Biden Handed Republicans A Shovel And They Just Can’t Stop Digging

Biden gave Trump a huge gift.

---Ron DeSantis backed deep cuts to Social Security and Medicare while in Congress. Trump is ready to hammer him for it ahead of 2024.---

BIDEN ...or DeSantis ... gave Trump this 'gift'?
I guess you were too friggin busy to get the word our to the voters in his state back before the turn of the century. Thank God you are running for Paul Revere. There is a lot to be said for timely information. For the current info on killing SS, try the info and pamphlet referred to in Post 18 and 28. I am sure it is not you, and that you have nothing against senior citizens and would gladly stand with the president and the majority of the Republicans he hooked into standing to support SS during the State of the Union. It is up to the two Republican states that elected these throwback Bozo clowns that have come out to strip the program on an every 5 year basis. They don't represent Tennessee. Lots of older and by national standard less wealthy down here. They would probably already be gone. Thanks for your full support of Social Security that millions and millions of Americans have paid into since before I was born. :D
You really think Scott wants to get rid of SS...don't you, White? If I could ask a favor? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to come up with some way to keep the program SOLVENT and he's getting ZERO help from the Democratic side of the aisle!

The sad truth is that every time Democrats can't run on their own records because things are so FUBARED...they trot out the old "Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff!!!" line of bullshit that if you vote for a Republican they're going to get rid of SS! You don't seem like a complete moron so use your head and realize that you're being fed a line of BS! Nobody is getting rid of SS. Trying to do so would be touching the "third rail" politically! You'd be instantly fried. Politicians who want to make a career in Congress know this! Even the dumbest ones!
You really think Scott wants to get rid of SS...don't you, White? If I could ask a favor? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to come up with some way to keep the program SOLVENT and he's getting ZERO help from the Democratic side of the aisle!

The sad truth is that every time Democrats can't run on their own records because things are so FUBARED...they trot out the old "Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff!!!" line of bullshit that if you vote for a Republican they're going to get rid of SS! You don't seem like a complete moron so use your head and realize that you're being fed a line of BS! Nobody is getting rid of SS. Trying to do so would be touching the "third rail" politically! You'd be instantly fried. Politicians who want to make a career in Congress know this! Even the dumbest ones!

Even if Scott did, he is not the 'GOP'. This is just another desperate snowflake attempt to justify Biden's continuous false accusations in attempt to distract.
You really think Scott wants to get rid of SS...don't you, White? If I could ask a favor? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to come up with some way to keep the program SOLVENT and he's getting ZERO help from the Democratic side of the aisle!
The fuck he is.

Nice try. YOU don't even believe it.
I love that phrase and it so fits, as many delight in posting laundry lists of grievance. I learned it from Political Chic, in my early days on the board. Before that, not being a debater, I didn't even know there was a name for it, just that is pisses people off and is hard as hell to adequately respond to as too many different subjects in one breath.
You really think Scott wants to get rid of SS...don't you, White? If I could ask a favor? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to come up with some way to keep the program SOLVENT and he's getting ZERO help from the Democratic side of the aisle!

The sad truth is that every time Democrats can't run on their own records because things are so FUBARED...they trot out the old "Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff!!!" line of bullshit that if you vote for a Republican they're going to get rid of SS! You don't seem like a complete moron so use your head and realize that you're being fed a line of BS! Nobody is getting rid of SS. Trying to do so would be touching the "third rail" politically! You'd be instantly fried. Politicians who want to make a career in Congress know this! Even the dumbest ones!
When they really want to fund something, they fund it. They have no problem with corporate tax breaks or encoding tax loopholes to the benefit of 1 percenters, and it is done, whether we need the money to fund obligation incurred from the general fund, replacing money supposedly spent from SS. I retired at lower level at, even though maxing out SS every year, actually retiring at 60 because I could, but not drawing SS until 62. I did the lower, because actuarywise, it is the only way to get back the money I paid in, so I don't care where it comes from, as long as I get it back. People that retire at 65 or later, won't live long enough to get it back, on average. It was never a perfect plan, but one you could depend on, in a pinch, so we all paid in.
If I give you money for my retirement or just part of my retirement since the age of 16 without fail to retirement of near retirement, don't tell me you spent it on something else, don't expect me to just say oh well, it was worth a shot at the time! You better just shut the fk up and find my gawddamned money, and I don't care where you get it, even if you have to tax the rich!:mad:

Well they did, and they did make the rich pay the same as you to get the same benefit.

As the wise Puppyblender once said, "things that can't continue, won't continue"
I support cutting social security and medicare as long as every other government program is cut by the same amount
Here, here! Let’s cut everything by 1% to start. As far as social security, that means that a person getting $1900 a month would get $19 less - OR, we would advance the start of SS by one month - OR, we would raise the SS tax by 1%.

