Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Democrats pump the economy with inflation, and then Republicans have to pay for it.

We are reminded how everything you post is a lie.
Beat me to it though in reality I have stopped trying to reason with children.
S&P measures its point system on dollar units. Purchasing power of the average American gone down by a full 30% in the past 6 months. The inflated numbers the S&P is touting right now are just that inflated numbers. Points look great until you translate them back into real spending power then they look pretty bad. But let them stand atop their pile of manure waving a victory flag eventually they will sink into the manure and the s*** will cover them up.
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That's because Trump did nothing to prepare the country when he found out how serious it was on January 28th.
Once again your story changes when your lies are exposed. You claimed if a memo was declassified social distancing would have happened months earlier.

And do you want me to post the list of things Trump did once again just to humiliate you even more?
We didn't have the global Internet in 1918 LOL. If people knew what was coming it would have.
People didn't need the internet to know abut the Spanish flu. It was effecting most of the world. And of course it wasn't "played down"

COVID-19 deaths in U.S. surpass 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic

BTW: common knowledge, no link needed by the rules.
Trump could have walked down the hall and asked the white house office in charge of pandemics for advice, but it was no longer in the white house.
If only there was a way for people to talk to each other in 2020 when they aren't in the same room.
Just think of how much worse it would be if Biden hadn’t passed stimulus to get money in peoples hands to deal with inflation.
??? It is about to get a lot worse with the cold weather here. So you support that stimulus but not the one that allowed people to keep their jobs? interesting.
People didn't need the internet to know abut the Spanish flu. It was effecting most of the world. And of course it wasn't "played down"

COVID-19 deaths in U.S. surpass 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic

BTW: common knowledge, no link needed by the rules.
You were there? LOL

Messaging wasn't as fast back then it was 100 years ago. Most didn't have phones.
Once again your story changes when your lies are exposed. You claimed if a memo was declassified social distancing would have happened months earlier.

And do you want me to post the list of things Trump did once again just to humiliate you even more?
I just keep telling them they'll have plenty of time between 24 and 28 to b**** at Trump. He's coming back and he's going to get reelected.
Just think of how much worse it would be if Biden hadn’t passed stimulus to get money in peoples hands to deal with inflation.
Besides energy prices the main driver of inflation right now is the absorption of two trillion additional ghost units into the existing wealth aggregate.
Yes we handed people a lot of money but then we turned around and raised the prices on everything to take the money right back from them again.
Any illusion of being better off will wear off pretty quickly.
You mean like how they exalted Trump for big returns on the market.

But when it's returns under Biden, it's bad.
I explained that under Trump rates weren't at record lows. I ask you again if you're a fund manager where would you invest pension and 401k monies? What are your alternatives with rates at record lows and RE in flux due to the pandemic.
I did, but much of that was because of Trump’s uselessness. My god how many times did that guy golf again?! What an orange sack of shit he was.
What part of the economy did Trump shut down?
Once again your story changes when your lies are exposed. You claimed if a memo was declassified social distancing would have happened months earlier.
Absolutely. The virulent airborne transmission Trump was told about on January 28th (and probably in December too) would have immediately stopped other people from saying it was safe to gather in groups.
Absolutely. The virulent airborne transmission Trump was told about on January 28th (and probably in December too) would have immediately stopped other people from saying it was safe to gather in groups.
Like when Cuomo told people to come to NY, and Nazi Pelousy went to Chinatown at crowed about it being open?
I’m sorry what’s your point? Your point is that Trump didn’t deliberately shut down the economy?
My point has been made. You have nothing of substance to show Trump was responsible for the downturn.

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