Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Lol hold on. Let’s back up. Trump did a “long list of actions” BEFORE it got to 15 deaths? I mean first of all he didn’t, but even if he did, wow what a waste of time that was. He couldn’t even prevent 15 deaths? They would be made all the more useless by the death toll still climbing after that lol
Death toll is STILL climbing. More deaths on China Joe's watch than on Trumps......with vaccines.
Death toll is STILL climbing. More deaths on China Joe's watch than on Trumps......with vaccines.
Oh gee yeah there would be a higher death toll under Biden because, uh, time went by? Gee who would have thought that. Biden should have ended the death toll day one! What was we thinking?!

I love how you just change the subject. You can’t even be an adult and admit: “yeah it was pretty pathetic Trump couldn’t keep the death toll rising at just 15 people.”
Oh gee yeah there would be a higher death toll under Biden because, uh, time went by? Gee who would have thought that. Biden should have ended the death toll day one! What was we thinking?!

I love how you just change the subject. You can’t even be an adult and admit: “yeah it was pretty pathetic Trump couldn’t keep the death toll rising at just 15 people.”
YOU brought up a climbing death toll, Moron. Still climbing, daily.

Did any country keep their death toll at just 15 people? No? Then STFU.
YOU brought up a climbing death toll, Moron. Still climbing, daily.

Did any country keep their death toll at just 15 people? No? Then STFU.
Uh no I’m specifically talking about the death toll when it was incredibly low. Thanks to Trump our death toll got to the 100,000’s.
I guess you expect the left to get pissed when we hear that retarded phrase but really we find it too juvenile and stupid to care.
kinda like intelligent people. viewed the impeachment attempts.


drink bleach

long list here.
The economy is historically better under democrats:

Let's see...Barry gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...and now Joe Biden is giving us the worst inflation in thirty years with more on the way. Some history, Billy! (eye roll)

U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak
He didn’t send them away. Your article says there were 14 persons still there.
Let's see...Barry gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...and now Joe Biden is giving us the worst inflation in thirty years with more on the way. Some history, Billy! (eye roll)
Bush gave us the worst recession. These kinds of issues have connections between them.
So your position Trump should have stopped US deaths at 15 makes sense to you? :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
Hell, even if he failed, he could have at least stopped the spread in the 100,000’s. Our death rate became an international joke in comparison.
Hell, even if he failed, he could have at least stopped the spread in the 100,000’s. Our death rate became an international joke in comparison.
Really? How? Be specific.

Then call Veggie Joe with your plan cuz he has more blood on his hands.
Bush warned about the housing crisis as far back as 2001. Dimtards like Bawney Fwank dismissed him.
Dems intentionally crashed the economy just to win the 2008 election. People don't realize how low Dems will stoop to regain power. They didn't give a shit about the people and financial wreckage, all that mattered was getting control of Congress and the White House.

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