Biden Handed Republicans A Shovel And They Just Can’t Stop Digging

Find you a republican Congressman to come out the same way, and help him find a job in the private sector, cause that is where he'll be heading.
Same thing with any Democrat who comes out with necessary adjustments to keep SS solvent. That’s the problem. It’s been the infamous third rail for decades.
You didn't answer my question, White. Do you REALLY believe that Rick Scott wants to get rid of SS? Or will you admit that what he's asking for is a fix that will keep SS solvent? I think you know that it's the why the distortion of his message?
If you are a Floida guy and you like him, makes no difference to me.
This is the DUMBEST idea in the history of bad ideas.

How can people plan or save for retirement if they don't have any idea what is happening with government programs going forward???

How can the government deal with today's issues when they're constantly have to re-up what's already been done? Republicans spend all of their time in power tearing down and destroying programs - cutting the taxes that fund them, and trying to repeal things which benefit the American people and which are popular. Like the ACA, or Roe v Wade.

Even discussing such idiocy shows that you don't have the good sense God gave a goose. The whole thing is both unworkable, and counter productive to reducing or eliminating elder poverty which is already rising due to inflation.
First, it’s none if your business cuz you are a KKKanadian fuckstick.

Second, anyone relying on SS as their sole means if retirement gets what they deserve.
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If you die right before you hit retirement age you get squat. Great system, Simp.
Honestly, the purpose of SS isn’t to collect as much as possible. It’s to ensure that you will have income until the day you die.

I personally am buying an “extended” SS of sorts. I plan to buy an annuity that will pay out the difference between my basic monthly expenses and my SS amount.
First, it’s nine if your business cuz you are a KKKanadian fuckstick.

Second, anyone relying on SS as their sole means if retirement gets what they deserve.
But it’s a very nice supplement. I’ll take it.
Same thing with any Democrat who comes out with necessary adjustments to keep SS solvent. That’s the problem. It’s been the infamous third rail for decades.
Some promises are looked at like obligations or contracts with the American people, you don't get to go back on them, just because you spent the easy money already, certainly not for people retired or near retirement.
All we need to do is raise taxes on the wealthy.
Problem solved.
Spoken like a true leftist! Let somebody else pay.

No, we all need to make sacrifices to ensure the program remains solvent. That means extending the FRA out by a year, and (slightly) increasing the tax on earnings. Small adjustments spread across millions of people is all It takes.
Some promises are looked at like obligations or contracts with the American people, you don't get to go back on them, just because you spent the easy money already, certainly not for people retired or near retirement.
No, not for people at or near retirement.

But who said we can’t make changes? We already did when we moved the FRA from 65 to 67.
Maybe. Isn't that what's been happening with the Voting Rights Act???? Then Republicans refused to renew it at all, and you have literally hundreds of voter suppression laws being passed around the country. Wash, rinse and repeat for Roe.

And when Democrats have tried to revive the Voting Rights Act, Republicans have steadfastly refused to even consider it.

The Republican Party is busy tearing down everything that the American people have built and voted for over the past 100 years.

Well that is simply not true. The whole point of a "sunset clause" is to end a temporary or time limited program.

This is a link to the legislative history of Social Security. As you can see, all of the things you want to see have been done, over and over again without scrapping the law and starting over.

And I once again remind you of what happened when the Voting Rights Act "sunsetted". 0r the Fairness Doctrine.
Literally hundreds of voter suppression laws passed around the country?

Got any links Dragonlady

This is where the lying sack of shit KKKanadian knows she is caught in another lie and will tell me to Google it.

In the past 45 years, he has made it clear where he stands on SS and Medicare. In 1975, I was upset because The Greatful Dead stopped touring. Lots of things have change since then.
Actually, it was 1995
In the past 45 years, he has made it clear where he stands on SS and Medicare. In 1975, I was upset because The Greatful Dead stopped touring. Lots of things have change since then.
The Dead stopped touring in 1975?

I call bullshit.

Gotta link BULLDOG
Since Tuesday’s State of the Union, President Joe Biden has had Republicans on the ropes over Social Security and Medicare, and he’s not backing down. After his resounding State of the Union victory, Biden took his win on the road to Florida and Wisconsin. Those happen to be the home states of the senators with the most radical proposals for killing off the programs.

Oddly, those senators—Rick Scott (FL) and Ron Johnson (WI)—decided to just keep digging. They lent a shovel to Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) over the weekend, who went on CNN Sunday to tell Jake Tapper that he looks at Social Security like defense spending, something that should be “managed” every year by Congress.

The only thing that’s going to get managed is the Presidents plan to expand the programs, and make those losers billionaire donors pay for it.
In the past 45 years, he has made it clear where he stands on SS and Medicare. In 1975, I was upset because The Greatful Dead stopped touring. Lots of things have change since then.
I cried when the Beatles broke up, but not sure what that has to do with Biden advocating for the need to cut Social Security.
what the F are you talking about? When did Republicans "cut the legs" out from under it? You clearly are just making things up right thought they didn't reauthorize it....when clearly they did
Dragonlady is a lying sack of shit.
Ok, but if you had all the money you sent to SS your retirement would be much better.

Its a scam
I agree. And I personally would have been much better off taking those contributions and investing them in some solid mutual funds. But then again, I’m responsible and plan for the future.

The majority of people are spend for today types. If we eliminated SS and let them save in their own, they wouldn’t. They’d reach age 65 with unpaid loans and a small savings balance.

So would happen? They’d all be put onto a new “elderly welfare’ - which is in effect the SS they never contributed to. In the meantime, people like us would have our taxes raised to help support all the lifelong spenders.

C’mon….be realistic. You know that’s how it would play out,
Three-Quarters of House GOPs Endorsed Social Security Cuts Last Year

‘Republicans are now aghast that anyone would be claiming they want to cut Social Security. But last year the Republican Study Committee — a House caucus which includes about 75% of all House Republicans — released a proposed 2023 budget which included basically every kind of Social Security cut on offer.

The Blueprint to Save America proposed raising the eligibility age at first to 70 and then higher if and when life expectancy goes up; it proposed cutting (or in their words “modernizing”) the benefit formula for everyone currently 54 and under; means-testing Social Security benefits; including work requirements for some Social Security beneficiaries; and allowing people to divert payroll taxes into private investment accounts — aka “retirement freedom.”’

“retirement freedom”

Conservatives – masters of Orwellian dishonesty and deceit.
Three-Quarters of House GOPs Endorsed Social Security Cuts Last Year

‘Republicans are now aghast that anyone would be claiming they want to cut Social Security. But last year the Republican Study Committee — a House caucus which includes about 75% of all House Republicans — released a proposed 2023 budget which included basically every kind of Social Security cut on offer.

The Blueprint to Save America proposed raising the eligibility age at first to 70 and then higher if and when life expectancy goes up; it proposed cutting (or in their words “modernizing”) the benefit formula for everyone currently 54 and under; means-testing Social Security benefits; including work requirements for some Social Security beneficiaries; and allowing people to divert payroll taxes into private investment accounts — aka “retirement freedom.”’

“retirement freedom”

Conservatives – masters of Orwellian dishonesty and deceit.
Sounds responsible to me.

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