Biden: "I'm Not Gonna Raise Your Taxes"...

Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
How did families own homes before 1938?

A $4,000 home?
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Maybe colleges should fire their Directors of Lesbian diversity making $180,000 a year along with their supporting staff if you’re worried about tuition cost.
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
How did families own homes before 1938?

A $4,000 home?
Amazing what all those regulations did to costs. Blue States are by far the highest because of over regulation.
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Where did you go to college that you could pay your whole tuition working 3 months at $2.10 an hour?
I worked to put myself through college in the 70's but it sure as hell wasn't at $2.10 an hour! I worked nights as a bartender and summers doing construction and was making five times the minimum wage and I STILL had to take two semesters off to work full time to get the money I needed for school!
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
First off I don't benefit from when they raise taxes------I just pay more and the government uses my money to encourage more poltiical corruption, more welfare, and more waste.

Secondly, the poor also don't benefit from raised taxes---because when you get a government in who likes to raise taxes so they can profit--they raise taxes on everything like New york does---from cigarettes, to gas, to sugary drinks which affects the poor. If raising taxes "to help everyone" worked socialist countries and bananna republics wouldn't be shitholes.
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
First off I don't benefit from when they raise taxes------I just pay more and the government uses my money to encourage more poltiical corruption, more welfare, and more waste.

Secondly, the poor also don't benefit from raised taxes---because when you get a government in who likes to raise taxes so they can profit--they raise taxes on everything like New york does---from cigarettes, to gas, to sugary drinks which affects the poor. If raising taxes "to help everyone" worked socialist countries and bananna republics wouldn't be shitholes.
Don’t worry. After Democrats get to the 100% mark of how much they take from you they won’t raise taxes more.
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Maybe colleges should fire their Directors of Lesbian diversity making $180,000 a year along with their supporting staff if you’re worried about tuition cost.
Typical Know Nothing Conservative response.

The most popular major in our Colleges is Business with Education and Healthcare following
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Where did you go to college that you could pay your whole tuition working 3 months at $2.10 an hour?
I worked to put myself through college in the 70's but it sure as hell wasn't at $2.10 an hour! I worked nights as a bartender and summers doing construction and was making five times the minimum wage and I STILL had to take two semesters off to work full time to get the money I needed for school!
I was in the SUNY system in New York. I paid $650 a year tuition in 1974. That $2.10 an hour paid my tuition and room ($350)
What a business owner chooses to do with a tax cut has no bearing on what they will do with a tax increase.

You can take that one to the bank

Cut their taxes and they will pocket the extra profit
Return taxes to where they were before and they will whine that they need to now raise prices

Are you that fricken stupid? Reduce their taxes and they will improve their businesses or hire additional workers. Increase their taxes and they'll pass the cost on the the consumer, reduce headcount or close up....dumbass.

The basic laws of nature and economics just don't fit into the tiny brains of left wingers...which is why everything they touch turns to crap....
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Where did you go to college that you could pay your whole tuition working 3 months at $2.10 an hour?
I worked to put myself through college in the 70's but it sure as hell wasn't at $2.10 an hour! I worked nights as a bartender and summers doing construction and was making five times the minimum wage and I STILL had to take two semesters off to work full time to get the money I needed for school!
I was in the SUNY system in New York. I paid $650 a year tuition in 1974. That $2.10 an hour paid my tuition and room ($350)

Then the left wing got control of the system, they got the government involved in the loans and colleges started to accelerate the cost of tuition....
Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.

"Everyone benefit from other people taxes."

I'll ask you the same question that's been asked of your illustrious Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Tax and Spend other peoples money leaders which they have NEVER answered. Let's see if YOU have the ability to answer it. How much is enough? Is It enough to take 40% of every dollar a person earns? Is 50% Enough? Is 60% Enough? Maybe 70% of EVERYTHING YOU MAKE should be taken from what you EARN to "benefit other people" Whats the number? I know you won't answer the question directly. NO pie in the sky, simple minded Utopian dreaming Liberal ever will or can. All you ever want is the fantasy end result with absolutely no idea of how to possibly get there.
When do you take ENOUGH of what a person EARNS through hard work to give to someone else before it becomes TOO much and they stop working? How much is TOO much before people stop working and just kick back and say enough, and then they themselves start sucking off the system? And when that happens, where is the money going to come from to "benefit" "other people" when more people are sucking money out then are putting money in? Grow up and get a clue how economics work.

IWant It Now GIF - IWantIt Now CharleyAndTheChocolateFactory GIFs
How unauthorized immigrants pay their taxes
There are two ways undocumented immigrants pay taxes. First, they pay federal taxes using fake Social Security numbers on their W-2 forms.

Second, some file income tax returns each year with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), created by the IRS in 1996 so people who aren’t allowed to work in the United States could still file taxes on any income they earned.

Workers who get a paycheck still have payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security withheld from their paycheck, even if they put a fake Social Security number on their W-2 form. The IRS estimates that unauthorized workers pay about $9 billion in payroll taxes annually.

Thank the illegal that pays payroll taxes,

Tramp and the rich get out of it yearly.
Those are not FAKE SSNs, they are STOLEN SSNs, doofus.
Long-term capital gains
If you can manage to hold your assets for longer than a year, you can benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits.

