Biden invokes Production act for Solar Panels....ends tarrifs.....the solar panels from communist China...he gets his 10%...

Tater fits every synonym....It's uncanny.

I don't see where he has the authority to end the tariffs.

And what exactly does he thinks these actions will prove? Fucking dumbass and his fucking dumbass advisers.
How much money is the biden family making off of this deal?

Hunter Biden's fat cat investment deal with the Chicoms included solar investments.

The Biden family is going to make a killing.

Instead of importing those worthless solar panels Potatohead should be undoing all the crazy shit he did to screw up oil production and we can return to independence like it was under Trump.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.
I don't see where he has the authority to end the tariffs.

And what exactly does he thinks these actions will prove? Fucking dumbass and his fucking dumbass advisers.

It will prove that his bank account is growing....
And notice the obsession with heat pumps in what he's doing. They're doing the same thing in Britain, trying to con people into buying heat pumps and ger rid of their existing HVAC systems.

So tax gimmicks for heat pumps, more wasted tax dollars, to convince people who have perfectly good HVAC systems. And what about colder climates where a hat pump isn't a good choice or people who have radiant heat and don't have ducts?

All of this is aimed at the non-existent AGW. But someone is making money, just look at all the failed Øbama soar panel companies that got big bucks and most of them went belly up. Where'd the billion go?
BTW The tariffs are not waived for China.

From the link in the OP:

But Biden also waived tariffs for two years for four Southwest Asian countries: Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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