Biden has blood on his hands - I accuse Biden of incompetence

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
Good hook, You had me for a minute, not gonna lie.

It's funny how you bring God into this, since you are advocating for abortion. You also say he has blood on his hands. Funny, I thought saving children from being killed would cancel out anyone dying...
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
Trump is not the boogie man you libs think he is...none of you can voice why you hate Trump outside of childish rhetoric heard on people that supported Biden and voted for him have blood on your hands...the blood of brave Marines and hundreds maybe thousands of innocent lives....
Now we are beginning to see you fools come out and say well I didn't think Joe would be this bad...go fuck yourselves you liberal gullible clowns...we were on our way back...and you assholes went and voted against your and the nations best interest and not one of you can tell us why.....
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
What a total doofus you are. You hate both the good guys AND the bad guys, I think not. You are just as useless a Dimmer as Biden and his cult.
Liberal fools taken in by global minded mega news corporations that want to do business in China...imagine that....liberals fooled by rich greedy corporations and made to do their bidding....
I think this abortion thing in Texas is going to hurt Republicans. A lot of Republican women are pro-choice and were willing to put up with the Republican pro-life stance as long as it didn't affect them or anyone they knew.
I think this abortion thing in Texas is going to hurt Republicans. A lot of Republican women are pro-choice and were willing to put up with the Republican pro-life stance as long as it didn't affect them or anyone they knew.
I don't think very many Republican women are baby killers at all Dimmer. Totally different set of standards from the convenience killer crowd.
Stupid utter crap post that belongs in the basement.

Thus keeping the streak alive.........
I think this abortion thing in Texas is going to hurt Republicans. A lot of Republican women are pro-choice and were willing to put up with the Republican pro-life stance as long as it didn't affect them or anyone they knew.
You folks vastly overestimate the support for abortion. There are more options to avoid pregnancy now than when Roe v Wade was interpreted. October 2 marches across the country were lackluster.
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?

Fuck off, Nazi.
Tommy Tainant This Trump supporter doesn't wish death upon you or anyone else. That charming trait is shared by you and other Leftist haters who think political beliefs are the only things that matter.
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
Tommy, thanks for the laugh!!! :rofl:
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
We live in a Democratic Republic not a communist dictatorship. What would you have Joe do about Texas?
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?

They are free to move, or take a day trip into an adjoining state.
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
“I know Biden is a complete failure and bad for America but I still hate Drummmmmpf mooooore!”
I agree. I read his post and LMAO. Good Lord.
A rare sliver of sanity from a totally useless waste of skin. But still, I'm not partisan enough to begrudge
credit to someone on the rare occasion he happens to be right.

A sign of the coming apocalypse, perhaps?
I do not make this statement lightly. I despise trump and all his fake Christian, fake Conservative cult followers. They really should dig a big pit and throw them all in it.

But recent events have shown how incompetent Biden really is.. How can a so called leader turn his back on so many helpless Americans ? It beggars belief.

Every night we go to bed hearing the screams of the poor victims. Mainly women. People who have, over the course of many years, come to think of America as their friend and protector.

People led to believe in human rights and a life lived in mutual respect.A state that was free from the interference and cruelty of self appointed religious extremists. Crackpots who don a robe of respectability in order to dictate every facet of the way we live our lives.

And here we are today. Biden has abandoned them to a brutal and savage foe.Its an act of betrayal that will scream down the centuries and stand as a blot on the trusty stars and stripes.

And its on you Joe Biden. You are the guilty party in all of this. God is watching and he sees you and your inactivity.

It isnt like you were unaware that this was going to happen. They had made their plans obvious for some time. Did you think that they would come to their senses ? Are you that stupid ?

How could you be so useless in protecting the poor and oppressed women of Texas as they face a cruel and despotic regime ?
Well, you got one thing right: Biden is incompetent.
We live in a Democratic Republic not a communist dictatorship. What would you have Joe do about Texas?
The free and luxurious blue cities where many women are treated like shit by their own mainly because of permanent Prog Poverty agendas is never talked about.

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