Biden Had Classified Documents in His Garage


GW and Obama had EOs still in effect that automatically declassified documents when POTUS took them out of the White House. POTUS can declassify without asking anyone about it, he needs no one's approval.

Øbama had numerous classified documents after he left office stored in an unsecured warehouse. The Obama Foundation had to pay the Archive to remove them to a safe storage location.

You might be referring to information that originates from the incumbent President for declassification which just means there is no review of this info before being declassified if they want to declassify. Its a limit exception and would not apply in this case with top secret information and the other two as they originate from other government sources who wish to classify the information.

So trump might have a case for stuff that he said and did while in office but that with the classification. He still would have to turn it over when he left.

But hey with Biden he does have the same ability to view security documents while VP as the current President.

Still it does not apply to what was found in Trumps possession . If he initiated it then yeah he has a better case. But Top secret stuff does not original from the Presidents office. Yeah I am sure he would love to declare it top secret.

The EO also states

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

Things that may you go hmmmmm
other then the amount and xiden obvious lie that he was surprised there were classified documents in his office, in his garage and his study…the lies tend to show his intent to cover up because he knows what he did was illegal
Why the hell does Biden has a gas guzzling V-8?

That hypocrite should immediately sell that carbon burner and get a Prius.
it just further highlights how he thinks his rules are for other people not for him
where is the proof that Trump declassified these documents. in hind site he may claim he declassify them but where is the proof . Why would he declassify these documents in his last days in office other than to take them home There were at least three Top Secret documents.

Three Federal Appeals court judges noted in a court ruling Sept. 21, 2022, there was no evidence that any of these documents were ever declassified.

in a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity , Trump said it didn't matter that there was no formal record of him having declassified the documents when he was still in office. "If you're the president of the United States you can declassify just by saying 'It's declassified.' Even by thinking about it," Trump said.

Well he pretty much admitted that he did not tell anyone to declassify these documents. It was just a thought in his head. A convenient excuse when caught with the goods. Yet how is anyone else suppose to know if the documents are declassified unless the tells them using a memorandum which is proof.

Well ;you didn't comment on that the documents are still government documents and thus Trump has no right to take them home. They belong to the government and are suppose to be turn over to the National Archives and they had asked for them but he refused to release them. yeah if he did claims to declassify them after being told to turn them over then that is clearly a problem

Top Secret documents

2020 federal appeals court decision, in which the judges noted that "declassification, even by the President, must follow established procedures." the normal practice seems to be that the president records the declassification decision in an official memorandum. This the accepted way to do it.

Trump does not think things thru, he just makes assumptions.
I quote above douche simply to make point, he has no idea what he is talking about, its not necessary that Trump "prove" anything, he was the president of the United States, this is irrefutable, there is no higher authority in the classification game, period! Biden was NOT president, he was the vice president, and his authority to declassify whilst VP doesn't exist, this is also irrefutable.

Biden, who illegally sent the DOJ after Trump over absolutely nothing, invading his home and trampling all forms of constitutional law in the process, actually appears truly guilty of grievous crimes against the United States in which he personally sought to compromise US national security while in pursuit of personal enrichment via that compromise, a series of crimes which almost certainly involved his entire family in the perpetrating thereof, such is textbook sedition & treason, particularly if it(and it did)involved selling out the nation to its greatest foe on earth, communist China!

These are simply facts, I might add that Biden was not lawfully elected, and this is exactly what you get when a totally corrupt federal government conspired with tech oligarchs and a near totally corrupt federal judiciary in cheating a known psychopathic pedophile into the highest office in the land, and who currently is still selling us out via son Hunters finger paintings in which those ridiculous works are commanding higher premiums than a Van Gogh, or Rembrandt! :wink:
You might be referring to information that originates from the incumbent President for declassification which just means there is no review of this info before being declassified if they want to declassify. Its a limit exception and would not apply in this case with top secret information and the other two as they originate from other government sources who wish to classify the information.

So trump might have a case for stuff that he said and did while in office but that with the classification. He still would have to turn it over when he left.

But hey with Biden he does have the same ability to view security documents while VP as the current President.

