Biden-Harris campaign response to trump's press conference


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Short, sweet, and to the point, as usual for them.

I think I would have worded it a bit stronger but this will do for now.

In remarks made after the hearing, Mr Trump described Ms James as “vicious” and compared her legal action against him to that taken against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

However, when describing Mr Cuomo, he referred to him as “the current governor”, who is, in fact, Kathy Hochul.

I guess the election will boil down to who will make the most mistake when speaking
Dem rage is the best

Well, I dunno much about this so-called 'Dem rage', but......but it seems the Biden/Harris folks are giving back in-kind.

Which oughta make the campaign in the next 7 or so months kinda entertaining. A mudpalooza.

It'll be interesting to see how Don Trump handles more direct heater-to-the-head kind of opposition opposed to the kid-glove gentlemanly stuff that has come at him in the past.

Personally, I'd suggest the Biden/Harris folks hire comedy writers to skewer Don Trump. Death by a thousand cuts if he gets ridiculed and laughed at. What we think we know of his ego that may be effective.

ps.......I was so disappointed that Al Franken couldn't have debated Trump on a public stage. I think he woulda shredded the slow-footed humorless stable-genius.


Yeah, thanks for that meme. All it shows is the leftists plan of attack is working. I never had any doubt it would. One thing you can count on with democrats is, they will use every underhanded tactic in the book to win at all costs.

But…as they say “it ain’t over til it’s over”. There’s a lot of court to happen between now and November, and scotus, I would assume, is going to rule on all these cases that, attempting to sue the Republican nominee for president out of the campaign is not good for the country, and will say “let the voters decide”

Make America Great Only for Trump

oh I mean


Make America Groan Again
Short, sweet, and to the point, as usual for them.

I think I would have worded it a bit stronger but this will do for now.

View attachment 922419
Its about time, Trump has so many flaws that I can imagine its hard to focus on one when the choice is like when its which one should I use today

I guess it time to get serious
^^^WEF/Democrat shills do nothing but gaslight Americans.

What BS.

Biden can't fill a Starbucks with supporters.

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