  • For 2019, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20% for most taxpayers.
  • If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15%, you could qualify for the 0% long-term capital gains rate.
  • For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate.

Yes, long term capital gains are lower than short-term. The only issue I see is that very wealthy folks, meaning ones that are living off their daddy's trust funds, can pay less in tax(vs regular income tax rates) by selling stocks they have owned more than one year. I personally don't have a problem with this. These folks take money out to spend and invest. I don't envy them, but rather strive to get to that point myself. The left envies them all the while living in their parent's basement until they are 35.
Things happen such as medical bankruptcy, most people do not want to live in their parents basements. Perhaps you tell me how someone , 2 making 10 bucks and hour can live in the US, not without the ACA. That is why the rich are yelling about the ACA.

---------------------------------------------That would be 41,600 for two people working 40 hours a week for 52 wks. Also with child care, children and the cost of kids, rent or mortgage, food, utilities, etc,

NOT in the USA.

They shouldn't be making $10 an hour because they do not have any skills other than working fast food. They should not have children they cannot afford. They can't buy a house on those wages. Their utilities would not be so high if they did not live in a cold climate like you do. Those people have choices.

Low skilled workers used to be able to support a family, provide a home, send their kids to school......all without public assistance.

But with a minimum wage frozen for over a decade, stagnant wage increases, no benefits........they have to rely on Government to make up the difference.
You think minimum wage workers were able to support a family, provide a home and send their kids to school a decade ago? Are you really that stupid?

A decade?
Try 40 years ago

I used to make a minimum wage of $2.10 in the 70s.
On that minimum wage I could pay my whole College tuition working just three months. You could buy a brand new car working just six months. You could rent an apartment

You could get started in life on that wage.....Now all you can do is get started on debt
Maybe colleges should fire their Directors of Lesbian diversity making $180,000 a year along with their supporting staff if you’re worried about tuition cost.
Typical Know Nothing Conservative response.

The most popular major in our Colleges is Business with Education and Healthcare following
What’s that have to do with colleges making students pay for Directors of Lesbian Diversity making $180K and their staff?
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Upper Middle Class paid the price for the SALT cap

It was a way to punish Blue States

Hey you lying Dem scumbags keep telling us you want to raise taxes on the wealthy, Trump does and you bitch and complain.
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Upper Middle Class paid the price for the SALT cap

It was a way to punish Blue States

Hey you lying Dem scumbags keep telling us you want to raise taxes on the wealthy, Trump does and you bitch and complain.

Coulda fooled me

What part of cutting top level tax rates constitutes raising?
How unauthorized immigrants pay their taxes
There are two ways undocumented immigrants pay taxes. First, they pay federal taxes using fake Social Security numbers on their W-2 forms.

Second, some file income tax returns each year with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), created by the IRS in 1996 so people who aren’t allowed to work in the United States could still file taxes on any income they earned.

Workers who get a paycheck still have payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security withheld from their paycheck, even if they put a fake Social Security number on their W-2 form. The IRS estimates that unauthorized workers pay about $9 billion in payroll taxes annually.

Thank the illegal that pays payroll taxes,

Tramp and the rich get out of it yearly.
Those are not FAKE SSNs, they are STOLEN SSNs, doofus.
So they are contributing to Social Security without drawing benefits
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Upper Middle Class paid the price for the SALT cap

It was a way to punish Blue States

Hey you lying Dem scumbags keep telling us you want to raise taxes on the wealthy, Trump does and you bitch and complain.

Coulda fooled me

What part of cutting top level tax rates constitutes raising?

Eliminating Trump tax cuts constitutes raising...dumbass.
Pelosi has vowed to get rid of Trump's tax on the wealthy, the SALT cap. The exact opposite of the Dem narrative on taxing the 'rich'. Dems are lying and talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Upper Middle Class paid the price for the SALT cap

It was a way to punish Blue States

Hey you lying Dem scumbags keep telling us you want to raise taxes on the wealthy, Trump does and you bitch and complain.

Coulda fooled me

What part of cutting top level tax rates constitutes raising?

Eliminating Trump tax cuts constitutes raising...dumbass.


The statement was Trump raised me
Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?

What this country desperately needs is to abandon Supply Side Economics and return to a society that rewards working class citizens and supports the needy.
Your socialist wet dream will never achieve that

We can start by rolling back tax cuts for business and the wealthy as well as beefing up Obamacare and support of higher education.
Can't afford it, not enough money.....even with taxing the hell out of the middle class.
But, there's always a printing press, we can just keep printing funny money.
Because what this country desperately needs is more federal taxes and more central gov't, eh Comrade Winger?

What this country desperately needs is to abandon Supply Side Economics and return to a society that rewards working class citizens and supports the needy.
Your socialist wet dream will never achieve that

We can start by rolling back tax cuts for business and the wealthy as well as beefing up Obamacare and support of higher education.
Can't afford it, not enough money.....even with taxing the hell out of the middle class.
But, there's always a printing press, we can just keep printing funny money.

We were able to afford a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires
Beefing up Obamacare will include a public option

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