Still it does not apply to what was found in Trumps possession . If he initiated it then yeah he has a better case. But Top secret stuff does not original from the Presidents office. Yeah I am sure he would love to declare it top secret.

The EO also states

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

POTUS is classification, he can classify or declassify whatever he wants.

VPOTUS has no declassification authority.
I'll present the unspeakable before leaving the discussion:

Was Biden subpoenaed and presented with a search warrant before surrendering 'his' stolen documents?

Or is Biden pretending to give his documents up willingly?
You're kidding, right?
... The most relevant is that a president's discretion on what are personal vs. official records is far-reaching and solely his, as is his ability to declassify or destroy records at will.

"Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President's term and in his sole discretion," Jackson wrote in her March 2012 decision, which was never appealed.

"Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records," she added.

POTUS is classification, he can classify or declassify whatever he wants.

VPOTUS has no declassification authority.
Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

along with many others that are listed

Sec. 3.1. Authority for Declassification. (a) Information shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification under this order.

(b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by:

(1) the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position and has original classification authority;
Yeah, I haven't seen any msm coverage of FBI swat raids on Biden's home. Hypocrisy is rampant in the US government during the past seven years. First Hilarity and her insecure emails and now Biden.
Americans always have struck me as people who wish fairness for all.

Of course today we hear that everybody and everything is racist but I see that as just Democratic propaganda. I still believe Americans want fairness for all. Obama was elected twice to be President. That would never happen in a truly racist nation.

That’s why I have a hard time figuring out why people today are not more upset at how differently Trump and Biden are treated.

Perhaps once again the propaganda from the liberal media that keeps saying how terrible Trump is still works. Perhaps they lack the ability to question why if Trump is so bad why can’t all the prosecutors find something to change him with or how Joe Biden got so damn rich on a Senators’s salary.
Americans always have struck me as people who wish fairness for all.

Of course today we hear that everybody and everything is racist but I see that as just Democratic propaganda. I still believe Americans want fairness for all. Obama was elected twice to be President. That would never happen in a truly racist nation.

That’s why I have a hard time figuring out why people today are not more upset at how differently Trump and Biden are treated.

Perhaps once again the propaganda from the liberal media that keeps saying how terrible Trump is still works. Perhaps they lack the ability to question why if Trump is so bad why can’t all the prosecutors find something to change him with or how Joe Biden got so damn rich on a Senators’s salary.
I agree 100% with everything in your post.

GW and Obama had EOs still in effect that automatically declassified documents when POTUS took them out of the White House. POTUS can declassify without asking anyone about it, he needs no one's approval.

Øbama had numerous classified documents after he left office stored in an unsecured warehouse. The Obama Foundation had to pay the Archive to remove them to a safe storage location.
Wrong the EO does not automatically declassify documents when POTUS takes them out of the White House. That makes no sense whatsoever. The president has to send a memo to the originating entity that initiated the classification as stated in the EO. If the white house did the classification in the first place then yes they can declassify on their own initiative. Otherwise the initiating entity must be notified. They can agree or disagree. The white house can declassify there own documents if they are the ones who placed the original classification. This is not the case as the classified documents are originated by another entity and not the president. The EO clearly states that the president must sent a memorandum to the originating agency that he wants to declassify. They have an opportunity to disagree and present there reasons.

If Trump did this then where are the notifications. There are none. He is just lying to save his butt. The EO was to have a plan concerning this issue of classification and declassification of government secrets. Maybe there was issues with people in the past because there was no plan.

Obama story has been debunked. Your quoting a story that was put on Facebook from a story from PJ Media.
The story headline, as it appears in the Facebook post, said "Letter reveals Obama Foundation is keeping classified docs in abandoned furniture warehouse." The story was later corrected. How convenient is that?

"Correction," the headline now says. "NARA kept classified docs in a furniture warehouse, not the Obama Foundation."

Even Trump made statements that Obama took home many classified documents and tried to make it sound that what he did was what others did

the National Archives and Records Administration issued a statement saying it has "assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act. hmmm should we believe what Trump says as he wasn't there or what the national archives has said.
He should be reduced in rank to Pvt/E-1, 30 days in confinement, and fined $300.00. And not allowed to reenlist.

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