Biden Handed Republicans A Shovel And They Just Can’t Stop Digging

Yes, he has...

President Biden and his fellow Democrats are accusing Republicans of wanting to cut Social Security benefits. But in 1983, then-Sen. Biden (D-Del.) and 25 other Senate Democrats, along with 163 House Democrats, provided the large majority of votes to pass the last cut to Social Security benefits. If cutting Social Security benefits is a scandal, then Biden’s guilty.

40 years ago BooBoo.
it was

what are you talking about? It was reauthorized by a unanimiously and signed by Bush in sunsets every 25's not up again til 2031. Geez, this is why it's silly to have a convo with dembots that are clueless

But Republicans cut the legs right out from under it and state Houses have been busy restricting voting rights unimpeded. And Republicans refuse to reinforce minority voting rights.

What's changed​

In 2013, in a case called Shelby County v. Holder, Chief Justice John Roberts concluded that a lot of things had changed, that the world had changed since the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

The 5-4 decision effectively derailed the Justice Department's system for preapproving election changes in jurisdictions with a history of discrimination, putting a heavy burden on the federal government to identify any such changes and sue to prevent them from taking effect. The high court ruling prompted states to pass new restrictions on voting.

Then, in July, another conservative court majority severely weakened the remaining enforcement tool for the Department of Justice: a provision that gave the federal government the legal authority to challenge voting laws that discriminate on the basis of race, color and language minority status.

What's Next For Voting Rights After The Supreme Court's Decision

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But Republicans cut the legs right out from under it and state Houses have been busy restricting voting rights unimpeded. And Republicans refuse to reinforce minority voting rights.

what the F are you talking about? When did Republicans "cut the legs" out from under it? You clearly are just making things up right thought they didn't reauthorize it....when clearly they did
When they really want to fund something, they fund it. They have no problem with corporate tax breaks or encoding tax loopholes to the benefit of 1 percenters, and it is done, whether we need the money to fund obligation incurred from the general fund, replacing money supposedly spent from SS. I retired at lower level at, even though maxing out SS every year, actually retiring at 60 because I could, but not drawing SS until 62. I did the lower, because actuarywise, it is the only way to get back the money I paid in, so I don't care where it comes from, as long as I get it back. People that retire at 65 or later, won't live long enough to get it back, on average. It was never a perfect plan, but one you could depend on, in a pinch, so we all paid in.

When they really want to fund something, they fund it. They have no problem with corporate tax breaks or encoding tax loopholes to the benefit of 1 percenters, and it is done, whether we need the money to fund obligation incurred from the general fund, replacing money supposedly spent from SS. I retired at lower level at, even though maxing out SS every year, actually retiring at 60 because I could, but not drawing SS until 62. I did the lower, because actuarywise, it is the only way to get back the money I paid in, so I don't care where it comes from, as long as I get it back. People that retire at 65 or later, won't live long enough to get it back, on average. It was never a perfect plan, but one you could depend on, in a pinch, so we all paid in.

You didn't answer my question, White. Do you REALLY believe that Rick Scott wants to get rid of SS? Or will you admit that what he's asking for is a fix that will keep SS solvent? I think you know that it's the why the distortion of his message?
This is the DUMBEST idea in the history of bad ideas.

How can people plan or save for retirement if they don't have any idea what is happening with government programs going forward???

How can the government deal with today's issues when they're constantly have to re-up what's already been done? Republicans spend all of their time in power tearing down and destroying programs - cutting the taxes that fund them, and trying to repeal things which benefit the American people and which are popular. Like the ACA, or Roe v Wade.

Even discussing such idiocy shows that you don't have the good sense God gave a goose. The whole thing is both unworkable, and counter productive to reducing or eliminating elder poverty which is already rising due to inflation.
How can people plan for retirement when the government programs you're speaking of are going to be insolvent in about ten years? The DUMBEST idea is doing nothing until it's fiscal catastrophe! Right now our SS system is a train headed for a cliff. Anyone that doesn't realize that has their head buried in the sand.
The fuck he is.

Nice try. YOU don't even believe it.
Only the TRUELY moronic think that a Florida Senator...a State with probably the largest percentage of it's population that is ON Social Security...wants to get rid of SS! Use your head, Lesh! THINK for a change!
Only the TRUELY moronic think that a Florida Senator...a State with probably the largest percentage of it's population that is ON Social Security...wants to get rid of SS! Use your head, Lesh! THINK for a change!
You’re talking about Rick fucking Scott. He was caught scamming over healthcare and dumbass Republicans still elected him

While he was CEO of a healthcare company his company was fined a billion and a half for Medicare/Medicaid fraud
How can people plan for retirement when the government programs you're speaking of are going to be insolvent in about ten years? The DUMBEST idea is doing nothing until it's fiscal catastrophe! Right now our SS system is a train headed for a cliff. Anyone that doesn't realize that has their head buried in the sand.

I never said to "do nothing". I even posted a list of changes and amendments to the original legislation since it was passed to show that it's entirely possible to amend the legislation without scraping it and starting over.

