carefully to appease the various identity politics requirements.

Warren is white, but female, so she'd do. She'd then need maybe someone like Booker or Castro.

Biden or Sanders would probably have to go with Kamala, who ticks two boxes.

On and on. Like a jigsaw puzzle.
But Bernie is a nutbag socialist, Biden is just a plain old nutbag.
Joe Biden started out over %40 when he announced in May, with close to 100% name recognition.

He has done nothing but sink since.... most recently clocking in at 26% on Thurs.

Meanwhile, Mayor Pete has a nasty issue at home to deal with and slow him down.

Who is rising?

Second place Pocahontas with 16%, passing Bernie... LOL!!!

Bernie and Biden are toast. It won't be either one. Mayor Pete was the "long shot" rising before the BLM came to town.. I have a hard time believing he will really end up as the nominee, a queer mayor of a college town.... but he is out of the closet, demonstrating vastly superior courage and character relative to the last two Dem nominees, both cowards... too chicken to come out of the closet....

Can Pocahontas emerge as the nominee?

Will Rachel Dolezal emerge as the likely running mate???

I'm sorry. I ain't buying that either....

The Dem field is in total disarray. That is part of the reason why Dems nationally and here are so "irritable" and prone to throwing tantrums at little stuff.... and attacking Melania...

When the other side is attacking the First Lady.... yeah, 'nuff said.

Dem Presidential Primary - "white knight" needed or Trump easily gets re-elected.

Who can they turn to??

There is only one capable of uniting the Democrats and defeating Trump...

/——/ Old Joe fights back.
Biden: 'Republicans May Have Standards, But We Have Double Standards'
June 18th, 2019
PHILADELPHIA, PA—During a campaign speech Tuesday, Joe Biden proudly declared that while Republicans have at least some standards, Democrats are going above and beyond with their "double standards."
Biden pointed out that by having two sets of standards, Democrats are leading the race for having the most sets of standards.

"That's two times as many standards," he said proudly. "Double is a lot more than single. Anyone who's ever watched a baseball game knows that."

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