Biden has no credibility thus no leadership ability

Trumpybear was handed a thriving economy. Made peace deals with countries who were not at war, was given a winning hand in the war against ISIS and surrendered to the Taliban letting them get away with meeting hardly any of the benchamarks, while the Trumpyone exceeded our benchmark by trying to remove all our troops by Jan 15, 2021.

What a doofus you guys put in charge.
He was certainly lucky to be handed a GOP Congress, that was able to stop a lot of the bleeding from the Dems, but wages were still stag, the world in total chaos, the largest refugee crisis since WW2..likely only to be done by Xiden, and yes....he got peace deals BEFORE there was war....geez.

hahaha surrendered to the Taliban? That was Xiden in August my friend...that's just silly...Trump left Xiden with a path forward and to peace, but Xiden blew it

ISIS? He was handed ISIS (the JV Team) with a massive caliphate the size of a 2019 he had destroyed the vast majority of their terroritory
Trumpybear was handed a thriving economy. Made peace deals with countries who were not at war, was given a winning hand in the war against ISIS and surrendered to the Taliban letting them get away with meeting hardly any of the benchamarks, while the Trumpyone exceeded our benchmark by trying to remove all our troops by Jan 15, 2021.

What a doofus you guys put in charge.
Obama's economy was stagnant, and that was by design. You should know by now that repeating a lie will never make it the truth. The fraud has proven that.
Obama's economy was stagnant, and that was by design. You should know by now that repeating a lie will never make it the truth. The fraud has proven that.

"President Donald Trump claims credit for the strong economy, saying that he inherited a “disaster” from President Barack Obama and that he “accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.” 1 However, the truth is that by the time he became president, the economy largely had recovered from the Great Recession and was nearing full strength. The question is whether President Trump’s erratic policies will undermine the strong economy he inherited.

Obama was handed an economic catastrophe—and prevented an even greater meltdown When Barack Obama became president in 2009, the economy was experiencing what former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke called “the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression.” In the last quarter of 2008, real GDP plummeted 8.4 percent and the economy hemorrhaged more than 1.9 million jobs.

Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats took strong action to rescue the economy, including implementing the stimulus, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), financial reform and the auto bailout. In addition, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and took extraordinary measures to boost growth. Research by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi found that without this multi-faceted response, the recession would have lasted twice as long, job losses would have been twice as high and the drop in GDP would have been more than three times worse.

Trump inherited a strong economy that got stronger"

"President Donald Trump claims credit for the strong economy, saying that he inherited a “disaster” from President Barack Obama and that he “accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.” 1 However, the truth is that by the time he became president, the economy largely had recovered from the Great Recession and was nearing full strength. The question is whether President Trump’s erratic policies will undermine the strong economy he inherited.

Obama was handed an economic catastrophe—and prevented an even greater meltdown When Barack Obama became president in 2009, the economy was experiencing what former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke called “the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression.” In the last quarter of 2008, real GDP plummeted 8.4 percent and the economy hemorrhaged more than 1.9 million jobs.

Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats took strong action to rescue the economy, including implementing the stimulus, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), financial reform and the auto bailout. In addition, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and took extraordinary measures to boost growth. Research by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi found that without this multi-faceted response, the recession would have lasted twice as long, job losses would have been twice as high and the drop in GDP would have been more than three times worse.

Trump inherited a strong economy that got stronger"

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Obama's economy was stagnant, and that was by design. You should know by now that repeating a lie will never make it the truth. The fraud has proven that.

Rig counts were higher than in the previous 44 years.
Your bullshit won't change the fact that Trump is a slimeball who was screwing around on his wife with Stormy. Go run your nose up Trump's ass & ask him if it's true or not.
You people actually get bothered by a President screwing around on his wife? If that is your criteria for slimeball, then Clinton, Johnson, and Kennedy are all slime balls.
Your bullshit won't change the fact that Trump is a slimeball who was screwing around on his wife with Stormy. Go run your nose up Trump's ass & ask him if it's true or not.
Lewinsky or stormy, you choose.

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