Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Under Trump they had alternatives such as REITs and Bond funds as rates were rising. Not so any more. Once rates begin to increase and RE stabilizes we may better judge the market.
As soon as bond rates started increasing, Trump’s economy started sputtering.

But according to his supporters, it was the best economy ever.
WTF are you babbling about, Moron? Try to make some sense for once.
Like in school vs remote learning, face to face has a lot more impact. And Trump gave up the ability to just walk down the hall to talk to the global pandemic team.

Their importance was demoted by being shuffled out of the building.
As soon as bond rates started increasing, Trump’s economy started sputtering.

But according to his supporters, it was the best economy ever.
Stop paying for irresponsible ways. But you can't do that.
My parents got the stimulus. They do not need the money. Pretty wealthy. My dad was angry. Gave it to their grandchildren. There was waste there too,..
I’m sure that small amount of money really affected the program as a whole.

As compared to PPP which pushed the money into a VERY small part of the population.
Yep. It was useless.

Now, can you explain what you would have done differently?




I would start by listening to my expert advisors. I would weigh those options instead of pulling shit from my ass. Specifically I would have actually done something when the death toll was only at 15. Containment probably would have gone a long way. That was a milestone in case you forgot. All Trump said was that the virus would suddenly stop spreading after that. How? He had no idea. Obviously no one believed him.
Link please. Show that they were there under BHO and that Trump sent them away.

U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak
Taken the pandemic seriously, instead of "played it down".

You ran out of toilet paper anyway.

Wired how Trump was supposed to do stuff.

Xidenland had one year to observe "mistakes".

Lifted restrictions in May when one year earlier (seasonal) there were half the cases.

More deaths one Biden's watch & more cases.

So a MFer has to ask the left the questions, WTF was Trump supposed to do and why is Xiden doing worse despite being left behind their magic shot and what was supposedly one year of experience that Trump never had?

Fucking leftists don't think rationally, at all. Since when does personal feelings (technically desires) ring more true than rational thought & honesty?

Let's Go Brandon!

It's not code for fuck you Biden BTW, it means fuck you leftists & your establishment, same with fuck you Biden. Xiden is elderly, has dementia and was always just a used car salesman anyway. He's a puppet, "everyone" knows that, even leftists can't miss it beyond the most ignorant.

Let's go Brandon!
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Like in school vs remote learning, face to face has a lot more impact. And Trump gave up the ability to just walk down the hall to talk to the global pandemic team.

Their importance was demoted by being shuffled out of the building.
You really are scrambling, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg:
Under Obama we had three times as many experts monitoring what was happening in China.

I would start by listening to my expert advisors. I would weigh those options instead of pulling shit from my ass. Specifically I would have actually done something when the death toll was only at 15. Containment probably would have gone a long way. That was a milestone in case you forgot. All Trump said was that the virus would suddenly stop spreading after that. How? He had no idea. Obviously no one believed him.
I provided the long list of actions taken well before there were 15 deaths, so once again you are full of shit.

He was listening to his experts. Don't you recall the daily pressers with them?

U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak
So you are saying the China Flu came from the Wuhan lab?
You really are scrambling, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump cut 2/3rds of the staff we had to keep an eye on what was happening in China. He also moved the office responsible for monitoring what was happening there, merging them with the folks keeping an eye on nukes, instead of viruses.
I provided the long list of actions taken well before there were 15 deaths, so once again you are full of shit.

He was listening to his experts. Don't you recall the daily pressers with them?
Lol hold on. Let’s back up. Trump did a “long list of actions” BEFORE it got to 15 deaths? I mean first of all he didn’t, but even if he did, wow what a waste of time that was. He couldn’t even prevent 15 deaths? They would be made all the more useless by the death toll still climbing after that lol
I provided the long list of actions taken well before there were 15 deaths, so once again you are full of shit.

He was listening to his experts. Don't you recall the daily pressers with them?
Except nothing in those lists from january or febuary were "preparedness".

U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak
Your link doesn't show any Americans were at Wuhan.

Also, from your link:

“There are many factors that go into decisions around staffing,” the CDC said in a statement.

Some health experts were skeptical that more CDC employees operating inside China would have made a difference in stemming the outbreak. Beijing has been widely criticized for silencing its own public health officials who warned of a deadly new respiratory disease emanating from the Chinese city of Wuhan and surrounding Hubei province.

“The problem was China, not that we didn’t have CDC people in China,” said Scott McNabb, a former CDC epidemiologist who is now a research professor with Emory University. He pointed to China’s censorship as the main culprit in the spread of the pandemic, which has infected at least 435,470 people worldwide, killed 19,598 and upended the global economy.

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