Now let’s cut 1% from every government worker’s salary, cut 1% from food stamps (a family of 4 is getting $800 tax free a month), cut 1% from the DoD (we could get rid of the “diversity and inclusion” programs), cut 1% from SSDI (just find a little fraud and get rid of it), and cut 1% from all the pork-laden spending bills.
When they really want to fund something, they fund it. They have no problem with corporate tax breaks or encoding tax loopholes to the benefit of 1 percenters, and it is done, whether we need the money to fund obligation incurred from the general fund, replacing money supposedly spent from SS. I retired at lower level at, even though maxing out SS every year, actually retiring at 60 because I could, but not drawing SS until 62. I did the lower, because actuarywise, it is the only way to get back the money I paid in, so I don't care where it comes from, as long as I get it back. People that retire at 65 or later, won't live long enough to get it back, on average. It was never a perfect plan, but one you could depend on, in a pinch, so we all paid in.
I PERSONALLY would prefer that SS be eliminated because I know that I am a responsible saver and investor and would have done better with the money I contributed over nearly 40 years of working.

I also realize that more than half the people in this country spend everything they earn, including comfortably upper-middle class folks, and they would arrive at retirement with a mortgage, an outstanding home equity loan, and maybe $30,000 in the bank. They would then claim they need help to fund their retirement years, and who would be stuck paying? ME and those like me.

Thus, we need to keep a forced contribution system, the money which people can’t touch until retirement. That doesn’t mean we can leave things as they are. We do need to make adjustments, and any of the following three, or better yet, all of them would solve the problem: 1) move the SS age up by one year, 2) increase the earnings cap to $200,000, and/or 3) increase the tax on earnings to 8%.
If I give you money for my retirement or just part of my retirement since the age of 16 without fail to retirement of near retirement, don't tell me you spent it on something else, don't expect me to just say oh well, it was worth a shot at the time! You better just shut the fk up and find my gawddamned money, and I don't care where you get it, even if you have to tax the rich!:mad:
If you die right before you hit retirement age you get squat. Great system, Simp.
I know you have been shown links to multiple republican lawmakers who have said they want to do everything from privatize those programs to sunsetting them, and even some have said they should be eliminated. Even if you don't personally support those things, why can't you acknowledge that those are things that republican lawmakers have said?
So did your Vegetable Messiah.
It's always so cute when the faithful rush into USMB with their latest talking point, so blissfully unaware that Joe Biden doesn't come up with shit. All the decisions are being made above his pay grade and all he does is attempt to read the words.
Since Tuesday’s State of the Union, President Joe Biden has had Republicans on the ropes over Social Security and Medicare, and he’s not backing down. After his resounding State of the Union victory, Biden took his win on the road to Florida and Wisconsin. Those happen to be the home states of the senators with the most radical proposals for killing off the programs.

Oddly, those senators—Rick Scott (FL) and Ron Johnson (WI)—decided to just keep digging. They lent a shovel to Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) over the weekend, who went on CNN Sunday to tell Jake Tapper that he looks at Social Security like defense spending, something that should be “managed” every year by Congress.

The only thing that’s going to get managed is the Presidents plan to expand the programs, and make those losers billionaire donors pay for it.
Nobody has proposed killing the programs. Why is it that Demafascist have to lie so much
Here, here! Let’s cut everything by 1% to start. As far as social security, that means that a person getting $1900 a month would get $19 less - OR, we would advance the start of SS by one month - OR, we would raise the SS tax by 1%.

Now let’s cut 1% from every government worker’s salary, cut 1% from food stamps (a family of 4 is getting $800 tax free a month), cut 1% from the DoD (we could get rid of the “diversity and inclusion” programs), cut 1% from SSDI (just find a little fraud and get rid of it), and cut 1% from all the pork-laden spending bills.
That does not seem too painful in comparison to national bankruptcy

But libs just want more till there is no more “more” to give

My only regret with that plan is that it condemns US soldiers in a future war to died needlessly for lack of the best weapons
Since Tuesday’s State of the Union, President Joe Biden has had Republicans on the ropes over Social Security and Medicare, and he’s not backing down. After his resounding State of the Union victory, Biden took his win on the road to Florida and Wisconsin. Those happen to be the home states of the senators with the most radical proposals for killing off the programs.

Oddly, those senators—Rick Scott (FL) and Ron Johnson (WI)—decided to just keep digging. They lent a shovel to Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) over the weekend, who went on CNN Sunday to tell Jake Tapper that he looks at Social Security like defense spending, something that should be “managed” every year by Congress.

The only thing that’s going to get managed is the Presidents plan to expand the programs, and make those losers billionaire donors pay for it.
You really think Scott wants to get rid of SS...don't you, White? If I could ask a favor? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to come up with some way to keep the program SOLVENT and he's getting ZERO help from the Democratic side of the aisle!

The sad truth is that every time Democrats can't run on their own records because things are so FUBARED...they trot out the old "Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff!!!" line of bullshit that if you vote for a Republican they're going to get rid of SS! You don't seem like a complete moron so use your head and realize that you're being fed a line of BS! Nobody is getting rid of SS. Trying to do so would be touching the "third rail" politically! You'd be instantly fried. Politicians who want to make a career in Congress know this! Even the dumbest ones!

This is the DUMBEST idea in the history of bad ideas.

How can people plan or save for retirement if they don't have any idea what is happening with government programs going forward???

How can the government deal with today's issues when they're constantly have to re-up what's already been done? Republicans spend all of their time in power tearing down and destroying programs - cutting the taxes that fund them, and trying to repeal things which benefit the American people and which are popular. Like the ACA, or Roe v Wade.

Even discussing such idiocy shows that you don't have the good sense God gave a goose. The whole thing is both unworkable, and counter productive to reducing or eliminating elder poverty which is already rising due to inflation.

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