No one is saying to do nothing, but this idea of tossing out every 5 years, is just looking for the right moment to get rid of them. You need to be working on things like immigration and police reform, and instead you're now re-litigating Roe, and trying to overturn voting rights.

Current problems will never be addressed if you keep going back to things that were solved years ago and keep relitigating them over and over again. Civil rights, public education, climate change, and abortion should have been settled years ago.

The USA is falling behind the rest of the first world in education, infrastructure and political stability. Your life expectancy is declining. You're headed to second world status if you don't start addressing the 21st Century problems and rebuild your middle class.

The strong social safety net is a very necessary piece of a strong and vibrant capitalist economy. The measure of a great nation is not based on how well the richest among you live, but rather how well the poorest among you live. And that's not very well at all.
I never said to "do nothing". I even posted a list of changes and amendments to the original legislation since it was passed to show that it's entirely possible to amend the legislation without scraping it and starting over.

No one is saying to do nothing, but this idea of tossing out every 5 years, is just looking for the right moment to get rid of them. You need to be working on things like immigration and police reform, and instead you're now re-litigating Roe, and trying to overturn voting rights.

Current problems will never be addressed if you keep going back to things that were solved years ago and keep relitigating them over and over again. Civil rights, public education, climate change, and abortion should have been settled years ago.

The USA is falling behind the rest of the first world in education, infrastructure and political stability. Your life expectancy is declining. You're headed to second world status if you don't start addressing the 21st Century problems and rebuild your middle class.

The strong social safety net is a very necessary piece of a strong and vibrant capitalist economy. The measure of a great nation is not based on how well the richest among you live, but rather how well the poorest among you live. And that's not very well at all.
Those things were settled. From agendas of the then Progressive Socialists. The results were either divisive or corrupted with the peasant becoming irresponsible for their actions and met with approval for doing it. Reduce the teacher's union to start.
Since Tuesday’s State of the Union, President Joe Biden has had Republicans on the ropes over Social Security and Medicare, and he’s not backing down. After his resounding State of the Union victory, Biden took his win on the road to Florida and Wisconsin. Those happen to be the home states of the senators with the most radical proposals for killing off the programs.

Oddly, those senators—Rick Scott (FL) and Ron Johnson (WI)—decided to just keep digging. They lent a shovel to Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) over the weekend, who went on CNN Sunday to tell Jake Tapper that he looks at Social Security like defense spending, something that should be “managed” every year by Congress.

The only thing that’s going to get managed is the Presidents plan to expand the programs, and make those losers billionaire donors pay for it.
A spade is for digging, a shovel is best to move the likes of loose dirt and gravel about.

It is funny to watch Joe playing trump supporting Republicans like a fiddle. If the Republican minority that publicly support cutting Social Security, keep it up, they may be solely responsible for Re-Electing Joe, out of their own sheer stupidity on their losing issue.
If the Democrats play their game long enough there will be no Social Security and no Medicare.

Then what?

The longer we wait that harder the fix will be. As usual, the Democrats are playing STUPID.POLITICAL GAMES with this important issue.

Fix Social Security and Medicare and fix them NOW. Both Parties will have to work together but what is so bad about that. We have had enough partisan bickering to last a life time.
Well they did, and they did make the rich pay the same as you to get the same benefit.

As the wise Puppyblender once said, "things that can't continue, won't continue"
This one will or there will be changes at the ballot box.:dunno:
I PERSONALLY would prefer that SS be eliminated because I know that I am a responsible saver and investor and would have done better with the money I contributed over nearly 40 years of working.

I also realize that more than half the people in this country spend everything they earn, including comfortably upper-middle class folks, and they would arrive at retirement with a mortgage, an outstanding home equity loan, and maybe $30,000 in the bank. They would then claim they need help to fund their retirement years, and who would be stuck paying? ME and those like me.

Thus, we need to keep a forced contribution system, the money which people can’t touch until retirement. That doesn’t mean we can leave things as they are. We do need to make adjustments, and any of the following three, or better yet, all of them would solve the problem: 1) move the SS age up by one year, 2) increase the earnings cap to $200,000, and/or 3) increase the tax on earnings to 8%.
Find you a republican Congressman to come out the same way, and help him find a job in the private sector, cause that is where he'll be heading.
If you die right before you hit retirement age you get squat. Great system, Simp.
Looks like I played it right and lived. I doubt you have to worry about the votes or wishes of the dead people.
Since Tuesday’s State of the Union, President Joe Biden has had Republicans on the ropes over Social Security and Medicare, and he’s not backing down. After his resounding State of the Union victory, Biden took his win on the road to Florida and Wisconsin. Those happen to be the home states of the senators with the most radical proposals for killing off the programs.

Oddly, those senators—Rick Scott (FL) and Ron Johnson (WI)—decided to just keep digging. They lent a shovel to Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) over the weekend, who went on CNN Sunday to tell Jake Tapper that he looks at Social Security like defense spending, something that should be “managed” every year by Congress.

The only thing that’s going to get managed is the Presidents plan to expand the programs, and make those losers billionaire donors pay for it.
Biden barely has enough brain cells to read a teleprompter. The only ropes Biden knows are tied to his bathroom doorknob so he doesn't get lost taking a pee.

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